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Newbie Story

Aug 29, 2009 at 12:53 AM
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its possible to get stuck in the balrog city if ya don't pick up the polar star.
Aug 29, 2009 at 1:29 AM
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I know but When the next or next few versions come im gonna make blocks near the door and dissapear when you get the weapon you need to
Aug 29, 2009 at 3:31 AM
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Aug 29, 2009 at 4:30 AM
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when you load the room before balrog city, you're stuck in a blck and can go to either side of it. if you go to the left, you can go up to santa and get lots of +7 lifes aand can't get into the balrog area.
think the brogs are also impossible, cuz they stop you in place
Aug 29, 2009 at 5:15 AM
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The rogs arent impossible i've passed it a few times an ill fix the first problem by moving the save and checking that +7 thing I have one question though how do you make it so that it goes to a different event if you have a certain weapon?
Because on rest stop 3 you can keep talking to balrog for more +50 ammo and i want it so that if you already have the spur it goes to anonther event how do i do that?
Aug 29, 2009 at 11:32 PM
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Aug 29, 2009 at 11:56 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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For some reason it doesnt do anything

<PRI<MSG<FAC0023*Sigh* again?<NOD
<FAC0023Look I mugged her<NOD
<FAC0023She's in that cage<NOD
<FAC0023Up there<NOD
<FAC0023Have it back..<NOD<AM+0002:0000<AM+0013:0050<IT+0031<NOD
<FAC0023The spur's a little<NOD
<FAC0023damaged though<NOD
<PRI<MSGI'm getting tired of helping you.<NOD<END
Aug 30, 2009 at 12:01 AM
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ya want the parameters the other way around.
so <AMJ0013:0114 instead of <AMJ0114:0013
Aug 30, 2009 at 12:57 AM
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Aug 30, 2009 at 1:21 AM
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no problem man
Aug 30, 2009 at 2:11 AM
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Yeah it works now

I have a question though should i update as frequently as i do now or wait a while for a lot new content?
Aug 30, 2009 at 4:07 AM
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I personally prefer lots of quick releases, other people like more content.
it's all your decision in the end tho.
Aug 30, 2009 at 4:43 PM
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Im not sure i like quick releases though because people might get bored of the mod

while builing up content wont because there'll be suprises and stuffz
Aug 30, 2009 at 4:45 PM
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you could do medium releases.
that'd be crazy!
Aug 31, 2009 at 1:40 PM
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Real men use slow-release moduliser.

Notes as of v1.2: Possible Spoilers?
-Having a save point at the start and in Sky Walk is unnecessary considering that there's nothing to fight before that. I'd say remove the first one in the starting room.
-Getting the Polar Star shows the I.D. Tag graphic and freezes input for a few seconds. No music plays, if that's what's meant to happen.
-It seems like that area with the Mannans is meant for exp because it's so easy to just jump over it all. If that's the case, the save point there is kind of needless as well... in fact, it'd probably be fine if just that one in the area with Santa was left out of the first four. There's nothing in that first part that's too hard or slow.
-The event near the start of the next room causes you to fall straight into the Balrog's grasp... setting up the glitch where multiple Balrogs just keep grabbing you over and over. I figured out how to get past it, but you can't really have that many Balrogs in one space without it getting glitchy.
-Ah, this is more like it! Jumping areas and tactical Snake usage! Nothing too special, but it's a good start.
-Jenka auto-saves?!? Trickyyy...
- <3 Balrog. However, if you talk to him more than once, he'll add on 50 Spur ammo each time... and I didn't even take the Spur :rolleyes:
-Again, needless save points... and with the ammo refill and that room it's possible to just head back and refill the Spur rather than use it tactfully. More glitchy Balrog hi jinx ensue... Since the ones at the side detect you the moment you enter the level, they all just run right and fall into the pit, and the ones at the top get blocked by the gravestone. Maybe set up blocks that disappear when you get closer to them?
-This is another cleverly-designed little area (the water one), but again I don't think it needs two saves in the one room. Most of the upper-right side is useless though because after getting onto the first ledge there's no reason to go right. It's also possible to jump out of the top of the level. The door here doesn't work so I'm assuming this is the end for now.

Basically: Fewer save points, less Balrog clusterrape, and clean up the TSC a bit. I know you're familiar with h/v triggers from how the doors get blocked off, so setting up some blocks that disappear shouldn't be too hard; or better yet, only have the entities appear when you get near them, so that they don't make the running noise constantly. The doors are a bit buggy (opening/closing/script running) but they all seem to work fine. Parts of the level design could use some work too, in terms of having areas that aren't needed/don't function well. This was still pretty fun, and has some very clever parts, but I haven't actually encountered a mod yet that wasn't pretty fun D: Hope all of that can be helpful somehow, I'm pretty tired just now x_x
Sep 9, 2009 at 4:25 AM
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I will clean up the save points eventually most of them are just for my testing needs

I'll htink about the balrogs apearring when you get near them I dont think i'm skilled enough to do that yet but if i could i will

besides that i dont know how the doors get so glitchy and after the water room and the room after that the graphics get quit a bit new theres a chance it might hurt your eyes though and if it does i'll change it *A black and white checkered background* here's a peek
Sep 9, 2009 at 6:20 AM
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Woah, cool, but uh, try using grammar, I had difficulty trying to understand what you just said.

Very fun mod, though, its like a mini-map challenge game.
Sep 17, 2009 at 2:44 AM
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Thanks and I'm adding in cutscenes
Sep 17, 2009 at 3:53 AM
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Apr 16, 2010 at 1:11 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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I'm going to pick up Newbie story again though I forgot which editor I used and most of my little coding skills.
To answer some questions I'm going to go for some story starting when you get to the checkered area I'm thinking about redesigning the character.
I also want to know how to fix some of the doors' graphic problems anyone know?
Because on the bottom half of most doors there something else (e.g.White block sand dragons head)
I'll be using boot's complete modders guide