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Jul 13, 2009 at 1:48 PM
The Bucket Fairy
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Jun 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
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Know this thread's REALLY old, but still got some:
<lame stickman> "Hi. I'm the smartest one around."
<fireworks> "Is this all for ME? Yay!"
<a closed door> "I'm NOT evil... Yet..."
<snow, Quote laying on it> "Okay. What's it THIS time? Oh, it's wa*zzzap* *boom*"
Jun 24, 2010 at 7:48 PM
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I guess I may as well do this... I'll edit in the sprites later.

<8-bit Megaman> Rock and Roll!
<Ness ala Earthbound> Rockin Roll

<8-bit BlackMage> All will pay/ Firajaraga
<Harvest Moon Charecter, using Axe> Well he's a lumberjack and he's ok...
Jun 24, 2010 at 10:43 PM
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
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explosive said:

I guess I may as well do this... I'll edit in the sprites later.

<8-bit Megaman> Rock and Roll!
<Ness ala Earthbound> Rockin Roll

<8-bit BlackMage> All will pay/ Firajaraga
<Harvest Moon Charecter, using Axe> Well he's a lumberjack and he's ok...

Go megaman go!
Also, got 'nother one:
<toroko with stick> "Don't you dare post that many!"
<frenzied doctor> "DIE, i mean, GRAAAWWL"
<the old mario> "What'sa going onna 'ere?"
<omochao> "If you don't post more, i'll keep annoying you!"
<nerd on computer> "¥€$, 1 haz w0n!1!!1one"
<quote with big eyes> "Wow... That's big..."
<curly running after quote> "Come here and let me get you!" "NEVER!"
<Darth Vader> "The power of the posts is strong with this one."
<pikachu> "I will keep you connected."
<lazy person, sits behind his desk> "Hah, you will never reach my amount of posts! Not in years."
<jenka's dog> "Look, i am an dog... I mean, woof, i am an dog."
<kazuma behind his computer> "Aw man, even the blue screen of death has more posts..."
<a big, silver 500> "Yay. I'm big and silver, and don't say anything, except a thing..." -for 500 posts.

Well, that's all folks.
Jun 24, 2010 at 11:45 PM
Creating A Legacy...
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Curly - "Those My Pants?"
Ballrog - "Huzzzah!!!"
Hermit Gunsmith Asleep - "Alright This Sh*t's Just Getting Boring"
Tails The Fox - "I Did It All On My Own!"
Misery - "You Really Are A Tenacious One I'll Grant You That"
Jun 25, 2010 at 3:52 AM
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Pretty sure it'll never get changed.
But it's kinda cute that you guys are suggesting things.
Jun 25, 2010 at 4:24 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Noxid said:
Pretty sure it'll never get changed.
But it's kinda cute that you guys are suggesting things.

The fact that they're suggesting, not their actual suggestions, right?
Jun 25, 2010 at 10:26 AM
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Well, I dunno. I like the idea of a Mega Man one, but it could have a better quote than "rock and roll". I could think of a bunch more, too, but I don't know if they'd be any better, though honestly I don't think half the ones we already have are that great, lol.

I'd rathered if the last one had been one of the Wise Men from CT rather than just a Nu... the quote itself is from one of them, Balthazar I'm almost certain, and his sprite is about a million times less annoying!
Jun 25, 2010 at 6:57 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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You people need to realize that this thread died a long, long time ago. None of your new suggestions are going to be used, even if they were funny.
Jun 25, 2010 at 7:35 PM
Creating A Legacy...
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Sep 6, 2009
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you need to realize people are just having fun, ANd you need to realize im not really hating you or getting angry :p
Jun 25, 2010 at 9:52 PM
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JetHawk95 said:
you need to realize people are just having fun, ANd you need to realize im not really hating you or getting angry :p

Hawk of jets, he was right man...
Jun 25, 2010 at 9:57 PM
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
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JetHawk95 said:
you need to realize people are just having fun, ANd you need to realize im not really hating you or getting angry :p

You said it man!
Jun 25, 2010 at 10:14 PM
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Has anyone done 3000 yet? because i was thinking
(enraged sue spinning) Damn red crystal!
Jun 27, 2010 at 11:59 PM
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
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I haz moar:
<walking quote> "Well, walking is fun, except you walk on place..."
<sue, walking towards text> "I wonder how long i can walk on before hitting my text message..."
Sep 29, 2010 at 12:57 PM
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Maybe something on Balrog getting owned, if we took the gif where he drops in and edit it so that right when he hits the ground, Quote owns him with the spur. I've gotta think of a caption though.
Nov 2, 2010 at 7:43 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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(Balrog) 'I'll Be Back'
(Balfrog) 'I'm Back And Slimy-er Then Ever!'
(Quote) 'Just As I Imagined It'
(TV/Game) 'I'm Not Addicted!'
(Santa Dressed As Santa Claus) 'What, My Name Is Santa'
(Gaudi) ' G'Day'
(Invisible Person) '....'
Nov 2, 2010 at 7:47 PM
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"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Thanks for bumping!
Nov 6, 2010 at 2:21 PM
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Since stuff happened, entrance to button named after something i am doing right now is opened! So here's mine!
<arse> "Now let's use this as reply button, shall we? Hehehe..."

Merlinoboy said:
<Darth Vader> "The power of the posts is strong with this one."

This one is good, me thinks! Yeah, I kinda love star wars...