Dec 11, 2007 at 6:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
Kageryushin said:I’ve witnessed you entering a Topic solely for the purpose of chastising someone for using the term “game” instead of “Mod” even though what he meant was very clear.
It's stated everywhere in my thread, that it's only a mod, there are many people who made mods as "sequels" and "prequels" they just didn't name their mod "Cave Story 2" or 3 or 4 or whatever.
Calling your mod a game is a different thing, aslong as people see that my mod is "only a mod" noone should think that it is a official game.
Kageryushin said:Actually, that's not entirely true. There's most definitely a chance. It's been said that with a fanbase as big as Cave Story's it's inevitable that something official will pop up eventually, but not anytime soon. Regardless of the fact that there isn‘t a genuine sequel in clear view at the moment, my point still stands.
Pixel said often enough, that there will not be a sequel.
andwhyisit said:I was correcting people who said "her" with "him" until Befekel posted this in your own thread:
You could have diffused the situation long ago. Congrats, everyone thinks you're a female because you didn't correct them.
The first time I saw this, was when I was visiting my gf on holiday (tadashi is actually her brother), I just forget about it then I saw that "gender" thread and I was posting there.
If you really want, to call me "her" or "she" go with it. But if someone says I'm faking my gender, just because you guys are too lazy, I'll get somekinda angry