Aug 23, 2007 at 2:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 24, 2006
Posts: 1926
Age: 32
And who reduced this to 4 starz
andwhyisit said:I meant the navigation bar
Is it possible for you to translate these words into japanese (japanese characters would be good):
I'm going to bed now.
Tadashi said:ホーム (Home)
洞窟物語映画の事 (About the Cave Story Movie)
お問い合わせ (Contact)
寄付 (Donation, stolen from Wikipedia)
ダウンロード (Download)
Well, I think the site is about the movie, isn't it?
I think someone hates us, can someone make a 5 star vote to fix this?Roonil Wazlib said:And who reduced this to 4 starz
1. I don't think that there are enough people out there that have read enough of this thread to know that this is going to be an actual movie. I wouldn't blame them though, thats a lot of reading for them to do.Atravir said:
2. Yay, new chapter! On that note, how is the script coming along?
andwhyisit said:Look here, its a work-in-progress site that I am doing for the Cave Story movie.
Oh, I almost forgot. Welcome back Tadashi!
I think someone hates us, can someone make a 5 star vote to fix this?
Look at the upper-right, there should be a link labeled "Rating:" with the number of stars shown below, click on it and choose the option "Excellent" (The one with the five stars) from the drop-down menu.
1. I don't think that there are enough people out there that have read enough of this thread to know that this is going to be an actual movie. I wouldn't blame them though, thats a lot of reading for them to do.
2. Yay, new chapter! On that note, how is the script coming along?
andwhyisit said:1. Raffi's actual name should be raffi, since it is more a name that a mimiga might have. Also, I don't think mimiga's have last names so don't give last names to mimiga's.
2. Ballos should touch the bloodstone, go insane, and let his power free in the flashback in chapter 7 because in the game Ballos killed everyone because he could not control his power, so that would have to be because of the bloodstone in the flashback. What would really screw with everyone's heads was if one of the Cthulthu brought him the bloodstone saying that they really wanted to help when they only wanted the power for themselves, which would explain why they have wandered the island ever since, because they are still looking to steal the power that Ballos possesses.
3. Koron should be a name for a young Mimiga, like Puppy is to Dog.
Not at all, the power of the bloodstone overcame the will of Ballos.Atravir said:2. Ballos going insane when he touched the bloodstone takes away the fact that he is actually a good person.
andwhyisit said:Not at all, the power of the bloodstone overcame the will of Ballos.
Why should Atravir make such a change? It would involve him creating a new language, and a backstory as to how Quote got a hat in a wierd language, and for it to have "Curly Brace" written in that language . Pixel already said that "Curly * Brace" is acceptable, and since he wrote everything else in Japanese except for the "CURLY BRACE" part you would assume meant that it was written in english so "Curly * Brace" in english is the current standard. Also, Sue said that the language was not used on the island, which is fair since english is not a language used on the island.Roonil Wazlib said:Just an idea I had, why not change the words on Q's hat as an illegible tongue since this aint earth anyways?
Atravir said:And I voted 5 stars already. Still at four.![]()
It just seemed like the only way to explain such a thing would be to have a time-travel incident and a tea party with Halda, where Quote asked Halda to make him a hat in his wierd language, so Halda killed Quote for being an idiot which screwed with reality since Quote wasn't actually fully in the past but had made a pact with ballos to get reality-screwing time-travel magic for his help with taking over the world, in order to get this wierd language hat. The fabric of reality was then torn apart and the non-existent concept-only hat appeared on the head of another Quote from an alternate dimension. (This is a joke by the way)Atravir said:Finally somebody else understands the art of Lazy!![]()
You are joking... right?Atravir said:That works! I'll put that in!![]()