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Movie script

Aug 17, 2007 at 9:33 PM
Guy with Sword
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andwhyisit said:
Probably because we have had quite a few posts become offtopic of late and we have probably become adjusted to that.

I will try to get back in the correct frame of mind again.

Though it would be good to know how everything will be pronounced in the movie.

I started making that site I mentioned, I know I shouldn't but I'm bored.
Do have any ideas on how you want the layout of the site to be?

Will the paleness of Quote's skin be due to the amount of time he has been lying in a cavern with no sunlight, or that skin colour is not possible due to Quote and Curly not having blood?

The sequel is extremely well done so far, congrats!

In the movie, it's pronounced [MEE-mee-gah].

Quote's skin color will be due to the fact that it is synthetic.

As for web layout, I would say banner up top, navigation on the left, main article in the middle-right. I could design a cave story banner with fanart, I'm sure.

And thanks about the sequel!

EDIT: Here, put this in the website. It only works on IE, though.


200 posts, man! :D
Aug 17, 2007 at 11:17 PM
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Atravir said:
In the movie, it's pronounced [MEE-mee-gah].

Quote's skin color will be due to the fact that it is synthetic.

As for web layout, I would say banner up top, navigation on the left, main article in the middle-right. I could design a cave story banner with fanart, I'm sure.

And thanks about the sequel!

EDIT: Here, put this in the website. It only works on IE, though.


1. Is the mee sounds said together like MIMEE-GAH (I like it this way)? Is there an emphasis on the GAH?

2. Will Misery's colour come back after a while of not being in the caves? On that note, what lights the caves to the point where you can actually see?

3. Sorry I worded that badly. What pages will be linked to on the navigation and what will be the content of those pages? I can't really put in the navigation if I don't know how many pages I'm using or what pages I'm using, but trust me, this site will look awesome. Why did I say layout? I don't need help with the layout, I had that planned already *Bangs head against computer desk Atravir style* Ow, I have already done a banner in flash so no worries.

4. Wait, there's a third chapter up, I'll look at this one too! (EDIT: And a forth, and a fifth)

5. I can have quote walking/jumping across the navigation using flash. p.s. use getElementId instead of document and it will work in firefox, unless there was something else that was IE specific, but at a glace that is the problem.

EDIT: Zeny seems like a rip off of Breath of Fire's Zenny, Is there any other ideas for currency names?
Aug 18, 2007 at 1:36 AM
Guy with Sword
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andwhyisit said:
1. Is the mee sounds said together like MIMEE-GAH (I like it this way)? Is there an emphasis on the GAH?

2. Will Misery's colour come back after a while of not being in the caves? On that note, what lights the caves to the point where you can actually see?

3. Sorry I worded that badly. What pages will be linked to on the navigation and what will be the content of those pages? I can't really put in the navigation if I don't know how many pages I'm using or what pages I'm using, but trust me, this site will look awesome. Why did I say layout? I don't need help with the layout, I had that planned already *Bangs head against computer desk Atravir style* Ow, I have already done a banner in flash so no worries.

4. Wait, there's a third chapter up, I'll look at this one too! (EDIT: And a forth, and a fifth)

5. I can have quote walking/jumping across the navigation using flash. p.s. use getElementId instead of document and it will work in firefox, unless there was something else that was IE specific, but at a glace that is the problem.

EDIT: Zeny seems like a rip off of Breath of Fire's Zenny, Is there any other ideas for currency names?

1. It is pronounced [MEE-MEE-gah] with the emphasis on both 'mee's. The 'mee's are seperated, but both sound the same (not [mi-mee], but [mee-mee])

2. Probably not. She's just evil like that :D . And actually the caves aren't lighted at all, but between Quote's robotic supervision and the Mimigas ability to live and see in caves, it is just portrayed as being light. At least, in the movie that's how it is.

3. Let's see, pages...
Index: Tells the purpose of the site (the movie)
About us: Tells about the various people trying to get this thing to work
Donate: Have a picture of a puppy with big eyes.
Download: see the script (of course, it will have been registered)
Contact: Self explanitory

6. Zeny is actually used in fire emblem, Ragnarok, Pokemon (yes, in the old ones it is), some FF games, and other various games. Zeny is basically generic fiction money.
Aug 18, 2007 at 3:42 AM
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Atravir said:
Index: Tells the purpose of the site (the movie)
About us: Tells about the various people trying to get this thing to work
Donate: Have a picture of a puppy with big eyes.
Download: see the script (of course, it will have been registered)
Contact: Self explanitory

1. Can you write up some text for each of the pages?

2 What is the list so far?

3 Which puppy? Hajime?

4 What did you mean by "it will have been registered"?

5 What are the contact details, and should I include a link to this thread?
Aug 18, 2007 at 4:05 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Atravir said:
Zeny is actually used in fire emblem, Ragnarok, Pokemon (yes, in the old ones it is), some FF games, and other various games. Zeny is basically generic fiction money.

Megaman battle network as well :D

thatsa awesome game if you like megaman the cartoon megaman nt warrior
Aug 18, 2007 at 4:15 AM
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Three things I forgot to ask:
1. What method used for donating?
2. Should we change the name to Support or Contribute or something so that it includes the project's skill requirements so that people can contribute in other ways, or should that be on another page?
3. Just showing the dog's eyes?
Aug 18, 2007 at 4:32 AM
Guy with Sword
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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andwhyisit said:
1. Can you write up some text for each of the pages?
2 What is the list so far?
3 Which puppy? Hajime?
4 What did you mean by "it will have been registered"?
5 What are the contact details, and should I include a link to this thread?

1. What method used for donating?
2. Should we change the name to Support or Contribute or something so that it includes the project's skill requirements so that people can contribute in other ways, or should that be on another page?
3. Just showing the dog's eyes?
Reply With Quote

1.Yes, but let's wait for the actual script to be done.
2.The website list? Same as before.
4.Registered means that although the idea is not legally mine, the script is. This is so someone can't use the script without my permission, or worse yet, register it themselves and sue us for using it. (Yes, it happens- a lot.)
5.most likely mine and your email, as well as anyone else who is helping and yes, a link to this thread.

1.Actually, this poses a problem. To get donations, we need a bank account to get donations online. To get a bank account, I need to be 18. This is what I originally feared with going indie: it's nearly impossible unless you're 18 or you have a parent that's willing to make all forms of legal action for you. Curse you juvenile legal system! Curse you!
2. Read above
3. No, the whole dog. Like this:

Who could resist? :D

Megaman battle network as well :D

thatsa awesome game if you like megaman the cartoon megaman nt warrior
Battle network killed the Megaman series. It took a normally fun and addictive shooting action game and turned it into an RPG. Which would be fine if it weren't megaman.
Aug 18, 2007 at 6:30 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Atravir said:
3. No, the whole dog. Like this:

Who could resist? :D

Atravir said:
Battle network killed the Megaman series. It took a normally fun and addictive shooting action game and turned it into an RPG. Which would be fine if it weren't megaman.

I like both ALOT. but especially megaman zero :D
Aug 18, 2007 at 7:59 AM
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How can anything grow in that place without sunlight, especially grass (grasstown), there needs to be a source of light.

You may need to put together a storyboard to accumpany the script for Plan A.

Atravir said:
Is there anyone who can create or find a super-cute 600 pixel-wide (or more) image of Hajime? (Hajime is one of Jenka's puppies, the one that talks)

XristosX, how did you input that XristosX Uses :D too much thing?

Atravir said:
200 posts, man! :D
1st Place at 325
Mods Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

2nd Place at 236
Mods Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

3rd Place at 234
Mods So I started a hack.

4th Place at 209
Main Movie script <--- WE ARE HERE

5th Place at 200
Mods Legacy Story

6th Place at 112
Mods Want to play my edited game?

7th Place at 95
Mods a mod

8th Place at 88
Main Away

9th Place at 75
Mods Cave Story ~ The Eternal Chaos

10th Place at 73
Mods [Softmints] Corridor

11th Place at 73
Main Spriters need for Online CaveStory.

12th Place at 72
Rom Editing/Hacking Image Edition: (C)Pixel doesn't work!

Sorry for there being 12 places but I felt that Rom Editing/Hacking needed to be somewhere on the list.

This is the site so far, it has no content, all it has is header, footer and nav. When the content to put there is available I will finish it then. Can someone test this in firefox, because something screwed up and no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall firefox on my computer it won't work. I should format my HD but I don't feel like it, so I am stuck with Avant Browser ('cause IE is crap).


Aug 18, 2007 at 1:12 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
andwhyisit said:
XristosX, how did you input that XristosX Uses :D too much thing?

i used :D too much... lol

nah they added that in the preferences or options section in you user CP
which is awesome as because you can change it... my old one default was been here way too long which sounds depressing
Aug 18, 2007 at 1:16 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
works in firefox :D

love the [Insert content and a cute-looking puppy here] :D

EDIT:soz double post, but it makes this threads post count higher :D
Aug 18, 2007 at 4:47 PM
Guy with Sword
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The website is AWESOME! Except that there's nothing in it. Just for that, I'll put in a script excerpt:

Cut to: Other side of Monster X, camera facing it from about 100 feet away, and about twenty feet up. The boy and Curly begin to walk away from the machine. They still talk, and their voices echo throughout the corridor. There is no pause of Curly talking in the next few shots.
Boy: So what do you think it was for?
Curly: I say it was here for security. I mean, with the plasma cannons…
Camera cuts to close up of one of the green lights in the center of the machine
Curly: …and the big machine guns…
The light flashes on
Curly: …and the rocket pods…
Cur to: Mid shot of boy and Curly. They walk and the camera follows from the front.
Curly: …it was probably here to stop anything that tried… to… escape.
Curly says the last three words slower as something clicks in her head. She stops walking, eyes wide. The boy sees this, confused. He stops walking as well.
Boy: What?
Aug 18, 2007 at 9:39 PM
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Atravir said:
The website is AWESOME! Except that there's nothing in it. Just for that, I'll put in a script excerpt:

I just noticed:
You are writing a movie script, so why do you label Quote's lines as "Boy"?
As long as you don't want to make a novelization out of the script, just plainly write the names there.
Aug 19, 2007 at 12:14 AM
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Atravir said:
The website is AWESOME! Except that there's nothing in it. Just for that, I'll put in a script excerpt:
The thing with Quote running/walking around being put as a part of the navigation, was that what you where after?

Atravir said:
Cut to: Other side of Monster X, camera facing it from about 100 feet away, and about twenty feet up. The boy and Curly begin to walk away from the machine. They still talk, and their voices echo throughout the corridor. There is no pause of Curly talking in the next few shots.
Boy: So what do you think it was for?
Curly: I say it was here for security. I mean, with the plasma cannons…
Camera cuts to close up of one of the green lights in the center of the machine
Curly: …and the big machine guns…
The light flashes on
Curly: …and the rocket pods…
Cur to: Mid shot of boy and Curly. They walk and the camera follows from the front.
Curly: …it was probably here to stop anything that tried… to… escape.
Curly says the last three words slower as something clicks in her head. She stops walking, eyes wide. The boy sees this, confused. He stops walking as well.
Boy: What?
And they look around to see Monster X charging after them

You wrote Cur to instead of Cut to from writing Curly's name so often.

Can you make the skydragon more like an actual dragon than what is in the fanart.

xristosx said:
i used :D too much... lol

nah they added that in the preferences or options section in you user CP
which is awesome as because you can change it... my old one default was been here way too long which sounds depressing

I guess I have to wait til' I've been here way too long before I can change it.

I like
"Fly, Fly, Fly!"


and the Ikachan one is cool too!

I hate
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"

"Life begins and ends with Nu."

Is there a way to keep my favourite Balrog or Skydragon as my post count increases.

EDIT: All the soldier robots do not have the synthetic skin that Quote and Curly have, they just have the blue metal outer casing. These robot's were not made to same amount of skill that Brace puts into his work, they serve their purpose as is, why would anyone need to develop the advanced robots of Brace's design when all of his additions are more expensive and useless for a soldier robot, especially the advanced AI, who wants a robot soldier that will question/disobey your orders.
Aug 19, 2007 at 5:29 PM
Guy with Sword
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Tadashi said:
I just noticed:
You are writing a movie script, so why do you label Quote's lines as "Boy"?
As long as you don't want to make a novelization out of the script, just plainly write the names there.

Adds to the mystery. So when the producer reads the script, he won;t know the boy's name until the boy does.

The thing with Quote running/walking around being put as a part of the navigation, was that what you where after?
I just had him for whatever, but your's looks much better. :rolleyes:

All the soldier robots do not have the synthetic skin that Quote and Curly have, they just have the blue metal outer casing. These robot's were not made to same amount of skill that Brace puts into his work, they serve their purpose as is, why would anyone need to develop the advanced robots of Brace's design when all of his additions are more expensive and useless for a soldier robot, especially the advanced AI, who wants a robot soldier that will question/disobey your orders.
Because Brace wants a robot that will think. Notice all of the simpler robots are, well, dead. The synthetic skin is to make them realistic. He's not mass-producing these things, so synthetic skin should be affordable. As Pixel says:
"I leave it up to the player's imagination."
Aug 19, 2007 at 10:26 PM
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Atravir said:
Because Brace wants a robot that will think. Notice all of the simpler robots are, well, dead. The synthetic skin is to make them realistic. He's not mass-producing these things, so synthetic skin should be affordable. As Pixel says:
"I leave it up to the player's imagination."
There were live robots where you first enter the labyrinth.

The "I leave it up to the player's imagination." thing isn't very helpful for us.
Aug 19, 2007 at 10:48 PM
Guy with Sword
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andwhyisit said:
There were live robots where you first enter the labyrinth.

The "I leave it up to the player's imagination." thing isn't very helpful for us.

Ok, most of the robots are dead. The ones that are living were stuck in a pit.

Yes, but I still find it amusing that he always says that. :rolleyes:
Aug 20, 2007 at 12:31 AM
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Atravir said:
Ok, most of the robots are dead. The ones that are living were stuck in a pit.
And they were blue.
They also died a few seconds after leaving the pit, killed by wild Gaudi.

In the original Japanese Cave Story was their race's name still Gaudi or was it something else? If we know what Gaudi actually translates to, we might be able to come up with an interesting name for Wild Gaudi, or are we not doing the Wild/Non-wild Gaudi thing?

Chaba says that someone broke in and stole the Snake, was that Curly?
Aug 20, 2007 at 12:45 AM
Guy with Sword
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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andwhyisit said:
In the original Japanese Cave Story was their race's name still Gaudi or was it something else? If we know what Gaudi actually translates to, we might be able to come up with an interesting name for Wild Gaudi, or are we not doing the Wild/Non-wild Gaudi thing?

Chaba says that someone broke in and stole the Snake, was that Curly?

No, "Gaudi" is fine for both.

Are you talking about the Movie or the Game?