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Movie script

Sep 20, 2008 at 7:18 AM
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How about we stick with what happens in the game, instead of making huge changes to the plot like killing off major characters? Adaptation Decay is one of the things that most people hate about adaptations from one form of media to another.
Sep 20, 2008 at 9:03 AM
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I agree with TH. After all, nobody here wants this to be another example of Video Game Movies Suck.

BTW, since Cthulhu is out, who's gonna find Curly in the water? I'd say Mrs. Sakamoto. Also, is gonna Curly join Quote in the final battle(s)?
Sep 20, 2008 at 9:33 AM
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*facepalm* Quote doesn't die in the movie script Atravir planned. I have followed this thread more than anyone, I think I would know.
Sep 20, 2008 at 2:05 PM
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Yep, this is the reaction I thought we would get. I don't want Quote to die either. But I don't think we should have to stick exactly to how Atravir planned the script.
And yes, I think Momorin should find Curly. good idea TJ.
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:18 PM
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you guys have seen i am legend rite
that was one of the best Hollywood endings ever k
for those you u who havnt seen it yet (see it)
i like sue and quote a lot too i didnt say that they deserved to die
btw: if Atravir wanted to have the movie just like the game he could of done that
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:34 PM
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Y'know, back then, whenever we couldn't agree about some part of the script, it was up to Atravir to decide. Anyone remember that "Curly takes the cap" discussion? Anyway, because innocent is now the writer, it's just logical that he should decide what he writes.
Sep 20, 2008 at 4:38 PM
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Ragamuffin said:
you guys have seen i am legend rite
that was one of the best Hollywood endings ever k
for those you u who havnt seen it yet (see it)
i like sue and quote a lot too i didnt say that they deserved to die
btw: if Atravir wanted to have the movie just like the game he could of done that
I don't care what you are. No amount of your arguing is going to convince me that Quote should die. You might be able to convince me that other people (such as Sue) should die, though I doubt it, but you'll never be able to convince me that Quote must die. The fact that you seem to have suggested he dies in the Core battle only makes your suggestion sound more stupid.

And if you didn't understand what I just said, let me make it perfectly clear:
Quote. Must. Live.

Another thing you seem to have overlooked is that Quote is a robot. Robots do not die easily.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:07 PM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Another thing you seem to have overlooked is that Quote is a robot. Robots do not die easily.
thats why i posted that he uses up all his power and the island is falling

its just an idea im srry if i offended any one (like Celtic here)

i mean
i never liked the ending in cave story (not hell) where quote flys away on Kazuma's dragon after destroying the Undead Core
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:14 PM
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I imagine most people did not like that particular ending. You're not supposed to.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:21 PM
This Troper
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Celtic Minstrel said:
I imagine most people did not like that particular ending. You're not supposed to.
Well, many people didn't like the best ending, either, since it's such an Ass Pull.

But back on topic: Any progress?
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:53 PM
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innocent.bystander said:
My friend wants to kill off Quote. I don't think it's a good idea, but what about you guys?
I'm thinking that Sue should die at the end, though, after she becomes frenzied. Quote will be forced to kill both her and Misery.

I hate you now.
Please GTFO and never come back -_-"

Sep 20, 2008 at 5:58 PM
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As a moderator, aren't you supposed to be nicer than that?
Sep 20, 2008 at 6:11 PM
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1. I'm a admin.
2. When it comes to Sue I can't act nicer-
3. It was a freaking joke, jesus pfördepimmel <_<
Sep 20, 2008 at 7:04 PM
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Ragamuffin said:
you guys have seen i am legend rite
that was one of the best Hollywood endings ever k
for those you u who havnt seen it yet (see it)
I think the director of the movie might disagree with you there. Not to mention the writer of the book it was based on. I quote from Cracked.com's list of "5 awesome movies ruined by last minute changes," since the site itself might have a few too many NSFW elements to link to, even though that page is mostly fine.
Cracked.com said:
The Way It Was Supposed To Be:
In this adaptation of Richard Matheson's classic horror novella, Will Smith plays Doctor Robert "Legend" Neville, the last man alive in a city overrun with CGI vampire mutants.

In the film's original ending, Neville is trapped as vampires break through his barricades and infiltrate his hideout (who would have guessed that locking yourself in an enclosed space in the middle of a city full of vampires would turn out to be a bad idea?). Then, this happens:

(insert non-working video clip here)

Yeah. In the original, the vampires are revealed to be thinking, benevolent creatures who were merely attempting to rescue a vampire that Neville had captured earlier.

Not only does the book end in a similar way, but it in fact was the entire freaking point of the book. That's where the title "I Am Legend" came from, Neville's realization at the end that the vampires were the good guys and that he was the monster of their legends, since he had been mindlessly driving stakes through their heart at every opportunity. Maybe a title like "So I'm The ***hole" would have been clearer.

The "Improved" Version:
Because test audiences apparently didn't like the original ending, the studio opted to go with a new one in which Neville fights back against the vampires to protect his new allies. He does so by igniting a grenade about two inches from their face, destroying the once-safe stronghold and severely injuring his companions. It should also be noted that going by the original ending, Will Smith just murdered scores of reasoning creatures who were attempting to rescue a little girl.

This brings up the other problem, which is that all of the little hints that had been inserted along the way indicating the creatures had intelligence (the complex traps they set, the same creature reappearing in some kind of leadership role) are completely ignored. In the new ending, the vampires are mindless savages with no other purpose but general horror movie mayhem.

Perhaps the saddest thing about all this is that it shows that no one involved really believed in the message of the final product. They didn't produce a film in order to convey any kind message, they just strung together a bunch of cool scenes and called it a movie. One more reason why audience feedback isn't always the best guide, as anyone who has read YouTube comments will happily tell you.

Where you can find the original:
The original ending is available as a bonus scene on the recent DVD release, where it is advertised as the "controversial original ending." Yes, coming to a peaceful reconciliation with your enemies is now more controversial than blowing them right the **** up.
Original page isn't censored, if you want to go looking for it.

Point is, no, no killing Quote or Sue.
Sep 20, 2008 at 7:08 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
1. I'm a admin.
Right, apparently I'm blind. :o
S. P. Gardebiter said:
3. It was a freaking joke, jesus pfördepimmel <_<
Okay then. :)
Sep 20, 2008 at 8:01 PM
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I'm not killing Quote then.
Sue, I'll decide when I get there. Leaning towards no.
Maybe Booster though, he's a complete @$$#()!&.
Sep 20, 2008 at 8:07 PM
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The game doesn't specify what happens to Booster after Quote defeats the Core, though apparently the credits show him visiting Jenka or something.

I'm not really sure whether he should die...
Sep 20, 2008 at 8:16 PM
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Ya know what? I'm keeping Booster alive. I think. Unless people want him dead, which Atravir didn't. So I think he's gonna live.
But Misery is going down. What do you guys think? They never tell what happens to her after the game ends anyways.
Sep 20, 2008 at 8:17 PM
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Sheesh, all this talk about killing off characters, I mean, you gotta have a REASON to kill of a character, and a GOOD one too, and the death has to be significant.