Sep 18, 2008 at 6:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 1, 2008
Location: Grasstown
Posts: 1435
Great idea, Ray!
Gasp! The world is going to end! I had a good idea!Celtic Minstrel said:Great idea, Ray!
Atravir doesn't have the time to write it anymore. The script has been sitting around gathering dust since late last year.KuroKun said:is this actualy going to happen or is this just for fun now.
Ive really never heard of a movie script that took over a year to write. Maybe a coded but not movie. Just wondering.
xD peace xD
I think you weren't paying attention. Read the first post again.innocent.bystander said:I think Atravir wanted Curly to die.
That's the thing. Core is rising out of the water in the background during the jump cut with the eye, then after the jump cut it does the closeup of core.innocent.bystander said:I don't really want to have the Core rising from out of the water- then I won't get to do that cool jump cut with the eye.
Umm... kill off Quote? WHYYYYYYYY?innocent.bystander said:My friend wants to kill off Quote. I don't think it's a good idea, but what about you guys?
I'm thinking that Sue should die at the end, though, after she becomes frenzied. Quote will be forced to kill both her and Misery.