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MODCON 20 4-15 Discussion and Voting thread

Jan 17, 2015 at 5:33 AM
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TLincoln said:
I promise it's not nsfw. There's suggestive content, sure, but it's not nsfw.
Rave Story was very borderline for me.

(oh yeah, it was pretty good though)

@Polarstar, thanks, I'll play it sometime tomorrow eve, I'm out of time for tonight.

And I do use adblock
Jan 17, 2015 at 7:29 AM
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BLink I am pretty sure that my mod is on Dropbox, not Mediafire.

Also, I don't really know if I should post my top three or not.
Jan 17, 2015 at 8:00 AM
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Top three!
(they're in backwards order because who gives a fuck honestly)
also: Spoilers abound!
3. Story by Noxid.
I feel like it was great in terms of the general message, the animated tiles, the Flying Quote at the end...it all just...meshes well, you know? It was a grand experience and I'd be happy if it had an actual ending to it.

2. Paw-Print Paradise by Sold/Doors.
It's obviously because of le Homestuck, but I also liked the tiles, le level design and just the entire thing in general.
Oh, and the Tea Purrty.
Never forget.


Safusaka's DELETE.
The art is great, the battles are somewhat easy but great, the dialogue, albeit rare, is great...
I like it a lot.
Oh, and 9999 bullets for the Ultimate Blaster.
I really liked that.

To be frank, my list containing five favourites were as so:
2.Paw-Print Paradise
4.Don't Let Go
5.A Walk Through The Snow
but whatever.
I (mostly) enjoyed this competition and I hope that the newer competition (le Annual Modding Competition) will be better.

(Okay, I have played it, and it has not impacted my modding decisions. Boop.)
Jan 17, 2015 at 2:38 PM
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Noxid said:
It just seems like a conflict of interest to me no matter where you put it, unless it's excluded outright.
Not even HMs only? It seems limiting (or even mildly self-depreciating) with so much credit to throw around, particularly when I doubt anybody's really going to care very much about self-boosting. Not a lot of status to be gained from it around here :v

E.g. this would (probably) be my current vote:
2. Hullet Bell
3. A Walk Through The Snow
HM's: Everything else, including Don't Let Go
suject to change & I will post detailed opinions later

Edit: Oh and in case nobody caught that, you are expected to play everything before voting
and encouraged to give HMs to anything that you like/agrees with you
Jan 18, 2015 at 5:53 AM
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to make something new out of Cave Story, something nobody has ever seen in a Cave Story mod.
It can be obscure, or truely spectactular, depending on your tastes
I'm a little confused about voting, am I voting based on the theme? Or is it just pure, vote for what you want to win?

EDIT: From what DT just said, I guess just give high marks for what you like. That said...

Here are the details on how I came up with my vote ranking...
Ranked by "something new out of Cave Story, something nobody has ever seen in a Cave Story mod"
Randolf - Hullet Bell [easy version exe]

Safusaka - DELETE

PolarStarGames - A Walk Through The Snow

Doors - Pawprint Paradise

DoubleThink - Don't Let Go

Noxid - Story

TLincoln - Terri's Night Out [mediafire]

Paths - Alosona.4

Ranked by personal taste, by "I just liked it dude"
DoubleThink - Don't Let Go

TLincoln - Terri's Night Out [mediafire]

Safusaka - DELETE

Doors - Pawprint Paradise

Randolf - Hullet Bell [easy version exe]

PolarStarGames - A Walk Through The Snow

Noxid - Story

Paths - Alosona.4

Ranked by "if I were a judge, and this contest did not have a theme..."
PolarStarGames - A Walk Through The Snow

Safusaka - DELETE

Randolf - Hullet Bell [easy version exe]

Noxid - Story

Doors - Pawprint Paradise

DoubleThink - Don't Let Go

Paths - Alosona.4

TLincoln - Terri's Night Out [mediafire]

OKAY, assuming you're going to say "just choose the one you want to win"
I'll just add up all of my votes using two systems to be fair...
System 1 = 5 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd, 1 for anything else
System 2 = 8 for 1st, 7 for 2nd, 6 for 3rd, 5 for 4th, etc

I'll use System 1 to decide the basic order, and System 2 as a tie breaker. (And for any other ties, I'll just use my own disgression)
Ranked by highest number of points (use this one)

Hullet Bell

A Walk Through The Snow

Don't Let Go

Terri's Night Out

Pawprint Paradise



btw Great entries this contest. Seriously all of them were fun.
Jan 18, 2015 at 6:30 AM
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Personal votes can be ranked based on whatever criteria you want, I guess, but what you liked the most/think deserves it the most probably makes the most sense, seeing as the creativity part is also being judged independently.
Jan 20, 2015 at 6:06 AM
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Well, I got around to playing the rest of the mods, so I guess I should share my thoughts here instead of in the other thread. I'ma list them in the order in which I played them, and then I'll give my top 3 and HMs.

First up is DELETE:
It was a good mod in my opinion. Even though you were given pretty powerful weapons right off the bat, you were far from invincible. The following spoiler contains a few things of note:
-I could pick up the Ultimate Blaster multiple times. Ended up giving myself 1000 ammo before stopping, but Paths said that he got to 9999. Dunno if this warrants a fix or not, though (though I think you said no in Skype).
-Puppy butter. Just... puppy butter.
-My thoughts when it ended were literally "Aw man it ended...". This is a good sign.
-The credit images could've been changed or removed. Having them there kinda made it weird at the end.

Next up, Don't Let Go:
A neat little "automatic" level (or levels, rather). I'm really curious as to how you got the stuff in Science and Magic to work, like making the game advance frame by frame, or floating to the right while holding left. I think the best part was when I replayed it and intentionally let go of left.

On to Story:
Gotta say, it wasn't the best idea to play this at midnight. For the sake of not accidentally spoiling anything major, I'ma put the following text in a spoiler.
I had overheard in Skype that this was kind of like other recentish mods where the mod would start off like normal Cave Story and then change as time went on. It did seem like that, too, what with the lack of Kazuma's cutscenes and the absence of Mr. Little in the Graveyard. However, I was completely caught off-guard by the "malfunctioning" of the teleporter. Going through the second version of Mimiga Village was a little creepy, what with the lack of music and slightly distorted graphics, though nothing too major. The only thing that ruined this part of the game for me was that after I fought off Balrog his music continued to play, taking away the ominous feeling. To be honest, I should've seen the teleporter malfunctioning a second time coming, yet the changes it made surprised me even more. The music was back, which took a bit of edge off of it, but at the same time its changes put that edge partially back. The new text was kind of humorous in how awkward it was, though the best thing about this segment was some of the new facepics. Toroko's and King's were fine, and Jack's was as well, though it was slightly less fine. That changed when Balrog and Misery arrived. Their appearance combined with the throughly corrupted graphics to cement the unsettling atmosphere (and the boss music certainly helped). It kind of sucks that the mod ended shortly after the introduction of the "flying" mechanic, though I guess that's what happens when time limits are made. I hope this story gets expanded on in the future, since I'm curious to see how it ends.
tl;dr my reaction = what

Alosona.4, you're up:
I'ma be honest here. I think it could have been done a little better. I remember hearing that one of the tImg images got screwed up, though it never got fixed to my knowledge. I dunno what said image was, so it possibly could have contributed to the atmosphere you were trying to make. If there was any ominous feeling, that "Hello" conversation kind of killed it. The following is spoilered because reasons.
The ending kind of came out of the blue, too. I mean, why would a random outline of a door in the sky lead to a closed off room that was apparently a brutal death trap for the protagonist and their new companion? The 4th wall breaking also felt like it was trying to borrow from Doors' 4.13rd ending's 4th wall breaking. They just sounded too similar.

Finally, we have Pawprint Paradise:
I had overheard that this mod had quite a few Homestuck references in it, so I wasn't expecting to understand much of what was going to happen. Sure enough, I barely did, aside from the apparent fact that all but Dave were trolls to some degree. I did like the music and the use of animated facepics. That's certainly a feature that I'm looking forward to seeing in more mods (which is apparently going to happen in Ama, if it hasn't already). Anywho...
A waste of time that may have been, but it was a purrty well-made waste of time.

Now for my Top 3 and HMs:
1. Hullet Bell.
3. Story.
- Pawprint Paradise.
- Terri's Night Out.
- A Walk Through the Snow.
- Don't Let Go.

Phew. That took longer than I thought it was going to take. Time to get back to my studies.
Jan 20, 2015 at 10:39 AM
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My top three:

1. Hullet Bell
That boss music is awesome; along with just about the other music (especially stage 3's). That final boss was pretty unexpected though; I did not expect... it. =o
2. Story
It's pretty neat. =) I also hope the story gets expanded on in the future; it's pretty interesting.
3. A Walk Through the Snow
A cool mod; the snow is neat, as is the music. =)
HM01: Don't Let Go
I thought the music was fitting. The timing of the events is neat. I was surprised that there was no jumping, though. =o This reminded me of the video game N, which some player-made levels had a "hold left/right button" thing.
Jan 20, 2015 at 11:56 AM
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Sorry, I tried to set up the dialogue so that you would be able to figure out as much info as possible, but I guess I didn't do a fantastic job.
Jan 20, 2015 at 3:22 PM
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Aight, I guess it's bout time I gave my revvies. I'll just list them in alphabetical order first then give my top at the bottom.

A Walk Through The Snow:
This one was my early favourites, and I still like it quite a bit. The concept is simple but the execution and atmosphere really bring it together. The slight changes to the physics work quite well, as people have pointed out, although some of the jumps were I think unnecessarily difficult. Maybe I just like it cuz this is the indiest thing that's ever come out of a cave story mod, but I'm a fag so deal with it.

Well, I guess there's not much to say that hasn't already been said. I almost quit because I couldn't get out of the first room. Hopefully your next production is a little more fully-formed.

Alright, I've got kind of mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, production values are through the roof. One could argue that it's unlike anything we've seen before because it's actually aesthetically pleasing and contains mostly original content. However, my biggest complaint is that it still /feels/ like a Cave Story mod. The physics are a bit liftier, and the guns are different, but in the end it still feels very familiar. So I have to dock some points for that in the spirit of the contest.

Don't Let Go:
This surprise entry took me on a wild ride with a single buttonpress. I'm really impressed with the closeness of the timing and variety of gimmicks employed to keep the train rolling at top speed across all three maps. I don't know how long it took you to orchestrate all this but I love the end result.

Hullet Bell:
This probably would win the award for "Most Technically Impressive", I liked the various patterns and you did a good job of shifting everything around so it doesn't even seem like the same game anymore, however I feel that it lacks personality overall. As well, I know that the idea of CS as a shmup has been explored in the past.

Pawprint Paradise:
Well, for starters, ur homestuck trash lol. But, that aside, this mod does a pretty good job of what it tries to be. The animated facepics hack contributes strongly and the writing was decent (although it was unclear at times what my next step was). I only wish that the environment had a bit more rich, both graphically and interactively since in this kind of "game" being able to poke at random bullshit is an important detail imo.

I made it lmao
well, I guess I'll go ahead and say that I'm disappointed that it came out half-baked. I don't know whether I'll have time to expand on it any time soon (KSS is #1 priority for modding time from now on) but I enjoy the concept and I still had some ideas for cool stuff that I never got to implement.

Terri's Night Out:
ok actually though, it's alright. Apart from being mostly a stew of in-jokes, the puzzle(s?) was(were) a nice addition and the production value was generally high. Then again, the creds list is also 9 miles long, so I'd hope that you were all able to piece something together at least half-decent. But overall, nothing really stood out as "Different" to me.

Ok, as for my top picks:
1. Don't Let Go.
2. A Walk Through The Snow
3. Pawprint Paradise / story [if im' allowed to vote for my own]
HM: Hullet Bell, DELETE
Jan 20, 2015 at 4:05 PM
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I haven't played DELETE or Path's mod yet, but I'll vote as soon as I can.

In Hullet Bell (in both versions), if you press the "w" key, you instantly complete the stage.
Jan 20, 2015 at 4:16 PM
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solaris said:
In Hullet Bell (in both versions), if you press the "w" key, you instantly complete the stage.
There is nothing better than to have an easter egg for players to discover. ;)
Jan 20, 2015 at 4:31 PM
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Doors said:
Sorry, I tried to set up the dialogue so that you would be able to figure out as much info as possible, but I guess I didn't do a fantastic job.
Eh, it was still somewhat understandable, so no worries.
Jan 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM
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Randolf said:
In Hullet Bell (in both versions), if you press the "w" key, you instantly complete the stage.
There is nothing better than to have an easter egg for players to discover. ;)
I have just discovered that it also has Shift-hold for slow movement!
(Not spoilering this because it seems more like an important feature than a secret.)
Jan 21, 2015 at 12:18 AM
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I don't remember where, but I think that was stated somewhere, yes. And thank goodness, I wouldn't have survived to the third boss without slow movement!

(...not that I survived past that anyway. Hullet Bell is hard and I really should swallow my pride and play the easy version already. ^_^; )

E:I've been meaning to ask the question below, as well. I don't want to pressure anything, but it'd be useful to have a general idea. Most of the judges have completed all of the entries, as far as I'm aware, but we haven't made very much progress on clarifying the scoring we'll be doing.
Jan 21, 2015 at 12:27 AM
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What's the deadline for this anyway? I've been procrastinating on writing up things for people's mods but I don't want to miss my opportunity.
Jan 21, 2015 at 1:24 AM
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Here are my top three choices.
  1. DELETE: I very much enjoyed playing this mod. I haven't finished it yet but the design and gameplay is fantastic. I'm guessing that heavy ASM went into this mod as well. The NPCs are fun and colorful. I've already recommended this to other people.
  2. Terri's Night Out: Absolutely hilarious. Very reminiscent of Rave Story. VERY. Once again, colorful and fun, and probably full of ASM. The plot was both provocative and humorous. However, the cliffhanger ending was disappointing, causing this mod to reach only second place. I liked, by the way, that this mod had a non-heterosexual, feminine main character. It's not very often that you see such diversity in a mod. I just hope Terri shows up again in CSTSF Mod!
  3. A Walk Through the Snow: Simple, interesting, and challenging, this mod was beautifully done. Good job!
Honorable mention:
  • Don't Let Go: Though not too intuitive when it comes to gameplay, it had to take a lot of planning to produce this mod. Very well done, and I certainly enjoyed it. With the press of a single button, I was able to experience an onslaught of unique and startling ways to move the character along without death. Very well done, and I had a very close decision between this one and A Walk Through the Snow. However, this mod was extremely short, earning it an honorable mention but nothing more. Well done nonetheless!
  • Pawprint Paradise: Though interesting and intuitive, with some interesting gameplay that I have not seen before, I got stuck in the second room with no way to move forward, despite talking to everything possible.
Notes on the other games.
  • Hullet Bell: I'm not particularly fond of games of this genre. Also, this has been done before. By like several people.
  • Story: While somewhat amusing and rather interesting, I almost lost interest at the start. Also, merely changing the tiles and a bit of gameplay isn't exactly "new". I have not finished this one as I have lost interest.
  • Alosona.4: I quit in the first room. There is no obvious or really logical way out. I spent ten minutes trying to figure it out and then gave up. By far the worst of the mods.
Jan 21, 2015 at 1:29 AM
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SuperJaws100 said:
Here are my top three choices.
Alosona.4: I quit in the first room. There is no obvious or really logical way out. I spent ten minutes trying to figure it out and then gave up. By far the worst of the mods.
dude you literally just go to the end of the platform hanging above the abyss and press down
if you did that monitor thing where you looked for things different than the background then you'd find it
understandably A.4 is worst mod and i congratulate you for awarding it so
Jan 21, 2015 at 1:31 AM
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Paths said:
looked for things different than the background
sure wasn't anything there when I played; I just checked literally every tile twice because obviously there had to be some way out. it wasn't his fault for not having the patience.