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Mod: Caveoholic!'s recent addiction v1.4

May 27, 2006 at 6:44 PM
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I don't think I want to say this is the final version because I always seem to remember somthing I forgot as soon as I already uploaded it but as far as I know now this is the final version

so if you want to download it click here and give me some feedback
May 28, 2006 at 7:15 PM
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Well, i'd try, but i'm hyper-busy on my project, and doing nearly nothing but this. I'll try once i get my mod uploaded.
May 29, 2006 at 2:18 AM
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I dont' think you need a new thread with each update...

* I like how the doctor moonwalks to the crown. Not sure if this is new to 1.4 but I like it.
* The "do you want to bomb the wall" event should be a something you use... so that you dont have to put up with it over and over and over again, if you move slowly into it.
* You can get bombs from malco over and over with out actually getting a new one. Just throw an item jump in that script.
* You can bomb multiple times.
* The passage from egg corridor ruined to outer wall left is unnamed.
* Going up from outer wall left is just wierd... invisible block that dissapears? Its effective in making zoning easier, but its a poor way to do so. That upper zone is also unnamed.
* Doors in canada don't work right.
* The canada music is good, but you only get to hear the first couple seconds of it because you keep going in houses. I'd change the music in each house to the canada music.
* In the second house from the left you spell "rabbit" in two different ways.
* Still other dialog problems such as no space after commas.
* It would be nice to have a save point in canada.
* Looks like you can flip the switch before fueling the rocket in canda.
* You can fall off the rocket after leaving canada but before getting to the island, if you do you have to restart game manually.

I'll go thru the rest later since its been a while since my last save.
May 29, 2006 at 8:27 AM
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I got to hell's nebula or whatever, and died after about 10 minutes of constant retarded fighting and stuff.

I have no wish to ever try again.
May 29, 2006 at 4:38 PM
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SeriousFace said:
I dont' think you need a new thread with each update...

* I like how the doctor moonwalks to the crown. Not sure if this is new to 1.4 but I like it.
* The "do you want to bomb the wall" event should be a something you use... so that you dont have to put up with it over and over and over again, if you move slowly into it.
* You can get bombs from malco over and over with out actually getting a new one. Just throw an item jump in that script.
* You can bomb multiple times.
* The passage from egg corridor ruined to outer wall left is unnamed.
* Going up from outer wall left is just wierd... invisible block that dissapears? Its effective in making zoning easier, but its a poor way to do so. That upper zone is also unnamed.
* Doors in canada don't work right.
* The canada music is good, but you only get to hear the first couple seconds of it because you keep going in houses. I'd change the music in each house to the canada music.
* In the second house from the left you spell "rabbit" in two different ways.
* Still other dialog problems such as no space after commas.
* It would be nice to have a save point in canada.
* Looks like you can flip the switch before fueling the rocket in canda.
* You can fall off the rocket after leaving canada but before getting to the island, if you do you have to restart game manually.

I'll go thru the rest later since its been a while since my last save.

The doctor moonwalking to the crown is a result of me flipping his image in NpcGuest.pbm so that he would be faceing the right way in canada

I will put in an <ITJ there & in Cre in canada

I will fix the multiple bombings problem

"Going up from outer wall left is just wierd... invisible block that dissapears? Its effective in making zoning easier, but its a poor way to do so" (I can't tell what your trying to say)

the upper part of Outer wall (left side) isin't supposed to be named seperately from the lower half because there actually supposed to be the same map but I coulden't make it all one map because of the map too high underwater glitch

If you mean the doors don't delete themselves I'm adding that

did you test it? you can flip the switch on the rocket before you fuel it but it will say "OUT OF FUEL"

I will put death triggers in sky
May 29, 2006 at 5:26 PM
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I could be wrong with the "out of fuel" thing, didn't fully test that.

What I ment about the invisible blocks thing is that when you zone upward you stand on nothing for an instant, making it easy to jump and boost up. After that instant of standing you fall back down. I'm glad its easier to get up this part, but I don't like how it looks and feels.

Don't do any fighting in hell 1 and 2, just get hit by whatever does the least damage and run.
May 29, 2006 at 5:44 PM
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that's actually not what I put those invisible blocks there for when you just do a slight jump from the lower part to the upper part the on hit action that takes you back down if you don't make it up takes too long to kick in & lets you fall off the map if you wait longer before falling down the <PRI will stop you before before you even notice the solid surface

have you played the updated hell's nebula it's not that easy anymore you can't use the fireball or snake to kill enemys from a safe distance anymore & also the fuzz cores now do 8 damage and the mini ones surrounding it do 4
May 29, 2006 at 7:08 PM
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Haven't got to hells nebula yet, do the bosses at the end work?
May 29, 2006 at 8:23 PM
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no & they can't so I put a trigger to take you to the regular hell to fight the bosses & play out the rest of the game
May 30, 2006 at 9:10 PM
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Played some more...

* If you bomb the wall and do canada before fighting the dragon sisters you can never come back and get that missle expansion.
* Is it possible to get to hells nebula but NOT be able to get the clock?
* Cat that gives you spur is good, but what happens if you already have spur?
* Wtf is with the door above the prefab building? It looks so out of place.
* Hell's nebula 1 is the worst zone ever. Swarms of enemys that sneak up on you, in a tiny cramped space, that shoot projectiles (many of which can't be destroyed) is just stupid.
* Breaking up hell a bad idea it messes up the clock, and if you want to do hell runs for time / fun you can't...
* I expected Ballos to have new dialog since you explained much more story.
* You can do hells nebula with out curly, but when you beat it Curly appears.
May 30, 2006 at 10:17 PM
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SeriousFace said:
* If you bomb the wall and do canada before fighting the dragon sisters you can never come back and get that missle expansion..
yes you can but first you have to make it through last cave then the teleporter in arthur's house will let you go to egg corridor again you can also get there by going back down outer wall (left side)
SeriousFace said:
*Is it possible to get to hells nebula but NOT be able to get the clock?
SeriousFace said:
* Cat that gives you spur is good, but what happens if you already have spur?
if you already have the spur before you get it from the cat you cannot possibly have the machine gun needed to get to the cat
SeriousFace said:
* Wtf is with the door above the prefab building? It looks so out of place.
it's the door that should be for the building I was testing somthing & forgot to fix it the door that's on the building shoulden't be there
SeriousFace said:
* Hell's nebula 1 is the worst zone ever. Swarms of enemys that sneak up on you, in a tiny cramped space, that shoot projectiles (many of which can't be destroyed) is just stupid.
you said it was too easy to just kill them with the snake or fireball so I made it so that you coulden't use them to do so
SeriousFace said:
* Breaking up hell a bad idea it messes up the clock, and if you want to do hell runs for time / fun you can't...
It's not a bad Idea it's my only option because I can't put the end bosses in new maps because of the boss glitch
SeriousFace said:
* I expected Ballos to have new dialog since you explained much more story.
If & when the boss glitch gets fixed I will make it so you fight the aura of ballos's power or somthing so he won't be saying anything since he won't be there
May 30, 2006 at 11:45 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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When you fall down into the clouds, right at the beginning of Outer Wall (Left Side), you don't die. Instead, it gives a great view of the clouds and the rocks.
Jun 1, 2006 at 5:27 PM
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Regarding Nebula, get rid of that horrid acid-induced background. Just use a black one; otherwise people are going to get splitting headaches after 5 minutes.
Jun 1, 2006 at 7:57 PM
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are you insane I've said before that the backround is the whole basis for the hell's nebula Idea (nebulas often are comeposed of a mixed array of colored gasses) so there's no way I'm going to change it in any official version if it gives you headaches just change it yourself with sue's workshop