Feb 7, 2008 at 4:14 AM
Join Date: Oct 6, 2007
Location: I dunnos
Posts: 1584
xristosx said:oh lol i haven't really checked the 3 word story to recently
xristosx said:oh lol i haven't really checked the 3 word story to recently
Yeah, I knew I'd missed out on a lot. XX, MTLGZ, JCY, you, and everyone else. Er... although I have to admit that your words of courtesy can be annoying at times. Especially about the off-topicness. But you do care about how others feel, so you are ultimately a really nice guy. You piss some guys off a bit too much without meaning too, but you are never impolite, not even to those who dislike you.Bad Beholder said:What about me??
Okay, I'll save you all the trouble, then...
My character would be very willing to help someone, a bit hesitant and timid at times, quick to appologize for any sudden outburst of anger, excluding concern for another when that person is knocked unconscious, thrown backwards, Etc., and I'd always put myself in harm's way for the sake of another.
Oh, yeah, and I'd never use any cusswords/semi-cusswords (Excluding "frick" or "friggin", since I don't really consider those CW-SCW) or any of the seven words of courtesy.
Fill in the blanks to guess which words they are! (Only the first 2 letters are given.)
May I pl____ have another bowl of soup?
Th___ you for your concern about my health.
Umm, ex____ me, can I go through there?
I'm so so___ for crashing your bike into that tree!
You're absolutely we_____ in my house.
*Achooo!* God Bl___ you.
Oh, pa____ me for interrupting you.
Nah, your English sucks, nothing morexristosx said:yeah go ahead say it most of you think my english can be bad at times even though i was born in a english speaking area :eek:
Chaddykins said:The problem with that is it will take ages and this mod will never see the light of day.
omg b my bff plz u rox1!!1Kageryushin said:AWESOME. I really do commend your spriting ability, Jcys.
Ghe!!!!!!!!!!!!jcys810 said:omg b my bff plz u rox1!!1
oh ok do it that way thenS. P. Gardebiter said:That's right. It was just planned to be a small little project. Nothing too big. So sorry guys.
If anyone really wants to rewrite it, just do it and then post it.
Roonil Wazlib said:You guys forgot about [edit]ing [edit]s lol. I don't remeber if it was DB or Jacob who began the censorships.
Ohk, I did a *ahem* detailed analysis of you guys, so I hope this helps sprout ideas for the mod.
Maybe we could have RuneLacer as an "OMFG legendary saviour of the protagz"? And yeah, he was kidnapped by the FA's and never seen again.
Kageryushin is this super-frank guy who never thinques twice before expressing his view. And, yeah, he does go over the top at times. Seriously guys, if you view him that way, you can tell he aint that bad of a guy, no matter how evil his sprite/facepic makes him look.
Andwhy is the one who always cares about what others thinque of him, mutch more'n what he thinks of them. And he's quite considerate and thinks before he speaks. A stark contrast to Kager.
Garde, the most probable first-choice protag, is the no-nonsensegalguy whom I see somewhat like Zarro in Eternal Chaos. He hates people pissing him off and leaves most guys wondering whether he has a sense of humour. Tadashi is the only one who knows him back to front.
Natro has this unique ability to disappear at will which he inherited from a Forum Assassin :eek:.
If I offended anyone, I'm really sorry. This is just how I perceive some of you guys and not necessarily what may be true.
jcys810 said:omg b my bff plz u rox1!!1
Roonil Wazlib said:You guys forgot about [edit]ing [edit]s lol. I don't remeber if it was DB or Jacob who began the censorships.
Ohk, I did a *ahem* detailed analysis of you guys, so I hope this helps sprout ideas for the mod.
Maybe we could have RuneLacer as an "OMFG legendary saviour of the protagz"? And yeah, he was kidnapped by the FA's and never seen again.
Kageryushin is this super-frank guy who never thinques twice before expressing his view. And, yeah, he does go over the top at times. Seriously guys, if you view him that way, you can tell he aint that bad of a guy, no matter how evil his sprite/facepic makes him look.
Andwhy is the one who always cares about what others thinque of him, mutch more'n what he thinks of them. And he's quite considerate and thinks before he speaks. A stark contrast to Kager.
Garde, the most probable first-choice protag, is the no-nonsensegalguy whom I see somewhat like Zarro in Eternal Chaos. He hates people pissing him off and leaves most guys wondering whether he has a sense of humour. Tadashi is the only one who knows him back to front.
Natro has this unique ability to disappear at will which he inherited from a Forum Assassin.
If I offended anyone, I'm really sorry. This is just how I perceive some of you guys and not necessarily what may be true.
I'd prefer if it had a story personally.Chaddykins said:Maybe this mod could just be not really a game, like just where the different users are in different places throughout whatever. I dunno if that made sense.
In other words, no real story I guess, just we'd all have our own little place in the mod, rather than a full fledged unique story and stuff like the other mods.
andwhyisit said:I'd prefer if it had a story personally.
jcys810 said:Oh and SP, we NEED character personalities. Seriously. Because if you don't add in personalities, the only character that will be acting correctly is YOU, because you are the only one who knows your personality.