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Mimigas would be awesome if they were real!

Sep 18, 2010 at 6:47 PM
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Even on /b/ they wouldn't have the creativity and patience to plot exactly how humanity would destroy Mimiga...ity.
Makes you feel proud to be here, you know?
Next: Mimiga stew recipies!
Sep 18, 2010 at 7:19 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Indeed they wouldn't. They'd simply yell YIFF IN HELL FURFAGS LOLOLOL I TROLLZ U and other such unintelligent comments. We actually plan shit out.

The doctor should have a cooking show or something..
Sep 18, 2010 at 9:45 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Next: Mimiga stew recipies!

Rename thread: Mimigas would be awesome with barbecue sauce!

But somehow I doubt we'd feed on sentient beings.
Sep 18, 2010 at 9:59 PM
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darkcrusader said:
Rename thread: Mimigas would be awesome with barbecue sauce!

But somehow I doubt we'd feed on sentient beings.

I was thinking of saying something like that, but as a moderator with the actual power to do that I'm not sure everyone would see the joke :p

But yeah, I agree. Especially not if they were able to learn to speak our language. There are animal rights groups everywhere, and not just the extremist ones that make the news all the time. There would be a lot of pressure to be sure that they were treated fairly. Perhaps there would be a rough period at the start, but eventually I think they would come to be regarded as people in the eyes of the law, just as women were able to.
Sep 18, 2010 at 11:40 PM
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Noxid said:
I think they would come to be regarded as people in the eyes of the law, just as women were able to.
I notice you did not say "in the eyes of the public." Damn women, thinking they've earned our respect.
Noxid summed up my theory on the matter. There will be a "rough patch" before they gain our acceptance, so... better start thinking of some racial slurs, guys.
Sep 18, 2010 at 11:58 PM
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Sep 19, 2010 at 12:00 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Furbacks, mooks, furfags...
Sep 19, 2010 at 3:14 AM
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Rename Thread: Mimigas- Love 'em or Hate 'em?

I'd be part of those animal/human rights groups (would Mimigas be considered humans, human-like animals, animals, or animal-like humans?).

If I HAD to eat a mimiga, i would cook it like chicken, and with a side of raspberries, a ranch cup, and milk. XD
Sep 19, 2010 at 3:20 AM
daughter of chivalry
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I probably would be apart of those damn hippies protesting about harming mimigas too..but I just have a sadistic sense of humor and I needa keep up my image around these assholes.

Sep 19, 2010 at 3:30 AM
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Nobody here hates Mimigas. We're just talking about the cold reality of human nature.
Sep 19, 2010 at 4:42 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
We're just talking about the cold reality of human nature
and I had a horrible pun that I had to use
Sep 19, 2010 at 1:49 PM
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Noxid said:
I was thinking of saying something like that, but as a moderator with the actual power to do that I'm not sure everyone would see the joke :p

But yeah, I agree. Especially not if they were able to learn to speak our language. There are animal rights groups everywhere, and not just the extremist ones that make the news all the time. There would be a lot of pressure to be sure that they were treated fairly. Perhaps there would be a rough period at the start, but eventually I think they would come to be regarded as people in the eyes of the law, just as women were able to.

First of all I am so sorry for bringing this discussion up lol.

I guess if you just fed the mimigas some red flowers infront of a few childrien, to kill them of course, then mimigas would have a pretty bad reputation as "dangerous violent animals". USA did something similar to give a bad reputation to the middle east. So if you succeeded with that, you'd definately have a mimiga monopoly. The usual animal rights crowd would come near your house, but the law would be on your side. They're dangerous animals that feed on red flowers and childrien, remember?

But yeah the worst part is that monopolies never last forever (pharmaceutical companies only have them for 10 years, the meat industry might be different). But history has proven that it usually takes houndreds of years for new "races" to be accepted. Take black people for example, they were slaves for so long. And even now they're being discriminated.

So yeah, first impressions really do matter.
Sep 19, 2010 at 6:46 PM
daughter of chivalry
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And then if they are accepted into society like black people, the first impressions will still stay somehow, and stereotypes will be formed.

Such as..uhh..Mimigas love fishing, wear long, gangsta sweaters, and are always gitting their fur did
Sep 20, 2010 at 4:14 AM
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WD said:
Ya, raspberries. What, you got something against raspberries? Fruitist!
Na, just kidding. And, yes, humankind's reaction to new things can be a bitch sometimes... :(:(:(
Sep 20, 2010 at 5:30 AM
daughter of chivalry
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I love raspberries..but having them as a side on a meat dish just seems weird.
Sep 20, 2010 at 5:42 AM
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WD said:
I love raspberries..but having them as a side on a meat dish just seems weird.

No way bro, Raspberries is choice on dem meats.
Sep 20, 2010 at 8:12 PM
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cultr1 said:
No way bro, Raspberries is choice on dem meats.

FINALLY! Someone who makes SENSE for once.
Sep 20, 2010 at 9:32 PM
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Are we seriously still talking about eating mimigas?
Sep 20, 2010 at 11:47 PM
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Yakkers said:
Are we seriously still talking about eating mimigas?

yeah, people have kind of ruined the thread lol.

I wholly support talking about anything that isn't hee hee teenage sexual fantasies here but this shit is even worse by far. It's not even interesting to read, it just makes me want to kind of go somewhere else.
Sep 21, 2010 at 12:40 AM
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Fine, we'll try to stop. RIGHT GUYS!?