Kanpachi also fucked a cabbage once. The result was the Core.
This marks my 2000th post, making me the sixth member to achieve Nu status. Jacob deleted himself, and MetaSeraphim got Nu only a handful of days ago, and I'm sure if I had applied myself I would have beaten her to it. Now, I was going to casually mention this, since I don't think it's a big deal, but Lace convinced me that this is a milestone in the timeline of Mirai Gamer Forums. So now you are all going to get a big speech about it.
Eleven months and five days ago I joined these forums. I was just another newbie; no avatar, dumb signature, struggling to learn the nuances of life in Miraigamerforumsland. However, unlike most new members, I set out to make a name for myself in these forums. Such was my love for Cave Story that I was determined to become a known and respected component of the largest Cave Story forum community. You old fogies may remember how much I posted. I'd insert my opinion into any thread, even if it wasn't neeeded, even if I didn't have one, just because I wanted to have a part in all your conversations. I wanted to be one of you, and all spring and all summer I worked towards that goal. When it happened I'm not quite sure, but now here I am, even if some of you consider me to be the class joker (R.I.P. The Joker).
I believe I have had the highest posts per day of all the members for most of my time on the forums, such was my eagerness to exist here. Nabi topped me for a short period, but he's gone and I miss him. Anyway, I have reached 2000 posts sooner than any of the other four Nu holders (Jacob is dead to me). Take from this what you will. Some of you may respect me for this, some of you may think that post counts are nothing more than a number. My younger self, who existed a few months ago, would have taken pride in this number, believing that it represented respect earned by other Miraians. I certainly did earn the number, as it was hard work posting that much, and it didn't help that Thomas deleted 400 of my posts for being too sexy. But now here I am, and if I have earned any of your respect, it was by the content of my words, not their quantity.
Now, to me, this post count is nothing more than a sign to new members that I've been around a while, and made use of my time. I hope many more of you grace our threads, and I hope members more senior than I can forgive my summer superficiality.