Manga help

Sep 21, 2007 at 2:10 PM
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Tadashi said:
Her breasts looks like she's +50 *runs away*

You all should really buy Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. If you can sketch things you see well, you can also draw things you think of well.
The image below the neck is a bit stretched thats all, well at least that's what I thought the problem was, but I love how everything from the neck upwards was done, you can tell that XristosX is getting better at this.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:00 AM
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Atravir said:
She looks exceedingly angry.
maybe she will pull out a fan from somewhere and hit someone XD

Atravir said:
OMG it's noodle woman!!! :D

lol maybe she can go to those medieval reenactments and hit people with her arms :D

Tadashi said:
Her breasts looks like she's +50 *runs away*

You all should really buy Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. If you can sketch things you see well, you can also draw things you think of well.

im pretty good at drawing things i look at this pic i think i drew last year, the lines look bad because of the jpegging and squeezed pic

heres the original pic that someone else drew

50's runaway? i could make i look like most anime breasts are then the pic would be counted as hentai :rolleyes:
what do you mean exactly because i sorta know what you mean

andwhyisit said:
The image below the neck is a bit stretched thats all, well at least that's what I thought the problem was, but I love how everything from the neck upwards was done, you can tell that XristosX is getting better at this.

thanks alot XD
Sep 22, 2007 at 4:59 AM
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im probably gonna draw another one today XD and then ill just do fan art of shows so i can start getting everything right 0_o"
around christmas ill probably make a cavestory one :rolleyes: for seasons greetings
Sep 22, 2007 at 5:13 AM
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xristosx said:
im pretty good at drawing things i look at this pic i think i drew last year, the lines look bad because of the jpegging and squeezed pic

heres the original pic that someone else drew
Those lines are horrible, it ruins the look of the image.

Looking past the linework, eyes and mouth, you had done a remarkable job with the rest of the drawing.

The original pic link seems broken.

xristosx said:
im probably gonna draw another one today XD and then ill just do fan art of shows so i can start getting everything right 0_o"
around christmas ill probably make a cavestory one :rolleyes: for seasons greetings
Yay for more cave story fanart!!!

Also I am thinking of having the sprites run around, climb, and jump around the words on the "There's no place like" shirt when I make it. :D
Sep 25, 2007 at 4:41 AM
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this is the final things i will post that isnt cavestory related because its probably wrong i've been posting it here
1.some random girl

2.close up on another one

3.far up on second one
Sep 25, 2007 at 4:42 AM
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other half of post because it wouldnt let me post more pics

4. another view of 2

5. some guy with 2 massive swords

also from now on ill just post a link in my sig to a new picture i drew on deviant art that isnt cs

but any cave story pics ill post here in this thread a direct link to it on Deviantart
Sep 25, 2007 at 5:31 AM
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xristosx said:
this is the final things i will post that isnt cavestory related because its probably wrong i've been posting it here
1.some random girl

2.close up on another one
3.far up on second one
And here we go:
1. You need to put more folds/creases in the clothing, and assuming that her hair isn't tied back you should have some hair at the front coming down to around the neck area (300-400mm). The neck is well drawn and you have improved with drawing the arms for this one, also all the elements of the face were drawn rather well. The pupils probably need to be added, but that can be done at any time since you don't need as much detail on the eyes as with a close-up view, the clothing was done nicely too, despite the need of more folds/creases on the pants.
xristosx said:
other half of post because it wouldnt let me post more pics

4. another view of 2

5. some guy with 2 massive swords

also from now on ill just post a link in my sig to a new picture i drew on deviant art that isnt cs

but any cave story pics ill post here in this thread a direct link to it on Deviantart
5. You would need a stance or pose or whatever it's called and something for him to hold the sword in place, other than that it looks good.

You forgot the sharpener again.

Keep posting em' here so that we can give feedback, otherwise if you are that worried you can always make a link to the image like I did for the quote.

The thread is about "manga help", so I don't see a problem.
Sep 25, 2007 at 6:01 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Keep posting em' here so that we can give feedback, otherwise if you are that worried you can always make a link to the image like I did for the quote.

The thread is about "manga help", so I don't see a problem.

oh well i just thought its still wrong since it is a cs forum, ill just link the page each time and you can post the comments on that page then

This is a example of they way i was gonna do it
|have the new pic link here and then just keep adding more as i did more pics
Sep 25, 2007 at 6:35 AM
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xristosx said:
oh well i just thought its still wrong since it is a cs forum, ill just link the page each time and you can post the comments on that page then

This is a example of they way i was gonna do it
|have the new pic link here and then just keep adding more as i did more pics
But you can only have a max of 4 images in your sig and you already have 2, that leaves 2 left unless you have the top 4 with thumbnails and the rest without.

The Satellite Lounge isn't suited for posting drawings since the code is turned off over there, just keep posting 'em here and put thumbnail links for the ones you really like into your sig.

Besides, you did say that you would do some of these before doing the cave story pics, so they are cave story related in a way. :rolleyes:
Sep 25, 2007 at 6:42 AM
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Arms don't bend that way. There's a solid bone in there, it can't bend around like a noodle. >> <<
I may be a bit late on this, but...
Eh, the curvature doesn't seem too bad - besides bone, there's also muscle, fat, and skin there, which can account for a fairly depressed The arms, however, do look a bit long, particularily the upper arms relative to the forearms. Perhaps the hips should be slightly bigger, unless it's an aspect of the dress design - more fat means larger hips, and less fat means smaller waistline, either way, and it, atleast it seems to me, few guys are that tube-shaped, let alone females.
The elbows are a bit overly pointy, too.
Sep 25, 2007 at 7:42 AM
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andwhyisit said:
But you can only have a max of 4 images in your sig and you already have 2, that leaves 2 left unless you have the top 4 with thumbnails and the rest without.
well ill have the 3 newest ones up then and a link to my gallery on the other( oh thats what you mean by top 4 right?)
Sep 29, 2007 at 8:55 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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got a new one

Edit: its a link to my picture just in case anyone didnt think it was lol
Sep 29, 2007 at 11:29 AM
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The image seems a little flat. You also need to remember that objects cast shadows (eg chins cast a shadow onto the neck, hair onto forehead, etc.), so that would need to be included with the shading you do. But I have to agree, the hair was done nicely.

Will we be seeing a colour and inking job of sketches 1 and 5?
Sep 30, 2007 at 3:32 AM
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Not to ruin the party, but...


Ignore the slight tilt, it was scanned funny, and I'm too lazy to fix it.

>> <<
Sep 30, 2007 at 4:59 AM
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Nice. Is it any specific person?
Sep 30, 2007 at 5:17 AM
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I like the tilt.

Is there a chance that we can see it coloured?
Sep 30, 2007 at 7:53 AM
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andwhyisit said:
The image seems a little flat. You also need to remember that objects cast shadows (eg chins cast a shadow onto the neck, hair onto forehead, etc.), so that would need to be included with the shading you do. But I have to agree, the hair was done nicely.

Will we be seeing a colour and inking job of sketches 1 and 5?

definately 1 i liked it :D and 5 if i ink it i most probably will

and ztaimat i like yours :D
Sep 30, 2007 at 1:14 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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i was starting to colour no 1 and i was having alot of truobles removing the excess lines( because i did it in a excercise book ) so i redrew it in my sketch book, i hope it looks better because i like it



but the arm on the right at the bottom looks abit weird so i might fix that bit up tho
and maybe the hips too wide :D
Sep 30, 2007 at 2:52 PM
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This is definitely going to be awesome!

A few things:
1. The hand is in an awkward position, try the hand position yourself and see how you go, the wrist also seems a bit oddly shaped.
2. Her right cheek needs to be moved in a little since it looks like it is swollen.

The clothing and hair are looking good. Actually, it all looks good. :D
Oct 1, 2007 at 8:31 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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well i didnt fix those up soz :D because i was doing it on my laptop in my room at that time.. the colouring that is but i may fix it up later here is the finished product

Will post once i put it on DA

EDIT: here it is

click on it to see the picture

also a test just to see how it looks with coloured lines
but i dont like this one :