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Lowell's Rant over the Cave Story Whiners

May 18, 2009 at 6:58 AM
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I know enough at about half the people referenced in the first post to know that they're not idiots, and more to the point I'm not sure that posting snarky comments at them is going to help anything. At this point I'm still willing to take the fact that people are impatient as a good sign because it means that there's still a good deal of interest. What WILL piss me off though is if everyone starts to complain about it being "done wrong" when it finally gets released. Honest opinions are cool, jumping up and down on something's neck after everyone has already got the bloody point isn't.

EDIT: That sentence was actually in reference to the one before it, but k...
May 18, 2009 at 7:05 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Honest opinions are cool, jumping up and down on something's neck after everyone has already got the bloody point isn't.

Yea, I suppose it is an honest opinion. I wasn't really actually that offended by Deceased crab's comment, I was just irked by the fact that when people saw Lowell complain about his comment, they told Lowell to not "open a can of worms", not because of the content of Deceased crab's post, but just because he WAS Deceased Crab. Although looking back, Lowell was OVERLY CRITICAL towards Deceased Crab, so now I'm just confused. So I'll just say let Deceased Crab voice his opinion, Lowell don't be so critical if you don't agree, and DT you seem to be right thank you. Nonetheless reputation should only get you so far....
May 18, 2009 at 11:05 PM
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Eh, I might've been overly critical a bit, but it really gets to me when people, who think they know everything, talk about something that they have no idea about.
If they did, they would know to shut their traps and be patient.

....Heh, this reminds me of this funny picture that I saw, which has a very good lesson behind it:

Too many people lack this, >.>
May 18, 2009 at 11:13 PM
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The dude in the picture you posted.
May 18, 2009 at 11:15 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
The dude in the picture you posted.
I just like the lesson behind it XD
I'm not too big a fan of super heroes...
May 18, 2009 at 11:17 PM
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He's not really a Super Hero, per se.
May 18, 2009 at 11:49 PM
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Doukutsu Monogatari

sirjazzhands Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 3:34 pm

There is nothing more ridiculous and pretentious than calling a game by its original name when no one else uses that name. Don’t call it “Doukutsu Monogatari”, wtf.

Ridiculous? Pretentious?
This guy just spat on Cave Story Doukutsu Monogatari.
What's wrong with calling the game by it's original name. That's REALLY arrogant.
May 19, 2009 at 12:01 AM
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JacobX891 said:
It's his opinion. He has a right to it. Stop trying to start a flamewar. I'm sorry if this is viewed as backseat moderation, though I don't think anyone cares either way..
Eh, I don't mean to start a flame war, but how would you like it if some foreigners took your name or the name of something you really liked and decided their translated version was the only one that mattered?
I don't go around using my name in spanish....
I use it in the language it came from.

{Probably should have added this to the first post, but I was hasty in my anger... >.>;}
May 19, 2009 at 12:22 AM
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JacobX891 said:
I just thought he was being disrespectful to DC. As a fan of his work, I'm going to bitch out anyone who does that to a degree I don't appreciate. It's the whole principle of the thing.
No-one give a f**k that it was DC that said it, it is about what was said. It could have been said by anyone else and still get the same reaction. And, while I am at it, this has NOTHING to do with "lets play" videos.

Please try to have an opinion in this besides "this guy is DeceasedCrab, so his opinion is automatically valid".
May 19, 2009 at 12:22 AM
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Waste of time?

JacobX891 said:
How would I like it? From a psychological standpoint, I'd understand completely. Stop wasting both of our time.
This is about Respect.
And what's more disrespectful than calling the original name the wrong way to say it?
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we mistranslated the title, too.
andwhyisit said:
No-one give a f**k that it was DC that said it, it is about what was said. It could have been said by anyone else and still get the same reaction. And, while I am at it, this has NOTHING to do with "lets play" videos.

Please try to have an opinion in this besides "this guy is DeceasedCrab, so his opinion is automatically valid".
May 19, 2009 at 12:31 AM
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JacobX891 said:
It's not mistranslated, first of all.
Secondly, this isn't about respect.
Thirdly, some people are idiots. Stop pointing this out, or you'll become one of them, simple as that.
I didn't say it was, but it could have been possible {In light of the Grasstown/Bushland thing}, which would have made the whole thing even more disrespectful.
And, this IS about respect.
I said, spat on
Doukutsu Monogatari!!!
He basically insulted the whole Japanese language and Amaya!!

And about the idiot thing, it's a matter of learning where the lines are. :D
And experience, of being so.
May 19, 2009 at 12:36 AM
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Who the heck doesn't have the correct spelling for "Doukutsu Monogatari" embedded into their mind by now?
May 19, 2009 at 12:45 AM
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JacobX891 said:
He didn't insult the whole Japanese language. He just said it sounded pretentious to still be calling it by its Japanese name. It was a nearsighted comment, and I'm not defending it; but if you're going to get so goddamn butthurt about it, maybe you should just get out of the sandbox and calm the fuck down.
Most of the posts were about showing this was about respect. And yeah, he did kinda insult the language...
"There is nothing more ridiculous...."
Ridiculous. That can be taken as offensive very easily.
And why is it so 'ridiculous and pretentious'? Why is it wrong to use it's real freakin' name??
Got an answer? I don't think so.

And I still don't have the name
Doukutsu Monogatari memorized, I've been using Copy and Paste, :D;
May 19, 2009 at 12:59 AM
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..Am I...?

JacobX891 said:
Why is it 'pretentious'?
Well, that's another perception thing, Lowell.

Well then don't get offended. It's a mark of good character to be able to wave off an insult, something a lot of people can't seem to do.

Also, why are you trolling me all of a sudden?
...Am I...?
To be truthful, this is the first forum I've ever been on, so I'm not really sure what Trolling is ^.^;
Sorry if I have been...
But I don't think it's as easy as brushing it off....
He said that to all of the people who visit that Blog, including Tyrone and the team...
Someone's gotta correct him...
Or is it really ridiculous and pretentious {Holy crap, I spelt that right without the help of the auto-correcter..} to use the original name?
I guess I'm taking this too personally, but I find it pretty insulting...
{Then again, who ever uses my name, instead of Void or Mage, unless it's serious? >.>;}
May 19, 2009 at 1:04 AM
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JacobX891 said:
Also, why are you trolling me all of a sudden?
Says he who insulted VoidMage for half the thread:
JacobX891 said:
Deceased Crab is, frankly, more witty that you, and older than you, so just shut your uppity fucking mouth and stop being a goddamn bitch, bitch. Go kill yourself and fucking rot in hell.

Just take a look, if you're still gonna be a whiney motherfucker.
JacobX891 said:
The second guy didn't spit on anything, you literalistic FAGGOT. He was just expressing his views on something he loved. If a fan of a certain football team says 'Man, they're doing awful this year, maybe they should change their playing style in this certain way,' is that spitting on it? NO. FUCK YOU, SIR. FUCK YOU.
JacobX891 said:
Some people don't have money, you idiot.
May 19, 2009 at 1:06 AM
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Heh, I just took that as apart of Jacob's personality.
I doubt he really meant any of it as trolling.
Infact, I know someone exactly like him, who also argues with valid points, but mixes it with extreme bluntness and profane language
May 19, 2009 at 1:16 AM
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JacobX891 said:
You mean profane.
Again, I am sorry about the anger. But you've gotta stop takin' the internet so goddamn seriously. It turns good people bad, fast.
This is internet. Stupid people flock here. You either learn to live with it, or you learn to get a hobby.
I know first hand about how many stupid people are attracted to the internet...
{Try Starcraft}

Again, a perfect time to use my database of quotes:
"Correcting wrongs on the internet is like subtracting 1 from infinity" {This one was from T-Jack}
But there's always the possibility of helping that bad person, no matter how useless it is...
Although, I used a bit too much anger, this time...

And I don't think it'll turn people bad if they are around good company.
{Don't take this as mushy-mushy, I'm not just talking about the Forums :D;}
May 19, 2009 at 1:18 AM
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whyme said:
It wasn't suppose to, I just wanted to vent my anger at the stupidity of the people posting on the Blog.

...And you just gave it more attention :D