Logic behind the names of guns

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Jan 17, 2012 at 5:43 PM
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So, here are my theories for the names of all of the guns in Cave Story.

Missile Launcher: It is quite self-explanatory why it is called that. It launches missiles. Enough said.

Fire Ball: It is quite self-explanatory why it is called that. It shoots fire balls. Enough said.

Bubbler: Yet another self-explanatory name. It shoots bubbles. Enough said.

Machine Gun: Probably because of its automatic rapidfire. Quite self-explanatory.

Blade: Dude. It's a blade. The most self-explanatory of them all. Enough said.

Snake: It's probably called this due to its wavy motion which apparently reminds Pixel/AGTP/NICALiS of a snake. Pretty obvious though.

Super Missile Launcher: Same as the missile launcher, but super because it's more powerful. Very obvious. Enough said.

Nemesis: Probably just a cool name. Not necessarily a ton of philosophy behind it unless stated otherwise.
EDIT: Captain Fabulous pionted out that Nemesis was the Greek goddess of revenge. Which is worth noting.

Alright, so the above was pretty much piontless, but the whole point of this thread is for the sake of presenting my theory for the names of the Spur and Polar Star which you probably noticed were omitted from the list. I recently had a revelation a few days ago when I was studying Biology. Here's my belief:

Polar Star: When a method of sexual reproduction called meiosis takes place within animal (or human) cells, the offspring is four younger cells (as opposed to a different method called mitosis which is asexual, and results in two offspring cells). When this takes place in a female's body, two different types exist in the four offspring cells: one of the four cells produced is called an egg, with which I'll take for granted that most of you are familiar with, and three much smaller cells, called Polar bodies. Polar bodies are much smaller, and have little to no functionality as far as we presently know. As anyone who has played Cave Story knows, the Polar Star is regarded as incomplete, and not at its full potential. This is much the case with Polar Bodies. Polar Bodies, Polar Star? I'd be surprised if you didn't see the connection.

Spur: When meiosis, the method that results in four offspring cells, takes place in a male, the four offspring cells are sperms with which I will take for granted that you are familiar with. All four of the produced sperms are fully functional, and can move around as opposed to the Polar Bodies produced in a female. Sperm, Spur? I'd be surprised if you didn't see the connection. Additionally, since Polar Bodies not only have less functionality than Sperms, but are produced in females as opposed to males who, of course, are often regarded as being stronger than females. Serving as a connection for the Spur being more powerful than the Polar Star.

So, if any admins think that some of the aforementioned content is overly graphic, then I will be fine with this being taken down.
Jan 17, 2012 at 5:55 PM
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Jan 17, 2012 at 6:00 PM
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No? Why no? Do you have another theory? If so, I'd be glad to hear it.
Yes. The Polar Star is called the Polar Star because "It bears the mark of Polaris."
The Spur... I don't know. It's not a very good name. I blame localization.
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:03 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Polar Star: When a method of sexual reproduction called meiosis takes place within animal (or human) cells, the offspring is four younger cells (as opposed to a different method called mitosis which is asexual, and results in two offspring cells). When this takes place in a female's body, two different types exist in the four offspring cells: one of the four cells produced is called an egg, with which I'll take for granted that most of you are familiar with, and three much smaller cells, called Polar bodies. Polar bodies are much smaller, and have little to no functionality as far as we presently know. As anyone who has played Cave Story knows, the Polar Star is regarded as incomplete, and not at its full potential. This is much the case with Polar Bodies. Polar Bodies, Polar Star? I'd be surprised if you didn't see the connection.

Spur: When meiosis, the method that results in four offspring cells, takes place in a male, the four offspring cells are sperms with which I will take for granted that you are familiar with. All four of the produced sperms are fully functional, and can move around as opposed to the Polar Bodies produced in a female. Sperm, Spur? I'd be surprised if you didn't see the connection. Additionally, since Polar Bodies not only have less functionality than Sperms, but are produced in females as opposed to males who, of course, are often regarded as being stronger than females. Serving as a connection for the Spur being more powerful than the Polar Star.
Homaghey you're so smart! I am thoroughly impressed with your intellect! :momo: :momo: :muscledoc:

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We already have a Lace here

Snarkiness aside, I think you may be over thinking that ._.

And Dunc has got it spot on I think. And I always thought of spurs like the things on cowboy boots, which is basically a star with more points on it. So, an upgrade for the "star".
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:10 PM
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Homaghey you're so smart! I am thoroughly impressed with your intellect! :momo: :momo: :muscledoc:
Thank you!
Snarkiness aside, I think you may be over thinking that ._.
And Dunc has got it spot on I think. And I always thought of spurs like the things on cowboy boots, which is basically a star with more points on it. So, an upgrade for the "star".
Ah, that is a very good point. But I still can't help but wonder... It just seems to fit so perfectly...
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:14 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Thank you!
Ah, that is a very good point. But I still can't help but wonder... It just seems to fit so perfectly...

Snarkiness aside
You have trouble detecting sarcasm. I hate to be mean but I really can't stand when people talk like that, it seems like they are just putting on airs to me and try to impress others.

And no, it really doesn't. I think it's ridiculous, personally. I don't think Pixel would spend so much time studying biology to name weapons like that. Dunc's theory, along with mine, may be simple, but sometimes simple is best and makes the most sense.
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:48 PM
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You have trouble detecting sarcasm. I hate to be mean but I really can't stand when people talk like that, it seems like they are just putting on airs to me and try to impress others.
Forgive me for my inability to detect that. The intention was not to impress people, but merely to potray my theory. if you think my the presentation was too patronizing, then sorry for that.

I think it's ridiculous, personally. I don't think Pixel would spend so much time studying biology to name weapons like that. Dunc's theory, along with mine, may be simple, but sometimes simple is best and makes the most sense.
You are probably correct, but I found it quite funny that there were names of such similarity in that manner.
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:52 PM
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I'm gonna go ahead and break down this post
So, here are my theories for the names of all of the guns in Cave Story.

Missile Launcher: It is quite self-explanatory
Fire Ball: It is quite self-explanatory
Bubbler: Yet another self-explanatory
Machine Gun: Quite self-explanatory.
Blade: most self-explanatory
Snake: wavy motion. Pretty obvious
Super Missile Launcher: Very obvious
you really didn't need to include all this.

Nemesis:Nemesis was the Greek goddess of revenge
also divine retribution and balance etc etc.
I think I read somewhere that she strikes people down with lightning or something but I can't seem to find it.

batshit insane theory about the link between polar star and polar body, spur and sperm
you're overthinking this.
keep in mind the item description for the polar star: "it bears the mark of polaris".
(p.s. that star is the pole star). so yeah there is this obvious connection with astrolagy. that's about it, no other symbolism or shit here.
I'm gonna go with wd's theory about the spur being like those stars at the end of cowboy boots.

also yeah I assume each translation would be pretty spot on to the original meaning, but I don't speak the japaneses and havne't played cs in it's original form so I guess I can't say for certain.
Jan 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM
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I believe that the more likely theory has already been pointed out by Dunc and Wild Desu.
Jan 17, 2012 at 10:37 PM
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Sperm, Spur? I'd be surprised if you didn't see the connection.

This is going to be my new signature. It should be obvious why.

Anyways the word used in the original game, シュプール (shupuuru, SPUR) means "trace" in english and can be visually represented as the path a skier makes when going down a hill. The spur used here is german in origin.

So obviously the Spur was named such because of the mechanics of the weapon (the trace it leaves behind, the giant laser).
Jan 17, 2012 at 10:45 PM
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Nemesis = Arch-Enemy
Arch-Enemy of who?
Maybe one of the characters..?
Jan 17, 2012 at 10:52 PM
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The word "nemesis" has plenty of meanings really..
A common meaning is something that you can never beat and is always one step ahead of you.
In some cases it's an undefeatable enemy.
Or it could indeed refer to the greek godess Nemesis.
Or a danger or threat to well-being.
Jan 17, 2012 at 11:16 PM
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Firstly: This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
(Did I do the meme right guys?)

Secondly: Pixel doesn't have a good enough hold on engrish to do advanced scienceness like that
Thirdly: I admire the convolution of this theory (those are things I would never have thought to connect, but spur/sperm is sorta a contrived connection), but I think you need to meet my buddy Occam. He knows what's up.
Jan 17, 2012 at 11:21 PM
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Description of the Nemesis:
Lightning of the goddess. For advanced players.

I think it's obvious which meaning it is.

Ah, I didn't know that about the description.
I believe that sums it up.
Jan 17, 2012 at 11:36 PM
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This is going to be my new signature. It should be obvious why.
I'm torn between taking that as a compliment, and taking it as an insult.

I <3 Porpoise Sex said:
Firstly: This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
(Did I do the meme right guys?)
Indeed, after seeing the initial replies, I realize I should have kept that theory to myself.

I <3 Porpoise Sex said:
Secondly: Pixel doesn't have a good enough hold on engrish to do advanced scienceness like that
My impression that this was Aeon Genesis who thought of that, not Pixel, and NICALiS possibly wouldn't bring themselves to give it a different name so as not to upset fans of the original Cave Story. But then again, they did have the guts to replace "HUZZA!" with "Oh yeah!".
I <3 Porpoise Sex said:
Thirdly: I admire the convolution of this theory (those are things I would never have thought to connect, but spur/sperm is sorta a contrived connection), but I think you need to meet my buddy Occam. He knows what's up.
If your first statement was serious, then I can't help but see contradiction. And who is this "Occam," to whom you refer?
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