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King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

Jan 8, 2010 at 1:13 PM
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Re: Demo

Noxid said:
To whatever mod reads this first: I've change the title to
King: Strife and Sacrifice
I would appreciate if the title of the thread reflected this. It's alright to still call it King's story in casual reference, but the official designation has changed for now, and may again in the future.
Done diddly. I'll play this tomorrow maybe, otherwise Sunday.
Jan 8, 2010 at 3:19 PM
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Re: Demo


anyway I finished the demo and I can't wait for another :confused:

and also...
Jan 8, 2010 at 5:00 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I downloaded it and started playing, so far I like it very much! I`ll write a whole review when I finish the mod.

Constructive criticism:
I forgot the map system before green crystal cave, so I completely restarted the mod, but now I can`t get to cystal cave at all. If I go to the hole in King`s house he says something like this: "Wait is she my mom?". When I go to King`s mom, King says: "I love you mom, sniff". Than I go to the hole again I can`t enter the house again, because King asks himself again: "Wait is she my mom?" and so on. I uploaded it so you can see what`s wrong if you load the game to play from where I left: http://www.mediafire.com/?ijzvy0mlkg2
Jan 8, 2010 at 6:01 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

That is really, really weird.

I never ran into that problem. How strange.

Well, may I ask what you did before this? Maybe the script screwed up at some point.
Jan 8, 2010 at 6:08 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

@Cyowolf. Use the download link from the previous post and load the game to find it out yourself. It didn`t happen when I played it first time. For the second time I visited places and talked to mimigas in a different order, maybe that`s it.

I also hasitated to post about this, because I like Noxid`s mod very much and want to say only good things about it. But then I figured he may need the info about possible bugs to make it even better.
Jan 8, 2010 at 6:16 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I did. The reason I am asking is to help Noxid. So if you can give an order of what you did, that would be a big help. If not, oh well.

Looks like I gots more work to do. I'll be trying out this version later on. I'll let ya know how it goes.
Jan 8, 2010 at 6:58 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

@ Cyowolf. I tryied replaying just to remember more precisely! I am really not sure, sorry; maybe it was this way, but no guarantee:
First talked to Arthur to get the quest, then without talking to anyone I immediately brought the flowers to the graveyard. I just did the most necessary talking because I knew all the Mimiga`s lines from my first attempt. Then went to Arthur to get the second quest. First went to get the dead fish and only talked to King`s dad on the way. Then right after it went to see the landlord. Then I talked to Yuki (not sure if I visited Arthur before) and went to sleep. Skipped the Sue&Toroko talk, then the fell unconscious

I remember trying to enter in all the buildings, but it said something like "no, let`s kill the robots fist" and maybe I could enter to the graveyard but not sure. Talked to King`s mom before killing the robots I think - maybe that`s the problem?, then killed all the bots. Then I went to Yamashita`s and killed the robot there. Then I went to save and tryied to get through the whole in King`s house without talking to King`s mom, because I already did that.
Good luck! Hope it helps!
Jan 8, 2010 at 7:45 PM
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I've checked it out, the problem actually lay in the fact that you visited yamashita farm after talking to her. I've fixed it for future downloads.

T'was a mistake of poor flag documentation I'm afraid. I've become much more meticulous with that now so we should see less problems in the future...
Jan 8, 2010 at 10:56 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

This is a great mod. I did find a glitch though.

It might be a sequence break.

After talking to Cthulu, you can head back to the top part of the tunnel, there are one of those rolling things that you can use to get to the tunnel at the top, when it hits the wall it jumps, and if you stay on the top of it and jump off at the right time you can get up there.

I just tried it again and there were robots there this time. Are they set by flags or something?

But other than that, this mod is awesome.
Jan 10, 2010 at 9:27 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Hmmm... somehow I must have overlooked the previous updates of this mod, which is weird considering I even posted after said updates.

But that doesn't matter now because now you have a new update.

And speaking of this new update...


Let me reiterate...



The main great aspect of this mod is the storyline. CS sequel/prequel mods like Curly's Story, Path of Ruin, and Jenka's Nightmare are all have good storylines, but this one totally outshines any of those; it's so much more personal/emotional.

I love very "exploratory" feel of this mod. This is true in both the Mimiga Village (in which you get to go around and talk to the villagers, and get to know them, making you even more sad when most of them die :p) and the emerald place.

Minor glitch: when you get the sparkly item in Yamashita Farm, the music changes to the graveyard music, which doesn't really make sense. There was as similar thing in the emerald caves where when you get the azurite, the music changes to something which seemed kinda lame next to the normal music in that area (which is awesome by the way). Not sure if these were intentional or not, but they seem kinda awkward/weird imo.

I'm guessing/hoping that this existentialist/meaning of life stuff is going to be a sort of theme throughout the mod. You've developed it well so far.

The way you've portrayed the Cthulhus and led up to the meeting with one is brilliant.

I love this sort of exploratory puzzle involving the three rocks. I can't recall having seen anything else like this in a mod. I probably would have made it so that once you put a rock in a machine, the machine eats it and you don't get it back (and you can still test rocks even if you don't have all three, as long as you have at least one). That way there would be more incentive to get it right the first time. Just an idea for you to consider.

There are some npcs (like the rocks) where you only interact with them if you do so when you're on their right edge. You might wanna make their collision boxes extend farther to the left.

Oh no, the humans have a way to help the mimigas fight back... :rolleyes: dramatic irony ftw.

This has the most emotionally engaging storyline I've ever seen in a mod, and is one of the best mods overall. Excellent job!!
Jan 10, 2010 at 10:40 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

wedge of cheese said:
Ah, man, you don't know how great that makes me feel :p
Well, maybe you do, since you've got an awesome mod too, but you know what I mean.

The main great aspect of this mod is the storyline. CS sequel/prequel mods like Curly's Story, Path of Ruin, and Jenka's Nightmare are all have good storylines, but this one totally outshines any of those; it's so much more personal/emotional.

I love very "exploratory" feel of this mod. This is true in both the Mimiga Village (in which you get to go around and talk to the villagers, and get to know them, making you even more sad when most of them die :rolleyes:) and the emerald place.

I'm guessing/hoping that this existentialist/meaning of life stuff is going to be a sort of theme throughout the mod. You've developed it well so far.

The way you've portrayed the Cthulhus and led up to the meeting with one is brilliant.
This is really the driving force behind my mod; I don't want to just make a game, I want to tell a story, make the player think and feel and question. To that end, development takes a little longer than usual because I don't only have to worry about what the player is going to do but why are they going to do it and where it's going to lead. Another thing I want to try to focus more on is player choice; you've seen a bit of it, but my plan is to have the game expand with options that allow you to shape how you think King would behave and react to the situations he's exposed to, which will ultimately affect how and when the game ends. I have in mind to include some "non-canon" variations as well, just for whatifsies

Minor glitch: when you get the sparkly item in Yamashita Farm, the music changes to the graveyard music, which doesn't really make sense. There was as similar thing in the emerald caves where when you get the azurite, the music changes to something which seemed kinda lame next to the normal music in that area (which is awesome by the way). Not sure if these were intentional or not, but they seem kinda awkward/weird imo.
Ah, yes, I really don't know why I did that. Maybe I had some obscure reason I was going to follow up on then forgot... And as for the cave, that is indeed a glitch. Once DT is done his review, I'll round up all the bugs that have been found post-release and put out a final fixed version.

I love this sort of exploratory puzzle involving the three rocks. I can't recall having seen anything else like this in a mod. I probably would have made it so that once you put a rock in a machine, the machine eats it and you don't get it back (and you can still test rocks even if you don't have all three, as long as you have at least one). That way there would be more incentive to get it right the first time. Just an idea for you to consider.
That's funny: this is exactly how it worked until someone said that sending them BACK into the cave was too harsh a punishment for getting it wrong.

There are some npcs (like the rocks) where you only interact with them if you do so when you're on their right edge. You might wanna make their collision boxes extend farther to the left.
Hmm, I think the problem with the rocks is that you tried to interact with the very middle of it. In fact, they were so big I used two entities for them (one left side and one right) and 0 entities are slightly smaller than a tile. I actually used this so depending if you check the left or right side of the crystal, the cracks show up appropriately.

Oh no, the humans have a way to help the mimigas fight back... :D dramatic irony ftw.

This has the most emotionally engaging storyline I've ever seen in a mod, and is one of the best mods overall. Excellent job!!
I'm very glad you enjoyed it, that's all I could have ever asked for.

UltimaLink said:
This is a great mod. I did find a glitch though.
Not so much a sequence break at the moment since it doesn't go anywhere, but I'll definitely have to look at that!
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:24 AM
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Noxid said:
Once DT is done his review, I'll round up all the bugs that have been found post-release and put out a final fixed version.


-Ah man this new title screen + music is creepy, it kinda reminds me of those old medieval-themed games on the NES.
-There's a [] at the end of King's dialogue when Arthur appears.
-Two Chinfish? What is this madness!? I like the new style of door animation though.
-The <FOM seems to move very slowly around the Mimiga Village, and it's very easy to fall off the bottom of the screen without the camera catching up.
-'Kay, sidequests are done, time for some rest. Man, I hope I don't wake up to that agai-:(
-There's another [] if you try to enter the hole in Arthur's house.
-Skipflags? Thank you sir!
-Ah, creepy voices aren't good... I think I remember you posting in the ORGs thread, so I guess you made the music as well? The non-bouncing exp chips flowers are an interesting touch too.
-You have the script check to see when all the robots are gone, but it won't change the music unless you enter a house and return to the village main.
-"Merlyn, Arthur's father"... humm. That might have been funny if I checked out his house BEFORE the attack D: And now his mum gets a facepic...
-The Crystal Cave looks very nice, and the rolling eye cubes are a nifty, how they slow down and change direction again after you pass them. I'd guess edited Butes, or Rollings?
-Hey is this Plasma Bolt going through enemies? I likes!
-Took me a minute to figure out what to do after the meeting with the Cthulu, but now I've made it to the Web of Tunnels. Time to check the Map System... SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY.
-Okay, it's not so bad, just kinda slow. I didn't bother searching around too much, because all the areas led back to the lower area.
-The computer with the fatal error needs a <PRI.
-Oh. Looks like I'm gonna have to head back down there anyway :/ Should be able to make it in one trip, but I'ma take a break for now.

~Tooooo be continued?~
Jan 11, 2010 at 8:02 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I finished the demo a bit ago. Very nice mod. Grim, but that was your goal from the beginning was it not? Anyways, I hope you finish the next part of the mod soon. There is one thing I found. If you go to sleep again after King is woken by arthur, the whole sceen plays out again. I'm not sure what that is about. Just letting you know. Eagerly awaiting part 2.
Jan 11, 2010 at 8:34 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I haven't beaten this mod yet, but I think it's awesome so far. The only thing that may need a bit fixing is the mychar.. King looks weird looking up and down. But that isn't much of a problem. Keep up the awesome work, Noxid. :(
Jan 11, 2010 at 9:02 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I have already said on your development page many times that I like the mod thoroughly, So I wasn`t sure to post or not; but since I promised you a review when I completely finish KS here it is:

Some things I especially liked:

1 Storyline
2 Dialogues
3 The machine invading Mimigatown
4 Butchered Mimigas (although I somehow feel sorry for them)
5 Little graphical beauties like a vase (or flower? - can`t remember) on the table, machines at crystal cave, etc.
6 Taking crystal samples and measuring them
7 The music in general, and the changing of the music after taking a sample. It is like the music symbolises the quality of that crystal or something...
8 The rolling enemies! - btw. they can be quite a challenge

Constructive suggestions:
1 The ability to take the expedition plan with you would come handy, since I forgot what to do halfway, and had to return to see it again.
2 If you fall in Mimigatown, the camera follows you slowly - can you fix this?

I hope that this mod will be finished some day! Btw. it`s ALREADY one of my 3 favourite mods; No.1 Sorajima Monogatari, No.2 Schizm and No.3 King`s Story!

Best wishes, trickybilly
Jan 12, 2010 at 1:08 PM
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-Oh right. I didn't mention this but the map is really well-done, although when you look at it and then exit the music re-starts rather than continuing. I can't remember, is there something to return music to normal after <FMU?
-I get the wrong music after the almandine, maybe it happens for all of them?
-The jumping area to reach the azurite is really well-done, as is the area in general. Not too many enemies, they do a bit of damage but nothing silly, and a few careful jumps to make here and there. I like anything that takes jumping moderation rather than holding down the button.
-I have a nerd boner for crystals in general, so I made sure to check the properties of all three minerals even if though it's meant to be a puzzle ^_____^ 3.62 Mohs? That's a damn soft crystal... Great idea for a puzzle in general, and it offers a path to get those golden flowers too without having to backtrack needlessly.
-12.34, whaaaaaat? It comes to 9.08... that's not cool, dude. :o
-Now, I had to do something once I got to the hub... oh right, end the demo.

Ayup, this is definitely long enough for a listing. So is Tower Story, but I'm going to finish my hell mod before I update the guide... as incentive, otherwise I'm going to run out of time D: Lots of prequel mods atm...

The facepics and graphics in general have improved a lot from what I remember, and the music was again probably better than what I expected. I like the dialogue; it's believable without being too overdone, although I'm not quite as in love with it as Wedge :( Toroko in particular was very good. The sillyness at the start of the last release (1 Bubbler shot, low health) has been toned down, and now the demo as a whole is nice and balanced. I shall note it down as a victory... FOR SCIENCE!!!
Jan 12, 2010 at 2:59 PM
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DoubleThink said:
the rolling eye cubes are a nifty, how they slow down and change direction again after you pass them. I'd guess edited Butes, or Rollings?
Critters, actually.
DoubleThink said:
-12.34, whaaaaaat? It comes to 9.08... that's not cool, dude. :(

O.O I thought I got that right... I even used a calculator! frig

trickybilly said:
1 The ability to take the expedition plan with you would come handy, since I forgot what to do halfway, and had to return to see it again.
I wish I could do this, but it uses <TRA so I had to control where it's used.

DoubleThink said:
-You have the script check to see when all the robots are gone, but it won't change the music unless you enter a house and return to the village main.
If anybody has an idea how I could do this, I'd love to have it happen. All I can think of is to have the script stuck in some sort of loop event that runs until all the NPC's are dead, but that would mean you would be unable to interact with anything during that time and I have a feeling it might cause other problems as well...

And of course, I'll fix all the other stuff like the music bugs, graphics things and camera issues, and maybe have the fixed version out in a few days (busy with homework right now though)
Thanks to everybody who played the mod! Especially to those who write their suggestions for improvements.
Jan 12, 2010 at 4:01 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Noxid said:
O.O I thought I got that right... I even used a calculator! frig
*brief check*

Ah, as I suspected. The board says density MINUS solubility plus hardness, but if you add them all up it comes to 12.34. Simple mistake, costed me plenty of marks on my maths exams over the years >_>
Jan 12, 2010 at 5:09 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Rather enjoyable, hope to see it finished one day.
Jan 12, 2010 at 5:31 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Noxid said:
If anybody has an idea how I could do this, I'd love to have it happen. All I can think of is to have the script stuck in some sort of loop event that runs until all the NPC's are dead, but that would mean you would be unable to interact with anything during that time and I have a feeling it might cause other problems as well...

For each of the robots, give it a unique event number and set flag 0x0200 (I think that's the right one, anyway; it's the one that makes the script run when the npc dies). Then set a flag every time one dies, and once all the flags are set, change the music.