Noxid said:
Once DT is done his review, I'll round up all the bugs that have been found post-release and put out a final fixed version.
-Ah man this new title screen + music is creepy, it kinda reminds me of those old medieval-themed games on the NES.
-There's a [] at the end of King's dialogue when Arthur appears.
-Two Chinfish? What is this madness!? I like the new style of door animation though.
-The <FOM seems to move very slowly around the Mimiga Village, and it's very easy to fall off the bottom of the screen without the camera catching up.
-'Kay, sidequests are done, time for some rest. Man, I hope I don't wake up to that agai-

-There's another [] if you try to enter the hole in Arthur's house.
-Skipflags? Thank you sir!
-Ah, creepy voices aren't good... I think I remember you posting in the ORGs thread, so I guess you made the music as well? The non-bouncing exp
chips flowers are an interesting touch too.
-You have the script check to see when all the robots are gone, but it won't change the music unless you enter a house and return to the village main.
-"Merlyn, Arthur's father"... humm. That might have been funny if I checked out his house BEFORE the attack D: And
now his mum gets a facepic...
-The Crystal Cave looks very nice, and the rolling eye cubes are a nifty, how they slow down and change direction again after you pass them. I'd guess edited Butes, or Rollings?
-Hey is this Plasma Bolt going
through enemies? I likes!
-Took me a minute to figure out what to do after the meeting with the Cthulu, but now I've made it to the Web of Tunnels. Time to check the Map System... SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY.
-Okay, it's not so bad, just kinda slow. I didn't bother searching around too much, because all the areas led back to the lower area.
-The computer with the fatal error needs a <PRI.
-Oh. Looks like I'm gonna have to head back down there anyway :/ Should be able to make it in one trip, but I'ma take a break for now.
~Tooooo be continued?~