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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Jan 2, 2013 at 5:51 AM
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Goddammit I stopped following this topic somehow
Yeah sure I'll ask him. I still think/hope there's no assembly edits that I made without telling myself so that's good.

Also I made a version update because inside sources revealed that I shamefully left in a debug entity. It's not really imperative or even suggested you download the new version if you already have a copy of the mod, as it's a lot of useless effort for little reward.
Jan 3, 2013 at 12:18 AM
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By the way, are you still working on the guide?
Jan 3, 2013 at 12:20 AM
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Not lately. I think Dunc did a bunch of work a little while back, but other than that I don't think there's been much progress.
Jan 4, 2013 at 11:24 PM
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I Can't really follow your g-spirit maze solution .
It's not working!!!!
Jan 5, 2013 at 12:20 AM
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Doesn't seem too hard to me. Just go from number to number - 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6 - by following the path that is outlined in red.
Jan 7, 2013 at 4:52 PM
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The fire's location is random sometimes...

Finally got through it after 6 tries.
Jan 13, 2013 at 10:56 PM
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Got to the supposed end and then the game sort of falls apart. It auto teleports me to the not-undead-core area, and the core's little dinky sidekicks all spawn in a row, but the undead core does not.
Jan 14, 2013 at 12:11 AM
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You are crazy batshit completely insane that is wrong you are wrong go home you're WRONG.
Jan 14, 2013 at 4:17 AM
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I also for some reason got the uber bubbler at the same point in time as the blade, and Curly just straight gave me the spur in exchange for the life pot. Kind of snapped the game's difficulty in two.

Really, I feel like all the good in this mod is everything that already existed years ago when it was first conceived. Everything after that sort of gets really sloppy and hard to follow, which is really saying something when it was already sloppy and hard to follow. Like a half-finished lego statue of an obscure cartoon character that a child wanted to finish.
Jan 14, 2013 at 9:00 AM
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After redownloading and pasting my save file with ultimate doukutsu trainer, i got through genesis.
So in the end, you die anyway from a lightning bolt and the world doesn't get saved? ... :I
Jan 14, 2013 at 11:14 AM
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liammillay said:
So in the end, you die anyway from a lightning bolt and the world doesn't get saved? ... :I
That's what happens if you don't
go through Genesis: Spirit, and get all four mirror fragments and bring them to the Hermit Gunsmith
Jan 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM
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ZDitty said:
Got to the supposed end and then the game sort of falls apart. It auto teleports me to the not-undead-core area, and the core's little dinky sidekicks all spawn in a row, but the undead core does not.

MagicDoors said:
You are crazy batshit completely insane that is wrong you are wrong go home you're WRONG.
Actually, the same thing happened to me but I hadn't gotten around to posting about it. It made me sad, but I haven't had time to do much with it for a while.
Jan 14, 2013 at 4:16 PM
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Oh this is an actual legitimate issue
Sure, I'll look into it.
By the way, I was just joking around with my last message. I didn't really mean anything by it. Sorry if I offended you.
Jan 15, 2013 at 12:05 AM
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So I'll elaborate on my problems with the story. These problems of which aren't entirely your fault, but a lot of it falls into the category of "Fanboy weeabo who thinks he knows best". I'm reciting these problems from memory, mind you; but if the problem itself is more memorable than what might have been an already-existing solution, then it's still just as equally a problem.

1) Who the fuck is "Asura"?

I had to seriously open the game in Booster's Lab to double check the name, it was so generic and unmemorable. But I did remember that this character was not only completely unexplained prior to the mirror fragments, but he seemed to suddenly become the final boss for no reason whatsoever. This was not a character created by or inspired by the original mod's unfinished state - you made this thing up completely on your own merit, and it simply doesn't fit.

"Ballos" in the original Cave Story may not have been properly introduced until the extra dungeon, but he has a hell of a lot more backstory than "Asura", and a much more original name to boot. The first time we're informed of Ballos' existence is in an ominous bonus scene as you set up your game for the extra dungeon, followed by additional information to give you an understanding of who Ballos is, and what he had become.

But "Asura"? All we're told is he was some demon sealed away in a shitty mirror that you phoned into the game for seemingly no reason. I was under the impression that this mirror was going to be a usable item that would teleport you to a hellish bonus dungeon on the spot outside the plot -- a much, MUCH better idea than was executed -- and instead you turned this phoned in apparition into the only final boss of the game.

Ballos EXCITED me, and STILL does with his imposing backstory greeting you every run through Sacred Ground. But "Asura"? I don't know who he is.

2) Who the fuck is this other "Genesis"?

I see what you did here. I have the game open in Booster's Lab, and I can see three things.

i) There is no "Defeated Genesis!" after the Genesis: Source boss.

ii) Misery's easily missable and entirely not worth it in the slightest extra text taunting you sloppily with what you think is "foreboding" but is actually "bad writing"

iii) You're an idiot.

Besides this, it's my understanding that even if you beat the "real" Genesis (Who is incredibly phoned in and disruptively sloppy), you die and game over unless you have some stupid mirror you added just because you like shiny things. This not only ruins the game itself as an overarching story, but this tell me that you really, REALLY think that "Don't tell the player anything until the big reveal!" is a good way to write a story. Please see (iii) for my, and anyone who's older than 20's, response to that idea.

3) What the fuck is going on with King?

We get it! King was your all time favorite Mimiga character! His death was tragic! You didn't like him dying! You wanted to write fanfiction! "But he's dead! HOW DO I DO THAT?"

Luckily, you completely misunderstand referential sequencing in art. What was originally a reference specifically, and ONLY to point out that the blade was still on the island and still housed King's soul, you turned into a destructively bad idea that King was "still alive" in some way or form, so you could plaster him all over the walls for your own lazy story telling. In fact, you went so far to do this that you decided King's sword should be even more magic and better than the original! So you made it BLOOD CRIMSON RED AND PUT THE WORD "TIME" IN ITS NAME! HOLY FUCK, WATCH OUT STEPHEN KING WE GOT A FUCKIN' SHAKESPHERE UP IN THIS CRIB!

4) What the fuck is even the hell?

As I said a few posts ago, the original Jenka's Nightmare wasn't a masterpiece of sequential storytelling, nor was it even very passable in the first place. I was personally entirely confused after Genesis: Water because I didn't know what was going on. I wasn't told to go here by the game, and nothing in the game coincides with even being there. Which generally means it's filler.

This could be fixed mind you, and a better explanation could be given for each individual area. This is the point of the 'Cthulhu' NPCs - mysterious bystanders who hand out third-person information onto the area and story without shoving it down your throat. In fact, from memory, I don't recall seeing one ever again after the Labyrinth circle maze, and it would do well to have them breath a bit of life into the areas that are otherwise boring and meaningless to the plot.

5) Why the fuck do all the characters from your half of the game refer to Quote as 'soldier'?

No seriously, what the fuck? This isn't foreboding anything or referring to anything. It's just dumb.
Jan 15, 2013 at 2:48 AM
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Thanks for the criticism. I'll take that into consideration for my next mod.
Unfortunately, I don't have any plans for major revamps for this game, but you really have given me some good modding advice (and programming advice in general).
Oh also could you please spoiler your text? You're revealing a lot of end-game info there.
Jan 15, 2013 at 6:19 AM
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Isn't it impossible to generate random numbers without assembly?
Jan 15, 2013 at 11:18 AM
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Carrotlord said:
Isn't it impossible to generate random numbers without assembly?
I'm pretty sure it isn't. You've shown to have quite a few creative techniques for doing some things without assembly that I wouldn't have thought possible though, so if you do know a way, I'd be glad to hear it.
Jan 15, 2013 at 11:58 AM
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I'm actually pretty sure it's impossible.

Given a random seed X in TSC, yes you can generate a random number Y.

But unless you use the flagdata itself as a seed, you have no way of getting
a useful random seed. It's not like you can use TSC to read the system clock
or something.

EDIT: Ok, nevermind, it's perfectly possible.
The Nikumaru timer always runs, even when the player does not
have the item.

Use out of bounds flags to read the Nikumaru timer.
That's your seed. It's similar to the system time.
Use that seed to calculate a random number using flags.
Also use flags to display the numerical digits onto the
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