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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Nov 15, 2011 at 3:09 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Welcome back to the forums! I love your sig.
Also, please spoiler your entire post, it's way too big.
I'm glad I saved your mod for you! I love making you people happy like this, that's the exact reason I finished JN.
But as much as I enjoy mindless praise (near zero), I'm glad you put some good notes in there.
The troll trap I never even knew went anywhere, I thought it was always a dead end. I always went the way you're supposed to go now.
About King:
do you mean in G: Spirit, reached through the graveyard? Because I know that there's another G: Spirit (Lounge) that has the blade in it. I cut the latter out, the blade is somewhere else. The former is still there, with some small changes.

In Sand Zone: before Misery's Abode all you should have is the missile launcher.

Well, keep on having fun!
I'm planning something...I'm not telling anyone what it is yet. I will tell you all when I finish Misery Story~!
Nov 15, 2011 at 1:28 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Yeah, the troll-trap was supposed to take you in that G:Spirit, pre-Revived. I covered how to reach it in an old post I made back at 2008 (http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/4679/ and then two posts below), basically the walkway would end nearby a moving block that could take you up to that entrance. So by the time a player hit the Sand Zone, he could also have the Blade, then the Bubbler to ease up the whole way around the puppy maze. As much that, after the whole King and Toroko she-bang, you'd end up in G:Earth from that rightside corner where, if you approached from the normal entrance, sand would raise on the spot and block access to that part.

Oh, and also, you planning on improve the mod? Shmitz had some minor flaws (I listed them before on http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/4684/ ) that I was hoping he'd fix, but yeah, with you in charge and everything now. There were a few other spots that you could pretty much make some nonsensical things, like sniping that Gaudi orator in Revolutionarium with the missiles before starting up their reinvidication and throw the whole sequence into a WTF moment XD

The sig? X3 Just a little snapshot I made back then, Nightmare Sue from JN's start. The pun was ASKING to be done XD ...Which reminds me, was the color palette for the Snake suppose to be gray and orange (that little line by the gun's barrel), instead of the original light-blue and orange?
Nov 15, 2011 at 7:16 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Billy MT said:
One last question, again about the old JN. The Snake still can't be obtained again after Grasstown?
The snake can be obtained again but only in genesis light and it has unlimited ammo after you leave genesis light the snake breaks :)
Nov 15, 2011 at 7:40 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hmm, interesting
When I got the snake in my new game plus in genesis the ammo was limited. Maybe a flag is set when you lose the snake the first time that changes the nature of the second. I never got the snake the fist time in that file. I'll have to check this out.

Also. the trap does have potential to be used, but not for a long time.
Though purely unintentional, I believe it is necessary to sequence break it new game plus. With a few minor edits it might be possible to use this to get the blade back early. As it is it is redundant because if you have a weapon that breaks blocks (which you need to break the game this way) then you should have the blade already. I thought about altering this when I was testing new game plus, but this sequence break can cause a lot of problems, including an unwinnable save state, that I don't know how to fix yet.
Nov 16, 2011 at 2:06 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

So I managed to finish off ultima in my first JN play through and get to the dev room, but
(major spoiler?)
I killed him multiple times and tested every password for the nemesis and none of them worked. I know I found SALT in the Psswrd folder but even that one didn't work. Is it just a trollface.jpg at the end in the dev room? Also, how do you get new game plus?
EDIT: I did a comb-over of every map using W and found something special relating to the dev room, hee hee! I hope getting through the door means new game plus and maybe having this something means the password will work! will update
Nov 16, 2011 at 2:32 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

pariah386 said:
I killed him multiple times and tested every password for the nemesis and none of them worked. I know I found SALT in the Psswrd folder but even that one didn't work. Is it just a trollface.jpg at the end in the dev room? Also, how do you get new game plus?
EDIT: I did a comb-over of every map using W and found something special relating to the dev room, hee hee! I hope getting through the door means new game plus and maybe having this something means the password will work! will update

I absolutely love how dedicated you guys are to this game. :awesomeface:
you shouldn't even be able to do the psswrd game unless you already found the NemesiX. I know one psswrd works though. (Just not which one.)
Also have you guys found Cripple in the debug room yet? I haven't heard anything about him.
Nov 16, 2011 at 3:07 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

MagicDoors said:
I absolutely love how dedicated you guys are to this game. :awesomeface;
you shouldn't even be able to do the psswrd game unless you already found the NemesiX. I know one psswrd works though. (Just not which one.)
Also have you guys found Cripple in the debug room yet? I haven't heard anything about him.

Cripple was up there in the top left corner, just kind of hiding. For some reason upon talking to the chaco sprite with m9m's avatar I was able to do the password game even though I never got the nemesis, It just wouldn't give me the nemesis for any of the passwords, although I only tried every pass w/o the BF. With the BF, I only tried Salt. Also, how am I still boosting around even without the booster in New game +? The booster was taken from me some time before/after the ultima fight or like when starting new game + and I dont have it in my items anymore but I can still boost. is this problematic? o-o

By the way, I heard that gabbalis or someone was going to do something with new game +! I'll be a test monkey if you guys need anything tried in there.
Nov 16, 2011 at 3:26 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

pariah386 said:
although I only tried every pass w/o the BF. With the BF, I only tried Salt.
That has nothing to do with the Psswrd game.

pariah386 said:
Also, how am I still boosting around even without the booster in New game +? The booster was taken from me some time before/after the ultima fight or like when starting new game + and I don't have it in my items anymore but I can still boost. is this problematic? o-o
It's based on sequence breaking, so prolly not.

pariah386 said:
By the way, I heard that gabbalis or someone was going to do something with new game +! I'll be a test monkey if you guys need anything tried in there.

Version 2.0, my friend.
Nov 16, 2011 at 5:09 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hey LunarSoul, you know how dedicated I really am? I just played New Game + straight from the dev room to before the red tower and managed to get the continuity working again (I think.) by fixing the Oblivion teleporter somehow. I have 122 HP and the POLARIS! I mostly was hunting chests and weapons and health, havent had to fight any bosses yet. But I bet I will get to fight oblivion again. I have also taken notes on most of the errors i came accross! :awesomeface: I hope I can help you.

Oh my, I just found un-mimiga Sue at the bottom of the tower near that statue! Am I going to see some new content? Yippee!

EDIT2 ( Has questions, answer plz ;; ) :
Now what the heck is this locket I got for? Sue just says to throw it off the edge but I don't know how to do this. Also, I got the BF again and I'm now at 132 HP and have defeated Oblivion the second time. Officially back on continuity! Also, what the hell is that goddamn door in the lower left hand corner of the O:Erosion map for? It says no entry, and no matter how far I get it seems to say nothing else. Also, I still can't get that goddamn chest after restarting the Genesis spiky place! It's just a stage prop / trollface. right?

EDIT3: Right next to
with 138 HP out of 150 (75 * 2) Hp attainable as far as I know. I missed like 12 HP but doesnt matter, I have too much HP anyway. I also have all weapons except Nemesis X and Detonator! I feel like a boss. Time to win and figure out what comes next!

EDIT4: OH HELL NO! PUU BLACK AFTER BALLOS(GENESIS) DOESNT SPAWN! I AM DISSAPOINT >:[[[[ Lucky i've been saving my profiles, gosh, imma try to go kill puu black from earlier and see if it works now.. last time it didnt

EDIT5: Nope. I don't know how to describe how dissapointed I am right now. Either finish new game + or show me how to get the nemesis X, I need closure for my cave story T_T. I have also taken notes on almost all the errors I found in case anyone plans to finish.. I can share / help test things :c
Nov 16, 2011 at 2:04 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hmm, When you started were you playing 2.0?

2.0 resets all of the flags. If you aren't then very strange things can happen. Bosses not spawning is one possibility. Secuence breaking in 2.0 might still break the game. Fixing all those issues would require somebody with a full comprehension of all of the flags. I don't know if even Doors has all of it memorized (Lunar is Doors now, in case you missed that.)

Response to edit 1 and 2
Sue is supposed to appear like that once you enter the door in misery's abode. If she is there early it may be a flag issue.

You should be able to get rid of the locket by trying to jump of the edge after sue tells you to get rid of it. I don't know what it does, but I haven't adequately explored the code around it yet Doors should know though.

The Door and chest

The chest has no event associated with it (aside from sparkles)
Pressing down on it does nothing. You can only get there as far as I know using cave editor.

The door: While looking for the location of the game's other secret room I looked at that door. It and the test room do nothing as far as I could tell. There used to be an actual test room though.

Nemisis X? I can't tell you that!

Its super secret! No. I've said too much.

Anyway, I might be wrong about some of this stuff. Doors made most of it. I just edited the code, and only a little:)

EDIT: If you are still up for more testing, I haven't yet tested 2.0 without any sequence breaking. This needs to be tested both in a standard play through (to make sure I haven't messed up the normal game) and in new game plus. In my playthroughs I was always trying to break the game to make sure I couldn't ruin everything. Keep an eye on those teleporters. In my new game plus I kept getting them all activated for free. Making sure that doesn't happen when playing normally is my next priority.
Nov 16, 2011 at 7:40 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

oh, I was playing on 1.7 lol ;;
Will my profile.dats from 1.7 work on 2.0? don't want to start the game over again n_n
Nov 16, 2011 at 8:02 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

I'm afraid not. The new game + only resets the flags right when you hand over the item. moving the file won't fix the flags.


you might be able to salvage your save with some sort of save editor. If you can get to the dev room, you will be fine. I don't know if the existing save editors work for mods (I should check that. I have no clue how they work.) so if you have trouble I can PM you a link to a version where the door opposite the one into genesis/ultima sends you to the dev room.

Unfortunately I have no way to keep you where you are now and get your flags to the right state for where you are in the game.

On the plus side, this fix will let you (and just you, this obviously wont be in the final version) keep all of your weapons in the next new game +.
Nov 18, 2011 at 4:03 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Seems I was wrong about the boss fight on G:Spirit with Toroko, it was still there by the map's end. Though I remember the old hack used to go from the below path, though... ERGH I don't remember properly XP But am I glad that little segment was still there. Still, wish I could use King's Blade on this fight for some poetic justice (and a transparent/speed-blinking effect on their sprite just to get into the spirit-of-the-deceased feel)

Anyway that's not why I'm here. Just hit the Outer Wall and got the Sky Blade...
Was a bit too obvious where it was with all those chains, sorry to say
And the statue hint too, virtually gave it away like a neon sign
...but I noticed something weird when I gone to check both options. If you choose "No", the statue refuse to give you the Sky Blade even if you reset the game. Got around it working again after hard-resetting the whole game, but still... Weird.

Also, why only this statue have a sign in front of it? Script overlap problems?
Nov 18, 2011 at 4:09 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Billy MT said:
Seems I was wrong about the boss fight on G:Spirit with Toroko, it was still there by the map's end. Though I remember the old hack used to go from the below path, though... ERGH I don't remember properly XP But am I glad that little segment was still there. Still, wish I could use King's Blade on this fight for some poetic justice (and a transparent/speed-blinking effect on their sprite just to get into the spirit-of-the-deceased feel)

Anyway that's not why I'm here. Just hit the Outer Wall and got the Sky Blade...
Was a bit too obvious where it was with all those chains, sorry to say
And the statue hint too, virtually gave it away like a neon sign
...but I noticed something weird when I gone to check both options. If you choose "No", the statue refuse to give you the Sky Blade even if you reset the game. Got around it working again after hard-resetting the whole game, but still... Weird.

Also, why only this statue have a sign in front of it? Script overlap problems?

Nice spoilerin' you got there.
Anyway let's see.
The Sky Blade isn't supposed to be too hidden, it's a plot device. The statue? There's no statue that hints at the room. And the statue with the sign I guess I just felt like being different. The yes/no thing is a skipflag, that's supposed to happen.
Nov 19, 2011 at 2:59 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

It is? O_o Argh XD I thought the statue saying "From this point" on Outer Wall's end was giving away degree coordinates, roughly top-right from what I figured >w>;; So I pretty much raided that place before I was supposed to?
Nov 19, 2011 at 3:10 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Billy MT said:
It is? O_o Argh XD I thought the statue saying "From this point" on Outer Wall's end was giving away degree coordinates, roughly top-right from what I figured >w>;; So I pretty much raided that place before I was supposed to?

They ARE coordinates. They point to the lower-left. You can get the blade any time you want, after you get the air tank.
By the way, in my last post, I was suggesting for you to spoiler your entire post. There's still stuff that should be spoilered (spoilers should be spoilered).
Nov 19, 2011 at 5:02 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Wait, Whaaa? But I always thought- huh, but then?

There's only one aspect of this game I have yet to find. If the statue's secret isn't the blade, then it can be only one thing.

I've finally found it.

Time to build my spur.
Nov 20, 2011 at 1:11 PM
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MagicDoors said:
They ARE coordinates. They point to the lower-left.

/me fails at cartography forever :droll:

BTW, another little thing I found. Just a texbox limit being broken, nothing big. Happens after G:Light


EDIT: aaaauuugh, I gotta watch more often for post size, sorry >.<;;
Nov 20, 2011 at 1:18 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Spoiler plz, that picture is tooooooo big.
I'll fix that.

EDIT: @previous post
I lied.
it points to the lower-middle.
Nov 21, 2011 at 3:51 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

@gabbalis, it's called the Polaris. It is also orange.
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