I'm fucking happy this is still here.

Jan 10, 2022 at 4:41 AM
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Hello Pummelator! I remember you from back in the day, as well as many other people who posted in this thread! It is really cool seeing so many people still active on this forum. I remember you and Aar used to make YouTube videos playing through Cave Story mods if I'm not mistaken, which were always a pleasure to watch when they came out!
Wow, hey Weetsy! I'll be honest, I wasn't sure if you were ever going to come back, but I'm glad to see that you stopped by again! I remember liking your Kanpachi Story mod pretty well, although it's been years since I've played it and I don't really remember it all that well. I did make a few (bad) videos on Cave Story mods, but that was more Aar's thing. Glad to hear that you had a good experience here and that you're in university studies (I'm also studying computer science right now)!

Between this thread, the keeping message boards alive thread, and the Cave Story's Future thread, I think it's pretty safe to say that a lot of users on here would like to spend more time interacting here. However, this likely isn't happening as much as it might otherwise because the amount of activity is relatively low. I'm not really sure how we would do it, but maybe we can try to make things a little more active on the forums. I can't really think of any good ideas for how to do that right now, but maybe we can come up with something. In the meantime, I'll just do my best to be more active here and hope that some other people also decide to do the same.
Jan 10, 2022 at 2:42 PM
Modding Community Discord Moderator
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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I remember saying how cool it was to be here 5 years, and now within the next two years I'll be running 10 years. Time flies by when you're not having fun.
Jokes aside, I didn't think much of this thread but I saw Pummelator mention my name so I guess I should at least throw my hat in the ring about the forum.
I first found out about CS from BrentalFloss' cover, and then I ended up loving the game so much I wanted to find a community to talk about it with. So I found the forums, made an account, and kinda made a mess of myself and by 2014 got myself banned for a year. Looking back I'm happy I can just chuckle at my old self knowing I'm much more mature now, but it doesn't miss me to still find some old cringey posts. If you look around my profile long enough you'll find cringey things, but thankfully we're all cringe to some extent so it's not as bad.
I don't use the CSTSF as much as I used to, I pretty much just talk on the CSMC (Cave Story Modding Community) Discord now as a modder and admin there. Over there I'm still working on my magnum opus, ACSS, but development's slow and we're hitting year 5 with that (which probably makes ACSS the longest running in-development mod ever and that's kinda sad). But I still have the CSTSF set as my browser homepage so it's nice to do some quick thread browsing to see what's new and then continue on with my day.
My interests are always changing but I've grown to have a few mainstays like Vocaloid music, Toontown, and Cave Story is another one of those mainstays. I'd love to show this game to more people and even future generations because the game is just well made and I'd love to see the community still keep going years later.

I know there's like 10 bajillion people I can think of who've made my time here interesting but I'll list the major ones:
- Nadojin (Yinga) and Pomfy were the first friends I made on the CSTSF and I got to know them for a time on Skype.
- Enlight, Brayconn, and Thomas Xin (Txin) as my admin friends in the CSMC, they're some great people who are way more experienced than I am when it comes to both moderation and programming. I should learn how to use ASM myself one day.
- Kenzo, who recently passed away, was one of my best friends in the CS Community, he helped continue ACSS, made several important hacks for it, and collaborated with me on story and ideas. He was definitely the defacto co-producer of the mod with me. I'll always miss him, and make sure his name isn't forgotten.
- Satwon, AsperDev, Raymundo, Lethrys, Bubbler, Romana Dell, and many more artists who have all contributed to ACSS and have made a lot of things look at nice as they do now. My mod wouldn't look nearly as polished without their work.
- 2DBro is probably the guy I'd nominate for the most guy, guy I know. Like you're just cool mate, I hope you keep working on Headman stuff and make more original mods.
- Schmitz, Doors, and Zarrotsu for making all three versions of Jenka's Nightmare - inspired me to make ACSS.
- CarrotLord for making CS2 Lostland - also inspired me to make ACSS.
- Noxid will be thrown on here too since he was the one who banned me for 333 days because he couldn't be bothered to press more than one key. That ban time definitely made me reflect on myself and thus made me a more mature person in the end.
- Ewan Green gets a notable mention here for making me terrified of Yuuka Kazami 1641824896322.pngI will never forget this face 'cause of you (and no not in a good way). You are probably the most infamous among many people who made me have to do my job as an admin. I hope you've matured since then but I'll always bite my tongue on that.

Sorry if this post is longish, I do have a lot on my mind, it's just my thing. Can't wait to see myself at 15 and 20 years when I'm a teacher and hopefully a parent by then, and I can look back on all of the good times and smile, and on all the bad times and know things got better. For those who are cool, keep being cool. For those who are doing trouble making, cut it out, either fix your attitude or be like Ewan where that's all people remember you by.
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Jan 11, 2022 at 1:24 AM
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- Noxid will be thrown on here too since he was the one who banned me for 333 days because he couldn't be bothered to press more than one key. That ban time definitely made me reflect on myself and thus made me a more mature person in the end.
Ah, dear Noxid. Haha, I remember when that happened, that was typical Noxid for him to do something like that. I was able to figure out that he and some friends from college created a startup called ReadyPass, but it looks like that endeavor ended up not succeeding. Funnily enough, his old website is still up: http://noxid.ca/

Looks like he even made a blog post about 1 1/2 years ago updating us on what's going on, and he expressed similar feelings about the current state of social media to what I did in that other thread just recently. Looks like he also made a couple of posts about some project that he called soup game, but he hasn't given any updates on that in a while, and now it looks like the only place he's active is Twitter, where he's updating us about a game called Vernal Edge. I guess he decided to keep posting on Twitter despite the feelings of reservation about social media that he expressed in that blog post.
Jan 13, 2022 at 7:50 AM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Im newer to this forum and this game in general. I wish I found this place much sooner.
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Jan 14, 2022 at 9:19 PM
Ms. Haze
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I'm really glad to see this type of thread. A good portion of my teenage-hood was spent on here, and it's nice to see other people have a similar attachment to it.
Jan 17, 2022 at 12:50 AM
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"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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- Satwon, AsperDev, Raymundo, Lethrys, Bubbler, Romana Dell, and many more artists who have all contributed to ACSS and have made a lot of things look at nice as they do now. My mod wouldn't look nearly as polished without their work.
I appreciate the kind words, Cold. :)
Jan 21, 2022 at 8:06 AM
Modding Community Discord Moderator
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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I think this is a perfect thread to post something silly like this. In the CSMC we realized we have nitro level 2 for a few more days so we decided to put up a banner. I wanted to make a banner that truly exemplified what modding is. In the CSMC having been in it for almost 4 years I've learned so many things, met so many people, and have had many happy, tragic, struggling, and fun experiences modding and playing mods.
So I present this piece as a labor of love from the CSMC Community, this image is a collage of memes, icons from mods we found famous, in-jokes, the struggles with modding and coding, and so much more.
This image represents a lot of things. To me the most, it represents why we're all here in the first place. We love Cave Story. This image should represent but only a fraction of the CS Community, a sliver.
To quote myself, "... may it be a momento of CS modding's legacy and serve as a time capsule for when we're all forgotten about by the sands of time, but our work, our memes, and our passion never fades..."
It's basically a mishmash of images but it represents almost 18 years of modding Cave Story, the many errors, the many characters, the art and music people slave over, endless compile errors, making stages, making dialogue, crafting and weaving worlds old and new.
Godspeed to all modders. And let's continue working to keep one of Pixel's greatest works alive so that our memories, mods, and our passions can live on forever.
Mar 6, 2022 at 6:56 PM
The miracles of alchemy...!
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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@Mint: I feel like I remember you, but I can't remember why. Maybe a username change?
My god I'm late to answer I'm sorry.

I used to go by Miccs here and some other places but I decided to change my online alias to Mint because I could vibe much better to that.
So yeah an username change. I remember your name but I have trouble fully remembering people I haven't spoken in like 4 years, god it's been so long since I was truly active here.
Mar 6, 2022 at 9:06 PM
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Hi mint, I remember you proof-reading flavor text in Platform Story and the uncursing quest.
May 9, 2022 at 4:30 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Any mention of the first few years after I joined relegates me to being the local historian.
Holy shit, I just read that and it made me feel super uncomfortable in a "I'm so old now and kinda miss those times but also not because things change and eh."-way.
May 9, 2022 at 4:40 AM
ZYZZ Spur is the best gun because its super cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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I think this is a perfect thread to post something silly like this. In the CSMC we realized we have nitro level 2 for a few more days so we decided to put up a banner. I wanted to make a banner that truly exemplified what modding is. In the CSMC having been in it for almost 4 years I've learned so many things, met so many people, and have had many happy, tragic, struggling, and fun experiences modding and playing mods.
So I present this piece as a labor of love from the CSMC Community, this image is a collage of memes, icons from mods we found famous, in-jokes, the struggles with modding and coding, and so much more.
View attachment 8160
This image represents a lot of things. To me the most, it represents why we're all here in the first place. We love Cave Story. This image should represent but only a fraction of the CS Community, a sliver.
To quote myself, "... may it be a momento of CS modding's legacy and serve as a time capsule for when we're all forgotten about by the sands of time, but our work, our memes, and our passion never fades..."
It's basically a mishmash of images but it represents almost 18 years of modding Cave Story, the many errors, the many characters, the art and music people slave over, endless compile errors, making stages, making dialogue, crafting and weaving worlds old and new.
Godspeed to all modders. And let's continue working to keep one of Pixel's greatest works alive so that our memories, mods, and our passions can live on forever.