I'm back? ..Not really.

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Oct 7, 2010 at 9:40 PM
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Vercci said:
Think you'll be able to move on and come back?

If I just quit now, it will make things seem worse for me. I'll stay, but you must understand that I'm no longer going to be contributing any mods of Cavestory anymore. I have moved on to making something else for my time, and to me, it's alot more enjoyable. I may make some fan art, but other than that, there is nothing really much I can do.

I'm also available most of the time to chat to anyone, even on Skype. So if you're bored, we can talk if you want, I honestly don't care. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions either, they are actually highly appreciated.
Oct 8, 2010 at 3:58 AM
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Shadow the Past said:
What the fuck took you guys so long to ban this dickweed, I mean come on.
This users on this forum have a history of bitching out their arse every time someone who should be banned is threatened with it
Oct 8, 2010 at 12:50 PM
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DoubleThink said:
This users on this forum have a history of bitching out their arse every time someone who should be banned is threatened with it

You guys need to learn to not give two shits as to what other people think.
Oct 8, 2010 at 12:55 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Fire keeps taking credit for everything I do! I mean yeah sure he helped a lot, but Gardebiter left after Fire was banned.
And Fire took the credit for changing DarkFire's password, too. I'm not sure why, and I'm also not sure if he actually did anything to DarkFire's account. I was the one who made the "I'm leaving now" thread, because I am clearly a 1337 hacker.

Actually Fab...

Me and Fire was talking on skype and decided to add DarkFire (merlinoboy) and so we did. However Fire had actually pretended to be cultr1, and apparently merlino trusts ol' culture. So he gave Fire the password, thinking it was cultr1. Then Fire gave ME the password and i made the "wat your favorite movie is" topic.
Oct 8, 2010 at 1:37 PM
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WoodenRat said:
Actually Fab...

Me and Fire was talking on skype and decided to add DarkFire (merlinoboy) and so we did. However Fire had actually pretended to be cultr1, and apparently merlino trusts ol' culture. So he gave Fire the password, thinking it was cultr1. Then Fire gave ME the password and i made the "wat your favorite movie is" topic.

Ah, that would explain why he was all pissed at cultr that one time for no apparent reason...
Oct 8, 2010 at 4:06 PM
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Yes, Fab wasn't important in the story.
Oct 8, 2010 at 4:11 PM
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Ralren said:
I'm no longer going to be contributing any mods of Cavestory anymore.

Aw, ToTB :)
Oct 10, 2010 at 8:36 AM
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It's really too bad that we can't hear the other side of the story since the side that was told is obviously a little biased.
Oct 10, 2010 at 8:52 AM
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WoodenRat said:
Actually Fab...

Me and Fire was talking on skype and decided to add DarkFire (merlinoboy) and so we did. However Fire had actually pretended to be cultr1, and apparently merlino trusts ol' culture. So he gave Fire the password, thinking it was cultr1. Then Fire gave ME the password and i made the "wat your favorite movie is" topic.

So that's why! Why did he tell it to you, and why did you let me know? And why did you want me to leave? Thanks to you I was black for few weeks!

Tell fire, who obvisiously doesn't skype anymore, that I want to talk with him.
Oct 10, 2010 at 4:40 PM
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Another one?

Man this must be like a record or something now.
Oct 10, 2010 at 4:43 PM
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And I though it was over. Back to BanCon 3.
Oct 10, 2010 at 5:55 PM
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Oct 12, 2010 at 4:30 PM
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I agree with Ralren, Fire is a horrible person.

Ralren said:
Threatening Stephen to unban him or he will call my local police and put a false claim.


Later on Fire started making skype accounts to harass me, naming them obscure names such as "Celtic Minstrel's dick, Steve Pinto, Captain Shitulous, Sinistar", or whatever.

I lol'd hard.

Ralren said:
Well, I'm just saying what I was told. It's not like I researched anything.
SP told me that it was mostly Fire that wanted him to leave

Captain Fabulous said:
Fire keeps taking credit for everything I do!

Shadow the Past said:
You guys need to learn to not give two shits as to what other people think.

@Shadow: It's not easy if a whole bunch of users turn against you.
@Fabulous: You're by far not that important, that I just left because of you.

It wasn't only because of Fire. I'm not sure anymore what I told Ralren that day though.

Anyway that's the long (short) story:

SPG: 15 are for an official channel and 14 are not.
Seems like we go with 2 channels.

Fire: Those fifteen are split between a group of ten and five that can't agree. 14 is higher than both of them separately. If you wanted them to count as the same thing, you'd have made it that way.

SPG: They agree that a offical channel is needed.

Fire: Oliver, you're an idiot. (Post was deleted by me)

SPG: 'kay, this is your secound warning.

Fire: Now that's just childish.

SPG: So you think the rules are childish? You're acting childish. Instead of flaming you could try beeing nice and if there isn't anything serious to add, consider this the end of our discussion.


Fire: SP craves the power he doesn't have in the two existing channels.

WoodenRat: Also can someone explain how "2 channels: An official channel and a less regulated channel." got elected as president even though only 10 people voted for it while 14 people voted for "The multiple channels are fine, leave it how it is."?

Fire: Because SP says so and he can't possibly ever be wrong can he? Oh, and you're just so immature always saying his decisions (like this one) are wrong especially when you can't prove it. Honestly, you was are beeing did has like children. (Typical for Fire, as it was fucking out of context)


SPG: It's interesting to see that if I want to help, only flames and mistrust come back. Allright, I'll leave it how it is but don't ask for help on this matter again, as I don't have the nerves for the exaggerated paranoid shit of some 14 year old members. Of course it's only the power I want to have. Really.

Fire: You're the one who decided there was a problem and that you had to fix it your own way. There was never a problem, SP. You made all of that up yourself for God knows why.

SPG: 16 other people think the same way.
I made it up, yeah.
Now you're just trolling. Stop beeing unreasonable.

Fire: Ugh. You're just proving my point.

DT: >"SP is the only one who thinks that way"
>16 people agree with him to some degree

Celtic: Sounds nice, apart from the part where SP is an op. I don't think I'd be interested in joining such a channel... not just because he is the owner, but also because the existing #Doukutsu channel suits me just fine.

Malpercio: wow, never thought i'd find myself agreeing with someone like Fire.
a) pointless thread is pointless.
b) if your poll has two options, you can't tally the two together as one, no matter the similarities between them. it doesnt work like that.

SPG: I should have made a poll with two options:
"Leave it how it is."
"A change must be made."
Option two would have more votes than option one.

Jacob: Chalk me up for option number one.

Serge: /me hugs S. P. Gardebiter *


CaptFab: You are now manipulating the process so that you get your way. In a multi-party election, like Canadians have, the decision is not "vote Conservative" or "vote something else" (read: throw vote away). Can we please stop this discussion, as Gardebiter seems to be the only person now who insists there is a problem? I have seen no complaining on IRC itself, which is the best place to bitch about IRC.
P.S. I am sorry for my childish view of the world, please forgive me.


SPG: lol @ n00bs in #curlybrace.
lol @ paranoid forum n00bs.
Come on: Fear me and hate me.
But srsly, think of something new.
It's really grown to a stereotype of a power hungry, bad at english, weird SPG. A person that bans people for fun and has no reasons. A person that manipulates people and makes up problems.
Yeah right...
I'm not your doormat guys.


CaptFab: You hypocrite.

SPG: Dude, yeah I said I don't care about my public image anymore, thanks to you morons.
But you guys dickheads overdo it.

Sixtyseconds: Lol at sadistic admin.
Lol at twisted rant.

WoodenRat: My post is about you SP. And I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do, I'm just giving advice. It's OK if you ban people. Hell, you can even ban me if you feel like it. But at least throw a believable pretext that justifies the ban. There will always be idiots who say OMG U SHOULDNTA BANED HIM, and if they don't shut up you can ban them too. It's a subtle way of clearing parasites.
"I don't care about my public image" you might say, but then ask yourself. Do you care about the forums?

SPG: No. There are enough reasons why I'm not giving out any ban reasons.
Respect that or not.
There will be always drama on miraigamer. I'm kinda sick of these forums, they are not good for my mental health.
I'm sick of the arrogant and egoistic attitude of some users.

CptFab: Seriously.
You just said that.
I... wow.
You're quickly becoming more of a joke than an admin.
A joke with absolute, unchallengeable power.
It's a small consolation that you'll never get your hands on the IRC channels.

SPG: wtf is wrong with you?
I said I have a reason why I don't inform anyone.
But fine, I can unban MS again. If the forum gets deleted or broke, then don't blame me. Go dig some hole, jump into it and cry.
There are things people shouldn't know for the sake of the fucking forum security.
(The story about MS still confuses me a whole fucking lot)

Wedge of Cheese: It would have been better if you would have told us that before. "It's because of forum security", while rather vague, is at least much better than "I have my reasons which I'm not telling".


SPG: Yeah, that's a great way of telling MetaSeraphim why she was banned and that she is under suspicion. [SARCASM]I'm sure that she won't kill off the whole forums if she hears that she is under suspicion and really did all these things.[/SARCASM] Also, MS knows now that I banned her, if she is a SAdmin she could access the forums anyway (doesn't matter if she's banned or not) and then she could ban me because she knows now that her camouflage vanished. Congrats, you fucked up. If shit like this continues I will leave. I'm sick of beeing the only active administrator and I'm sick of the people on the forums. Also, have you ever thought about the privacy of every user? Ban reasons aren't shouted out loud anymore for a reason.

Wedge of Cheese: Why would MS being in charge of the forums be such a bad thing?
If the forums are so bad for your mental health, then leave; having an admin who is pissed off at the forums is bad for everyone. If you're sick of being the only active admin, appoint another admin. Simple solutions...

CptFab: Well why didn't you say so? That's a better outcome than I could possibly have hoped for!
But I'm still not hoping for it, because there's no way you'd leave.
P.S. The users ARE the kings of the forums. It's called democracy, DEAL W/ IT.

Wedge of Cheese: Truth.

darkcrusader: More importantly, the miraigamer site will have a bad image. Newbies viewing this thread could quickly change their mind about membership, and never come back, decreasing the userbase. This probably what hen, but it's what could happen. Having a faulty admin is discouraging.
Then why are you here SPG? We rely on you for leadership and guidance. If you are sick of the forums, how can you lead us? If you don't care, then why should we?

SPG: Fine, I will leave, that is what you want, right?
Also, MS was banned because weird things happened and MS is the only person who could have done that.
I wasn't doing these things to the forums, SkyeWelse didn't, Shirofan didn't, Andwhyisit didn't and all the other users with more power are inactive. MS is the only one left.

Jacob: SP stop being an ass. Calm your fucking shit, alright?

SPG: No thanks. I have no interest in getting flamed and hated anymore for no reason.

darkcrusader: Perhaps we'll cry out to you and you won't be there to listen, then we will have learned.

Wedge of Cheese: *snicker, snicker*
Sorry, I couldn't resist :o

Noxid: wat .

Meanwhile in IRC:

<SPGardebiter> <10Haithm> Ban fire1052.
<SPGardebiter> <Jake_Xanth> Permaban, yes
<SPGardebiter> <04SPGardebiter> How about I perma-ban you before I leave?
<SPGardebiter> 3 vs 1.
<SPGardebiter> Who else?
<Fire1052> Yeah, you're cool.

Fire: I'm permabanned!

Wedge of Cheese: I knew SPG is a dickhead and bad admin.

SPG: Yup. Besides that Fire1052 isn't able to do anything else than trolling and flaming it's all my fault.
Blame me, I'm the bad admin here.
Also: It was a democratic election and that's what you users wanted.

Fire: Yeah, and I was banned at the time to boot, so the accusations make perfect sense.

Cultr1: @SP: If being an admin is too much, then you don't have to be an admin, just be a regular member.
They aren't mutually exclusive.
@Fire's Alt: You're not exactly helping your case, just sayin'


DT: Fire was permabanned and nothing of value was lost.
SP leaving the site is probably the worst thing that could happen at the moment because there will be no active staff left on the site who can actually access anything.

Cultr1: So Fire is b& forever.

WD: It was somewhat expected.


CptFab: You weren't there for the massive faggotry on IRC concerning who gets to be the admin next, like it's freaking Mirai Gamer Idol. A bunch of idiots (you know who you are) were like "I SHOULD BE THE NEXT ADMIN,"


Rest is just a conversation between MS and DT and some other users. And users that show up to post some shit because they weren't reading my posts before.
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Oct 12, 2010 at 5:18 PM
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I still don't get why Captain has been able to get away with doing the same stuff Fire has done.

Hell, even I was able to do those things and get away with it.

Spare the rod and spoil the child, etc, etc, etc.
Oct 12, 2010 at 6:49 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
I still don't get why Captain has been able to get away with doing the same stuff Fire has done.

Hell, even I was able to do those things and get away with it.

Spare the rod and spoil the child, etc, etc, etc.

It's weird when you think about it. Maybe it's because Captain Fabulous had a better first impression. Or because his trolling was never direct. I guess we'll never know...
Oct 12, 2010 at 7:20 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
I still don't get why Captain has been able to get away with doing the same stuff Fire has done.

Maybe because there was a bunch of idiots users sucking his balls supporting him or something.

It amuses me; it seems that only one or two members are enough to make other members go against an administrator. I mean wtf? Everyone else would have banned them. Taunting an administrator with telling him that he is only interested in power and doesn't care about his users and is lying and making things up, is one of the most unrespectful things I ever heared. How should I administrate with shambles like this?

Anyway go and thank the dickheads that always go against me and start 1000 discussions if I only ban a single member. They are asking for reasons, I give them reasons. They can't accept the reasons and start complaining. Since when do users administrate these forums? I mean it's good to be open for critism but you can fucking overdo it.

Seriously, the forums should have been named: "Mirai Gamer Kindergarten - We take care of your trolling children." Having multiple users that act like a bunch of 10 year olds and noone else helping me didn't make it any better. That's why I left. Because you can't fight a bunch of arrogant, retarded dickheads.
Oct 12, 2010 at 7:37 PM
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SP and Rorlon's love for Fire reminds me of this video sort of

100% accurate.
Oct 12, 2010 at 8:16 PM
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I couldn't even read it all because you're all just so fucking retarded, I mean oh my jesus.
Oct 12, 2010 at 8:24 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I really have to agree with Shadow. I mean, seriously. It happened. That's it. Stop complaining about him. I would say leave the guy alone, but that'll just spark OMG U LIKE FIRE GTFO comments.

You sound like me when me and Meta got into our fight and I wouldn't stop bitching about it. But guess what? I got over it. And now she's my mother.

I understand your grudges, I understand your hatred. But really, we've heard this about 300 times already. It's time to move on.
Oct 12, 2010 at 8:27 PM
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It's not even that.

You guys just pick a side and stick with it. None of you have an open mind whatsoever. That's why Fire can fuck with you all so easily.


cultr1 said:
Also, @ whyme: BAWWWWW
if you hate everyone then leave, don't sit here being a douche to everyone to show that you're angry. >.>

You idiots don't learn from your mistakes. Let's set a new record for how many admins we can go through in 6 months. Ever stop to think WHY the admins get their buttplugs in a knot at you guys?

I can tell you it's not because the admins are dicks.
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