
Sep 28, 2008 at 3:01 PM
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Hai gaiz
Popping on late at night to make a thread for this game I've been playing... all evening. It's called Iji (hence thread title name) and is really, REALLY, REALLY well-made. Has heaps of secrets/unlockables, a speed mode, a levelling system, and the actions you take can actually have ramifications further down the track. Took me about three hours to beat, and I took my time to read stuff. I'd suggest anyone of you who try it do too, otherwise there's not that much to it.
Link is here, along with other games this guy has made and stuff in general.
This could very well the best the best freeware indie game I have played since Cave Story itself, and I wouldn't say that lightly.
Oh look, it's midnight >_> So much for promising myself extra sleep, lolz

EDIT: Oh right, trailer.
Sep 29, 2008 at 12:26 AM
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@innocent: Play the game and get ontopic. :D

DoubleThink said:
Hai gaiz
Popping on late at night to make a thread for this game I've been playing... all evening. It's called Iji (hence thread title name) and is really, REALLY, REALLY well-made.

I have to agree, I'm playing it 4 hours now :o
I'm in sector 8 :p

DoubleThink said:
This could very well the best the best freeware indie game I have played since Cave Story itself, and I wouldn't say that lightly.
Oh look, it's midnight >_> So much for promising myself extra sleep, lolz

Agree. It's really good, I like the story much.
It's 1:26 here >_<
Sep 29, 2008 at 1:28 AM
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Trailer reminds me of Flashback, may try it soon.

But auctioning this rare ring worth ist+ may prevent me from any other thing for the time being.
Sep 29, 2008 at 2:11 AM
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freezit4 said:
Trailer reminds me of Flashback, may try it soon.

But auctioning this rare ring worth ist+ may prevent me from any other thing for the time being.
Sounds like somebody plays Diablo 2 LoD online :eek:
Sep 29, 2008 at 2:12 PM
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Theres a website www.ijji.com, but has completely no relation to the game this thread is about whatsoever... It's a game hosting website >_>...

Btw GunZ is there =P


Imma download this and try. lol.
Sep 29, 2008 at 7:13 PM
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I've played trough it today, I cried at the end ;_;
Sep 30, 2008 at 9:13 AM
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Yeah that song is really nice/sad, even if it is a cover. Fits really well with the ending.
Also, @ innocent.bystander: Sorry I missed that, no that wasn't me, I don't even have an LJ account, or any blog for that matter @_@
Oct 1, 2008 at 1:32 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
I've played trough it today, I cried at the end ;_;

Same, it was awesome as! ^_^ i even went to the final boss a second time and played him at the maximum shield (if you go to him a second time it gives you a option to acivate a reactor which causes him to go to his maximum potential)

The games actually quite interesting, depending on your actions *how much people you kill* will give you different dialog and power ups sometimes which makes the game alot better in my eyes

and damn.......how fkn awesome does that final gun combination look when it fires :o

I would even say this game is one of my top fav freeware games, next to cavestory
Oct 5, 2008 at 4:09 AM
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Arrrrgh, I've got the song that plays in the trailer stuck in my head. [maybe because I keep playing it over and over]

But, I'm glad you pointed out this game. Started off not so sure, but it grew on me quickly. Excellent game.
Oct 7, 2008 at 12:02 AM
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I lurk here a lot, and I have to say thanks to DoubleThink for posting this game. I haven't finished it yet, and the controls are sort of unfamiliar to me (seriously, no jump shots and UP to jump?) but it's really a great game.

Even the controls, which I can't really complain about, are good. Because you aren't as nimble as say, Quote, you can't run head on into a deadly situation without thinking about how you're going to handle it. A lot of good choices, and I can really feel the love put into the game. I was deterred by the graphics, but I picked it up anyway and now I'm trying to beat it, lol.
Oct 8, 2008 at 10:21 AM
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Finally, something I can relate to =o

Luckily for me, the developer of IJI is a user in the forums of my favorite band (may I add that my post about it seemed to be completely ignored...) Machinae Supremacy. And you can see his relation to the band in his Stepmania simfiles. So I knew it even before it came to the light :D

But tbh, I myself haven't completed the game, as I mostly spend my time doing other things, and my PC isn't powerful enough to run the game at full speed, too :< It's a really great game as already stated though; it's actually the second freeware game ever to get me hooked after Cave Story. It's really fun, with the level ups, the cracking system, the weapon making and stuff, and the music is very reminiscent of the OST of another game called Jets'N'Guns (for obvious reasons if you research it).

If I ever get bored enough to forget the lag, I'd play IJI...until then I'll wait for the final complete OST to be up for download, to replace the uncompressed OST I already have with even better quality \o/

Side Note that I always thought of since IJI:
Femme Fatale = Curly & Iji Team-up :cool:
Oct 10, 2008 at 8:21 AM
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Skeik_Sprite said:
I lurk here a lot, and I have to say thanks to DoubleThink for posting this game. I haven't finished it yet, and the controls are sort of unfamiliar to me (seriously, no jump shots and UP to jump?) but it's really a great game.

Even the controls, which I can't really complain about, are good. Because you aren't as nimble as say, Quote, you can't run head on into a deadly situation without thinking about how you're going to handle it. A lot of good choices, and I can really feel the love put into the game. I was deterred by the graphics, but I picked it up anyway and now I'm trying to beat it, lol.
Heh, no problem. This game seems to get a lot of flak for its graphics, which is a bit odd imo. Some of the enemies are a bit blocky, but the weapon effects are very nice and so are the pre-drawn pictures a-la Cave Story credits. I also though it was neat how her legs move realistically when she jumps >_>

rtnario said:
Finally, something I can relate to =o

Luckily for me, the developer of IJI is a user in the forums of my favorite band (may I add that my post about it seemed to be completely ignored...) Machinae Supremacy. And you can see his relation to the band in his Stepmania simfiles. So I knew it even before it came to the light :D
Well how about that :D Small world. Hopefully popularity for this game will pick up eventually. Heavy rock + chiptunes, eh... well, if Iji borrowed some of its music's style from them they must be pretty good O: Although personally I'm more interested about the band that sang the song in the credits. That was really nice. Also, original of said song.
Oct 11, 2008 at 1:48 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Well how about that :o Small world. Hopefully popularity for this game will pick up eventually. Heavy rock + chiptunes, eh... well, if Iji borrowed some of its music's style from them they must be pretty good O: Although personally I'm more interested about the band that sang the song in the credits. That was really nice. Also, original of said song.

The band that covered the song is called LifeForce. And unfortunately, the band doesn't exist anymore...from what I know, the lead singer who goes by the name of Erica Oberg went on to form an emo-metal band called INJA. Another member of LifeForce, Kahl Hellmer, became the first bassist of Machinae Supremacy until he got replaced by a bassist who also got replaced recently-ish.


If you want to check out what LifeForce had before stopping, go to:


It's actually a directory made for Machinae Supremacy and bands related to them though.


And if ever you're interested in the Swedish SID metal band Machinae Supremacy, go right to:

-to hear their more recent songs, notably a cover of Britney's "Gimme More" and recently, a cover of areas 01 and 08 of Bionic Commando (NES). (trust me, they all sound so incredible)

Or, http://www.machinaesupremacy.com/masusite/archive.html
-to download over 20+ free songs, (also featuring a cover of Great Gianna Sisters, and a 3-part song series that covers many multiple game melodies like Bubble Bobble, F-Zero and Supremacy to name a few) or to download their soundtrack for the game called "Jets'N'Guns". And again, for free. I'd like to note that this soundtrack could possibly be the specific inspiration (besides the band) for the people who made Iji's OST.


...yes, you have successfully bumped into a huge Machinae Supremacy fanboy/advocate. :p

EDIT: One final note. The HQ soundtrack, if anyone wants it, is available at the creator's site, http://remar.se/daniel/iji.php
Oct 12, 2008 at 5:03 PM
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rtnario said:
EDIT: One final note. The HQ soundtrack, if anyone wants it, is available at the creator's site, http://remar.se/daniel/iji.php
The HQ soundtrack is worth snatching up~ the original game soundtrack had mp3s at 24khz, 48kbps which is pretty low by today's standards... [didn't bother me till I checked the actual bitrate to be honest :o]

The HQ soundtrack raises the bar to 44khz, 128kbps. Although the title menu song gets 192kbps :D and the regular boss theme gets the real HQ treatment with 48khz, 320kbps :D
I easily recommend getting the upgraded soundtrack since at low bitrates any raises in bitrate really make a difference.

Although the most interesting note is that some songs have revisions and bonuses :D Such as Tor...


Oh and version 1.2 of Iji is out!

-Added gamma effects to Main menu options due to incompatibility with some graphics cards or drivers. The Turbo mode and Sound test unlockables have been moved to the new "Extras 3" submenu.
-If the final boss detects consistent slowdown during the battle (some graphics cards don't like how Game Maker handles polygons and line drawing), the polygon and particle count will be automatically reduced in an attempt to make the game run faster. The threshold is at least 15% framerate drops for 10 seconds, and also applies to Turbo mode.
-Berserkers must now briefly charge their Resonance detonators to fire them.
-You can no longer glitch the Asha2 fight by firing certain weapons just before he appears.
-Made Krotera slightly easier on Normal and Hard (fires less rockets, kicked Turrets deal more damage).
-Fixed a glitched chat trigger in Sector 5.

-"Innocent" is now listed as needing at least 2 kills, not 0, since 2 is the absolute minimum.
-Reaching Krotera with the truce intact, dying and restarting no longer causes Krotera to act is if the truce was broken.
-Made the final boss's Rage burst weapon (tall green energy spikes) slower.
-The explosive barrels now have yellow and red warning tape instead of just yellow.
-Fixed an old mistake by removing the "metal butterfly" logo from the Security boxes, since they're Tasen technology and have nothing to do with the human facility.
-Fixed some typos, triggers, chats and cutscene images.
-Scrambler updated.
-Null driver.

-There is yet no option for windowed mode. Due to limitations in this version of Game Maker this may be too difficult to implement neatly.
-There is still a rare bug where Iji can move while cracking.
Oct 13, 2008 at 8:07 PM
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Are there any different endings for not killing every living thing I see :D
Oct 15, 2008 at 12:16 AM
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Skeik_Sprite said:
Are there any different endings for not killing every living thing I see :(
I know the dialogue and events are quite different... I think the endings are a little different from what I accidently read... haven't played it again being nice :o

I spent hours trying to find a way to not kill Elite Krotera. I tried just kicking him [needed 9 str], tried to hack him, tried to kick the turrets into him or have him shoot at the doors... Tried doing the level differently, truce, no truce... I tried killing the Komoto, not killing the Komoto... Explore the hidden areasa lookingg AHHHH'

[then I read the next day that it is indeed impossible to not kill Krotera :p Stubborn mule of a tasen's uncle...]
Oct 15, 2008 at 1:47 PM
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Guess Krotera must be one of the two unavoidable kills then, other one must be
Iosa. I guess Tor technically kills himself and that mechanical thingy doesn't count as being alive in the first place.
And yes, not killing things will change certain parts of the game... personally I'll wait for everything to be figured out before I try that, shouldn't take long. Although I did record under 100 kills my first playthrough. Made sure I got all the ribbons too. Haven't played it since my first try though... been too busy :o I hate this time of year.
Oct 16, 2008 at 1:21 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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DoubleThink said:
Iosa. I guess Tor technically kills himself and that mechanical thingy doesn't count as being alive in the first place.

I would of thought the unavoidable one is asha seeing as his dead set on killing you no matter what