Oct 9, 2011 at 7:52 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Apr 30, 2010
Location: Somewhere
Posts: 121
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
royaltyler said:Please tell me why you guys are so scared.
The last man I knew who had double depression...tried to kill me. He would follow me home from school and stand outside my house...just blankly staring into my window. One night..he got in. I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening...and saw him standing there. I'll never forget his face. Just a blank, emotionless stare. What happened next is kind of a blur. He started by hitting me in the head with something heavy, but I'm not sure what. When I came to, I was on the floor, and I was missing a few teeth. My dad tells me he warded off the attacker, but he's never told me how.