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Haunted House Story - Reinforced [temporarily down]

Nov 2, 2014 at 5:37 PM
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Ohhh, nice. About the block appearing ;D Once you play it one way, you forget to check everything thoroughly...

And yep the painting was a good touch! I made sure to go see it last playthrough. Spooky ghost painting...

...Maybe should leave the painting up after initial ghost event? But, have the painting be empty? As if the ghost escaped it? Though it could conflict with the idea that the painting appears again above the door...

I think I'll go play and enjoy the demo again now ;D
Nov 8, 2014 at 5:03 PM
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omg that was so cool :D
that mod makes so much fun go on ^^
Nov 11, 2014 at 1:14 PM
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LordFunghi said:
omg that was so cool :D
that mod makes so much fun go on ^^
Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm working on the mod right now, so expect a new demo soon.

Update, everybody!
Version 0.2 is here!
Check OP for a download link.
Nov 11, 2014 at 4:54 PM
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Right. So, I've played all over from the start, and here are my thoughts on the new stuff. (I didn't comment on any of the stuff that was there in the previous version, as I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.)
First level up: level 2
ATK: 5 / DEF: 5 / MHP: 15
Those cocoons and spiders are really neat~
I'm glad to see the Summoner! :D
The boss fight was very neat. :)
I'm surprised that the fireplace in the corridor between the Summoner and the main room has no interaction event, unlike the one between the Ghost and the main room, or the one in the Ghost's boss room. =o
Not sure about the one in the Summoner's room.

Second level up: level 3
ATK: 12 / DEF: 9 / MHP: 19
That two-ghost-enemies-then-three thing (the room after the spiders room) was an unexpected surprise =o
I'm guessing the Summoner summoned them or something?
Just pointing this out; in the Cooler area, the parts with the yellow spikes are entirely foreground, rather than the spikes being in the foreground and the blue part of that tile being in the background.

Third level up: level 4
ATK: 14 / DEF: 13 / MHP: 24
So the NPCs in the Bushes area are tougher with their helmets? Wow =o
One of the Watch Tower spooks was really low, then it just went really high all of a sudden =o

Fourth level up: level 5
ATK: 15 / DEF: 17 / MHP: 27
Those boulders look a bit odd in terms of color; probably just me.
Defeating the Mummy, it almost seemed like slow-motion was active for a few seconds =o
Not sure if that was just my imagination, though.

End of demo 0.2:
LVL: 5 / ATK: 15 / DEF: 19 / EXP: 104 / MHP: 27
Nov 11, 2014 at 5:30 PM
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Kim Tyranto said:
Right. So, I've played all over from the start, and here are my thoughts on the new stuff. (I didn't comment on any of the stuff that was there in the previous version, as I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.)
First level up: level 2
ATK: 5 / DEF: 5 / MHP: 15
Those cocoons and spiders are really neat~
I'm glad to see the Summoner! :D
The boss fight was very neat. :)
I'm surprised that the fireplace in the corridor between the Summoner and the main room has no interaction event, unlike the one between the Ghost and the main room, or the one in the Ghost's boss room. =o
Not sure about the one in the Summoner's room.

Second level up: level 3
ATK: 12 / DEF: 9 / MHP: 19
That two-ghost-enemies-then-three thing (the room after the spiders room) was an unexpected surprise =o
I'm guessing the Summoner summoned them or something?
Just pointing this out; in the Cooler area, the parts with the yellow spikes are entirely foreground, rather than the spikes being in the foreground and the blue part of that tile being in the background.

Third level up: level 4
ATK: 14 / DEF: 13 / MHP: 24
So the NPCs in the Bushes area are tougher with their helmets? Wow =o
One of the Watch Tower spooks was really low, then it just went really high all of a sudden =o

Fourth level up: level 5
ATK: 15 / DEF: 17 / MHP: 27
Those boulders look a bit odd in terms of color; probably just me.
Defeating the Mummy, it almost seemed like slow-motion was active for a few seconds =o
Not sure if that was just my imagination, though.

End of demo 0.2:
LVL: 5 / ATK: 15 / DEF: 19 / EXP: 104 / MHP: 27
First level up:
About the fireplaces, I probably got lazy and never put any events there. I haven't even thought that somebody would check them. To be fixed, I guess.

Second level up:
It was just a random nightmare room that I thought would be interesting to add.
Yeah, that's because spikes are foreground tiles and I had no way to separate them on a tileset. I'll fix that, though.

Third level up:
You'd just entered the hardmode. Nah, not really, but the enemies there are armoured and dangerous, even if previous levels were a piece of cake. Also, look at the face of the skull. It's not so happy anymore.
The ghosts behave weird, and that's not even a bug. They're intended to work like that.

Fourth level up:
(did you really have to level up there? I ended up gaining the fifth level there, too)
Boulders are indeed coloured oddly, but is that an issue? I can change the graphics if needed.
Mummy's death might be indeed treated as a slow-motion... I just put whatever I could there and I got this. It was there indeed, so it wasn't your imagination... I guess.

End of demo 0.2:
To be honest, you had pretty neat stats.
The highest I got (at level 5) was 21 ATK, 18 DEF and 24 HP. It seems I got the more offensive build.

Anyway, thanks for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Nov 13, 2014 at 7:03 AM
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Just finished it!
ATK 10
Lvl 4
HP 21

At the end... WHEW
There was a LOT more content than I realized for 0.2! Does that really mean the game is only 20% complete?? Anyways, huge content update.

Sorry I didn't get around to testing it earlier, but it was worth being awake for it :D
Mmmm... Where to begin...

The ghost painting when defeated... x_x < I laughed xD
Chandeliers... why do I always feel compelled to jump through every one of them...
All the new content was excellent. New boss battles, updated tiles, new enemies...

They were tough too. I LOVE THOSE SPIDERS. lol
I thought it was kinda glitchy at first; in the first room where you face spiders; I ran away and when they hit the wall....... what....? I thought glitch lol But, then they started CRAWLING ALL OVER THE CEILING! That was too epic. Too bad they don't drop down on you when right above, but dude. And how they were able to get to me at the save point even with the overhanging ledge in that room... sweet. [That said, I hate fighting spiders!]

Summoner battle was pretty epic. Easy, but fun. I died once due to thinking I could shoot the blue projectiles when I got lazy... Whoops...

The Ghost battle THAT WAS TOUGH. But, I abused the room, how shots bounce off ledges, so I quickly dispatched the right side, then made my way to the left and they couldn't touch me...

Then I returned to the ghost room...? Really cool, and weird. Everything that happened after he first went into that room originally could have been a dream or alternate reality or something... (well it wasn't but... anyway lol)

Speaking of cool, I think the cooler room was next... and then I died. And no save point at the start! Well, I was kinda rushing through it after a few tries...But, EVENTUALLY made it! Quite fun actually, though I was expecting to slip and slide from ice blocks lol Not that needed the additional difficulty!

Mmmm... By this point I was pretty low lvl... 2 or maybe just at 3. I didn't grind at all, and ran from some battles, especially when I hit the garden. Those enemies freaked me out. New killer skulls! But, I pressed on (ran) made it through the tower and after a few smashes, I faced...

That monster was easy, but still kicked my ass ... lol Especially the first time... Here, imagine this:
*grips the blade... DIE!* Prepares for the samurai/ninja one hit charge...
Runs across the room, chargeeee

Mummy waits patiently, and as I prepare to strike...
he runs through me in an instant. ... *...and I fall down*

Keh...... I should have... seen that coming... *gasp...* [instant death]

Anyway, I abused his pattern, stayed on the left, and used the nice blocky blast gun and took him down after several attempts. I almost think you could add something else to raise the difficulty of that boss since he's straight forward... but, it's good.

Great work! I guess it's been longer from the initial release than I remembered... already halfway through Novemeber...

Can't wait to see what the hero will do next... I imagine we haven't seen the last of ... Redgon Hash.

I should have livestreamed... Ah well...
Good mod! Lots of new enemies and bosses! Check it out!!
Nov 30, 2014 at 8:16 PM
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Just finished it!
ATK 10
Lvl 4
HP 21

At the end... WHEW
There was a LOT more content than I realized for 0.2! Does that really mean the game is only 20% complete?? Anyways, huge content update.

Sorry I didn't get around to testing it earlier, but it was worth being awake for it :D
Mmmm... Where to begin...

The ghost painting when defeated... x_x < I laughed xD
Chandeliers... why do I always feel compelled to jump through every one of them...
All the new content was excellent. New boss battles, updated tiles, new enemies...

They were tough too. I LOVE THOSE SPIDERS. lol
I thought it was kinda glitchy at first; in the first room where you face spiders; I ran away and when they hit the wall....... what....? I thought glitch lol But, then they started CRAWLING ALL OVER THE CEILING! That was too epic. Too bad they don't drop down on you when right above, but dude. And how they were able to get to me at the save point even with the overhanging ledge in that room... sweet. [That said, I hate fighting spiders!]

Summoner battle was pretty epic. Easy, but fun. I died once due to thinking I could shoot the blue projectiles when I got lazy... Whoops...

The Ghost battle THAT WAS TOUGH. But, I abused the room, how shots bounce off ledges, so I quickly dispatched the right side, then made my way to the left and they couldn't touch me...

Then I returned to the ghost room...? Really cool, and weird. Everything that happened after he first went into that room originally could have been a dream or alternate reality or something... (well it wasn't but... anyway lol)

Speaking of cool, I think the cooler room was next... and then I died. And no save point at the start! Well, I was kinda rushing through it after a few tries...But, EVENTUALLY made it! Quite fun actually, though I was expecting to slip and slide from ice blocks lol Not that needed the additional difficulty!

Mmmm... By this point I was pretty low lvl... 2 or maybe just at 3. I didn't grind at all, and ran from some battles, especially when I hit the garden. Those enemies freaked me out. New killer skulls! But, I pressed on (ran) made it through the tower and after a few smashes, I faced...

That monster was easy, but still kicked my ass ... lol Especially the first time... Here, imagine this:
*grips the blade... DIE!* Prepares for the samurai/ninja one hit charge...
Runs across the room, chargeeee

Mummy waits patiently, and as I prepare to strike...
he runs through me in an instant. ... *...and I fall down*

Keh...... I should have... seen that coming... *gasp...* [instant death]

Anyway, I abused his pattern, stayed on the left, and used the nice blocky blast gun and took him down after several attempts. I almost think you could add something else to raise the difficulty of that boss since he's straight forward... but, it's good.

Great work! I guess it's been longer from the initial release than I remembered... already halfway through Novemeber...

Can't wait to see what the hero will do next... I imagine we haven't seen the last of ... Redgon Hash.

I should have livestreamed... Ah well...
Good mod! Lots of new enemies and bosses! Check it out!!
I think I should raise the minimum stat boost on level-up because the thing seems more unbalanced then it was supposed to be...


Yeah, I think it's only 20% done. There's still much stuff I want to add...

Spiders were actually quite fun to make. Yeah, they may be quite tough, but I don't think they are bad. Well, you liked them, so...

Summoner is the second boss, so I didn't want to make him any harder. I'm glad you didn't find him hard in the end...

The room is intentionally done like that so you can hide. Sword makes lives easier when it comes to slaying large immobile enemies, eh?

It's up to the player to think about what could have happened ~

I'm not saying anything.

Ack, I should have added a save point at the beginning of the cooler... Darn it, I totally forgot about that. To be fixed.

I have no idea how you got there with such a low level... Well, you said that you'd been avoiding some battles... that explains everything. The enemies in the garden aren't that tough anymore when you're level 4 or 5...

xD I laughed at this. You made it sound so silly.

But, well. Mummy is more challenging than the previous two bosses, right? Because it's supposed to be like that.

Oh, by the way:
Don't try jumping above the mummy when it hits the wall, because the quake might bring you down quicker...

The first release was on 31st October, and the second on 11th November. I'll try to get the third release before 1st December.

Redgon has still much to say...

And his family has much to say, too...

Thank you for playing, and for a great amount of feedback! :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the mod!

Update, update!
Version 0.3 is out, and it's ready to be played!
Link in the OP.

NOTE: There's not really much actual gameplay added since 0.2, but this update focused mostly on ASM. Apologies if you're really disappointed.
Dec 3, 2014 at 7:49 PM
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No problem.
I promised to have it by first, right?

E: Have fun
Dec 3, 2014 at 7:51 PM
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Oh right, Randlolf, I'll have a playthrough of this done soon. Mainly because of some issues with everything. :3
Dec 3, 2014 at 7:52 PM
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Oh really?
Well, thanks a lot, in advance.
Dec 3, 2014 at 8:30 PM
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no config.dat
at least you gave me a warning that I needed to edit the configuration


the house looks weird :<




looks detached

I don't really understand the plot


I spammed the attack button :V

the Get Weapon music isn't as joyful as CS's
and because of this it doesn't seem like an accomplishment

holy fuck


how the fuck does anyone manage this

ow my fucking gods

the skeleton heads are fucking annoying




rip arm


defeated him with one health


holy fuck




spider hall


do you know how impossible this is

ill try twice more just to see if I can do this

once more


so in short, I am a fucktard who can't even do the simplest things
aka wow I can't beat this
Dec 3, 2014 at 8:47 PM
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Is <MS3 really annoying? I left it as it was because I didn't feel like it needed to be changed.
I forgot to fix the floating fireplace.
I should change that music, right...
Facepics are only 96 pixels width, I can't fix his arm.
If you can't beat this, try grinding some exp, maybe? It's not really that hard. You can even ignore the spiders and just run through the corridor, even without taking any damage.
Dec 3, 2014 at 8:49 PM
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Oh! I thought <MS3 was something you didn't mean to have happened.
It's not that I dislike it, it's that...yeah.

also I tried going through the corridor before the black room without touching the spiders but I failed because holy fuck level design
Dec 3, 2014 at 9:03 PM
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I'll make it easier, then...

For now, you could just try-
Or not. You can just leave it...

Here you go, Spirit.
I made the room flatter to avoid useless platforming.
Spiders untouched because EXP.
Last edited:
Dec 3, 2014 at 9:44 PM
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I'll finish it when I have the chance to :3
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:11 PM
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I really like the playing style. But, if you grind to level 2, the ghost is a bit easy to beat. Also, the G-Gun chest doesn't open, and the = don't become circles...
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:14 PM
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It's supposed to be like that. Grinding makes the game easier if you're not lazy enough to do it.
What do you mean by "doesn't open"? The chest is opened, Redgon takes the gun, and then he closes it back. ='s don't become circles and that's not really an issue.

Have you finished the demo yet?
Dec 10, 2014 at 2:33 AM
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very beautiful ASM hacking and spriting
Dec 10, 2014 at 2:12 PM
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Gavintendo64 said:
I gotta ask you how you made that sword!
Spirit Drifter said:
very beautiful ASM hacking and spriting
I guess I'll just say: learn ASM and do amazing things to Cave Story, heh.