ATK 10
Lvl 4
HP 21
At the end... WHEW
There was a LOT more content than I realized for 0.2! Does that really mean the game is only 20% complete?? Anyways, huge content update.
Sorry I didn't get around to testing it earlier, but it was worth being awake for it

Mmmm... Where to begin...
The ghost painting when defeated... x_x < I laughed xD
Chandeliers... why do I always feel compelled to jump through every one of them...
All the new content was excellent. New boss battles, updated tiles, new enemies...
They were tough too. I LOVE THOSE SPIDERS. lol
I thought it was kinda glitchy at first; in the first room where you face spiders; I ran away and when they hit the wall....... what....? I thought glitch lol But, then they started CRAWLING ALL OVER THE CEILING! That was too epic. Too bad they don't drop down on you when right above, but dude. And how they were able to get to me at the save point even with the overhanging ledge in that room... sweet. [That said, I hate fighting spiders!]
Summoner battle was pretty epic. Easy, but fun. I died once due to thinking I could shoot the blue projectiles when I got lazy... Whoops...
The Ghost battle THAT WAS TOUGH. But, I abused the room, how shots bounce off ledges, so I quickly dispatched the right side, then made my way to the left and they couldn't touch me...
Then I returned to the ghost room...? Really cool, and weird. Everything that happened after he first went into that room originally could have been a dream or alternate reality or something... (well it wasn't but... anyway lol)
Speaking of cool, I think the cooler room was next... and then I died. And no save point at the start! Well, I was kinda rushing through it after a few tries...But, EVENTUALLY made it! Quite fun actually, though I was expecting to slip and slide from ice blocks lol Not that needed the additional difficulty!
Mmmm... By this point I was pretty low lvl... 2 or maybe just at 3. I didn't grind at all, and ran from some battles, especially when I hit the garden. Those enemies freaked me out. New killer skulls! But, I pressed on (ran) made it through the tower and after a few smashes, I faced...
That monster was easy, but still kicked my ass ... lol Especially the first time... Here, imagine this:
*grips the blade... DIE!* Prepares for the samurai/ninja one hit charge...
Runs across the room, chargeeee
Mummy waits patiently, and as I prepare to strike...
he runs through me in an instant. ... *...and I fall down*
Keh...... I should have... seen that coming... *gasp...* [instant death]
Anyway, I abused his pattern, stayed on the left, and used the nice blocky blast gun and took him down after several attempts. I almost think you could add something else to raise the difficulty of that boss since he's straight forward... but, it's good.
Great work! I guess it's been longer from the initial release than I remembered... already halfway through Novemeber...
Can't wait to see what the hero will do next... I imagine we haven't seen the last of ... Redgon Hash.