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Haunted House Story - Reinforced [temporarily down]

Sep 24, 2024 at 11:28 PM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Oct 17, 2011
Location: probably somewhere else
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Age: 27
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hi hi

this is not an update to the game, but it is an update in general.
i've been working hard in my free time to add new stuff and fix existing issues, while also trying to revamp boring or not-working-as-intended features of the game.
the next month, on halloween, HHsR will be celebrating its tenth anniversary. sure, i might have kept the project on hold for five years with no updates, but that is beside the point. i'd like to make the anniversary special and have an update, even if it is not the final one.
i don't post much about the mod - especially here - but i would like to tease a few things and more or less give you an idea of what is currently going on with the project.
there's not much purely new content at this moment - i've gone through the mod from the start to the finish and found a lot of minor issues and actual bugs that i wanted to fix first - but what is already there got some new shine and a bit more love.
anyway, i'm going to put all the things below in a spoiler, just in case you don't want to see too much but wanted to check in on the thread.

to start off with something really mild, i added a new variant of one of the most basic enemies.
look at how cute this small guy is. i wanted an early game enemy that would behave just slightly different from others.

the very first boss finally got some more proper sprites instead of being a blobby mess made by smearing paint.net's paintbrush around (sorry that i can't post mp4s directly here, but the site doesn't like the embeds so you'll have to live with a link)
he's also now much less spammable thanks to a simple trick in the code, so he might finally be able to show off his second attack before being cut to pieces even by level 1 players

most other bosses (i think every single one except for Summoner1) got their AIs tweaked or outright changed. Mummy finally telegraphs the rock attacks, Tommy is not just a slightly more difficult copy of Summoner2, and Hellos has more than a single phase. exciting?

skulasson has been redrawn and is no longer a png stolen from google and hit with a paint bucket a few times. he's got clean bones and even cleaner teeth

there are a few more callbacks to the original HHs. the caverns are back! some enemies return, but this time, they're more fair (until you read the damage numbers) and more exciting!
speaking of the caverns, they're more of a unique area instead of just being a transition level like in the old HHs.
there may or may not be some puzzles and mechanisms there...
the blocks can actually be stacked!

the vibrant colours might be gone, but the purple remains forever.

one of the biggest features of the current version is supposed to be the weapons workshop. find upgrades scattered around and visit a certain npc to have the upgrades installed into your weapon, enhancing its features or even completely changing up the way it's used. i don't think i'll have too many things added to it on release, but i'm hoping it will be an exciting thing for the players to find. i went out of my way to make it visually appealing, but i can't really show you any teasers of the workshop without it becoming too big of a spoiler.

aside from that, the Flamethrower will no longer require you to sacrifice your other guns, you can shoot sideways on ladders, hearts dropped by enemies now heal a percentage of max health instead of always restoring 2hp, and the game can be run in 960x720 instead of 640x480 being the most convenient option!

but of course, the biggest and most important change of all is...
the yellow spikes in the cooler finally becoming a background tile ( :

i'm hoping that this little development update got you just a little bit excited about the project. hope to see you here in october
Oct 31, 2024 at 8:16 AM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Oct 17, 2011
Location: probably somewhere else
Posts: 1110
Age: 27
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HHsR titlescreen house filtered.png

hi hi

i’ve come here with another update to the mod. and well, it just so happens that today marks the 10th anniversary of the mod! i know i more or less disappeared for five years during the development, but time flies whether we want it to or not. and just like this, even after all this time… the mod is still not finished. but you get another update, so that’s something, right?

i’d like to thank everyone who is still interested in this little project even after all this time - without you and your support, i would not have got this far. it might not be the most popular cave story mod out there - not even close - but i believe it’s the oldest mod that is still in active development now.

i’ve always wanted this mod to be something special, but something special made by *me*. basically every sprite in the mod, every song, every hack - i wanted to do by myself. there are still some vanilla cavestory assets and one enemy still uses a sprite i was given by jed37 back in the original HHs days; i also did take tips and advice from people who simply know more than i do when it comes to ASM and music, so while i still call this a pure solo project, it most certainly wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t for people who were willing to help me out when i needed it.

i’d like to extend the thanks to all the forum members who still frequent this place and the entirety of the Cave Story Modding Community. you all treated me like a friend when i was a questionable acquaintance at best. i wish you all the best.

back to the mod…
the changelog for this update is absolutely massive. there is a bunch of new features, almost all the bosses that were already in the game got revamped in one way or another, and of course there are new areas to explore. the story and lore make slightly more sense now, even though i had to make a few cuts here and there to preserve consistency. even though i had all the time in the world to work on this update, i still ran out of time to do a few final changes. oops.
it’s mostly graphical - the main cast got new small sprites, but it made the portraits not match anymore, so i’ll have to patch that in later… the main tileset the game uses for most of the areas is also pretty outdated - 2014 pixel graphics don’t feel great when compared to the newer sprites anymore. i’ll have to release a small patch to update both some time later in november, but for now, i just want a break.

since HHsR is one of the most heavily edited mods when it comes to pure ASM, i’ve had windows defender spit in my face many times, telling me the game is malware and all that jazz. i suppose it seems weird that the cave story mod you just downloaded might trip your antivirus, but there’s really not much i can do about it - i’m directly editing the code of a 20 year old platformer. of course it’s weird. but it’s up to microsoft to stop randomly detecting my patches, i guess. if you’re still unsure about this whole thing being safe, here’s the virustotal summary for the game’s executable file.

here’s a few screenshots of the new areas

<link removed. i am no longer happy with the mod>

i guess that’s enough typing. happy halloween, happy (late) noxid is a sexy beast day, and i hope you have a great day.
oh, and enjoy the mod!
Last edited:
Jan 28, 2025 at 9:22 PM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Oct 17, 2011
Location: probably somewhere else
Posts: 1110
Age: 27
Pronouns: maybe
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me with a general update again.

i might have been a dramatic bitch and deleted all the links to my stuff around christmas time, but i wanted to come clean and say that they will be back once i solve a few issues with the mod that are really making me unhappy about it right now. the mod is not really dead, i just want to be satisfied with its state before i re-release it again. i'm sorry for all the inconvenience. i'll do better next time.

please wait warmly, and if you *really* want to play the current version before it's fixed, please contact me directly for a copy of the mod. the public links should be back up in a few weeks.
once again, i'm sorry for being weird about it, i just want to do it my way, so i'm not tempted to be stupid about things again.

thank you for understanding.