Found the secret level... <3... Was that the area that was in a previous game? Hadn't played your previous games, but that battle... was entertaining. (Wonder if it had any effect on the ending or other areas? Red borders?)
Oh and the dagger finale... well played. There wasn't much story, but the ending was satisfying! And to find out there's a +! Whoa! (Didn't read the description before downloading...)
... And so was playing through + and really cutting loose after holding back in New Game. Spared no one... fun fighting... UNTIL I think I forgot a dagger. Reached the boss and it hit me... "I don't think I picked one up! F-" Can't walk backwards to previous areas?! Argh... Kinda annoyed about that, but oookay.
Gotta start over later.
Overall, the classic graphics were great. Though the color scheme in some New Game levels gave me a little issue with determining what was background and what was ground. Nothing too bad, but enough for me to mention. (Probably should have taken a screenshot when I thought that. whoops)
As for + though: looked excellent everywhere and made it easy to determine what was what. Nice.
The spade(?) collectables seemed to be pretty pointless sadly. Errr, I mean the health bonus was VERY NICE in pacifist, so I made an effort to collect every one of them... xD ...But for a normal game, maybe there should be a counter at the end, displaying how many were collected. And a total time? The game moves pretty swiftly, so it could lend well to speedruns. With 100% and any%. Plus every non-boss enemy dies with one hit that I saw. (Well, I didn't actually attack any enemies in New Game lol... But, with + it was one hit kills so far. So probably the same...?) If that info already exists, I feel dumb, and quite tired.
Oh, there isn't an inventory screen right? I wanted to see how many daggers I had picked up, but couldn't check to see if I missed one...
New Game appeared too easy in retrospect, since you could dodge most things. (Oh and the first normal boss couldn't even hit me on the ground...? I just stood there for a while...)
New Game+ seems like the right difficulty, though missing the little bit of story. (I like more story in my games... hint, hint... ) Though, haven't finished + yet. Stopped after the dagger mishap. Looking forward to it later.
The music was good. I just want to sit on the title screen and listen to that one again. <3 Oh and loved the atmosphere of those few build-up sections... Before the big fights. Having zero enemies suddenly, and having unique sights made it fun to explore, wondering what was coming.
I am a little disappointed the uh, secret level boss didn't get an upgrade in + though

Was looking forward to a ridiculously hard fight!
Anyway, it seemed polished enough for me to buy after playing it. Take care of yourself, and I hope to play your next game in the future!