Get your Custom NPCs right here folks!

Jan 15, 2014 at 10:48 PM
The TideWalker
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MagicDoors said:
I have a request. You know Weaville in Brawl, how he dashes from side to side to attack? I'd like to have something like that, maybe it would activate once the player is detected in front of them?


but it might be a little while.

I don't know who Weaville is (I probably do but don't know the name attached to it.) so a video might be helpful.


Good to hear it.
Jan 15, 2014 at 11:10 PM
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Jan 16, 2014 at 1:02 AM
The TideWalker
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Good timing for this. So, I'm wrapping up the work for the demo on the Mega Man mod I've been working on, and I've been thinking about boss NPCs. I was originally going to go without custom bosses, but if you're willing to do some edits, that'd be great. I'm not looking for anything spectacular, I really only want minor variations of previously-made bosses to make the battle more interesting. For the demo, I only have two bosses, Toroko+ and the Red Demon. Would you be willing to spice up their patterns for me?

I did the red Demon.

It's still a little buggy and doesn't work on slopes or ground that isn't flat. (still learning about npc.collision)

Also it will still turn to face you when it dies 0.o

And I *think* it can't hurt you by touching you.

;ANP 0001 = start attacking player
;ANP 0007 = dead

offset NPC276


npc.directionhandler = [ecx+18]

localvar1 = [EBP-14]
localvar2 = [EBP-18]
localvar3 = [EBP-1C]

TPcool = edit these to your likings

jumpheight = 500
jumplength = 300

L_framerect_distance = 0
U_framerect_distance = 40

push ebp                          ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp  
sub esp,14

mov dword [EBP-10],0     
mov dword [EBP-C],0      
mov dword [EBP-8],0      
mov dword [EBP-4],0 
cmp, 0
je :statedead

;direction check
mov eax, PlayerXpos
cmp npc.X, eax
jl :face_right
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :end_direction
mov npc.direction, 2
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

;-----FIRE (ground)-----

add npc.y 5FF   
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15
jge :fireproj
mov npc.framenum, 3
jmp :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 21
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 30
jl :render
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
inc npc.scripttimer
push 0
push 7
add esp, C
cmp npc.scripttimer, eax
jge :jump_prep
jmp :render

push 0
mov edx, npc.y
sub edx, playerypos
push edx
mov edx, npc.x
sub edx,playerxpos
push edx
call 004258e0                      ;detects player collision
add esp,8
mov localvar3,eax
mov edx,localvar3
push edx                             
call 004258b0                      ;sin table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar2,eax
mov eax, localvar3
push eax                             
call 004258c0                      ;cos table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar1,eax
push 100                                
push 0                                
push 0                                 
mov ecx, localvar2          
push ecx                             
mov edx, localvar1          
push edx                              
mov eax, npc.y           
push eax                                
mov edx, npc.x            
push edx
push 115
call 0046efd0                            
add esp,20
cmp npc.scriptstate, 1
je :Fired_proj_ground
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.scriptstate, 3
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render


:statejump1                  ;squat before jump
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10 
jg :statejump2
mov npc.framenum, 2
jmp :render

:Statejump2                  ;prep for jump (one frame)
mov npc.framenum 7
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 0
jmp :left_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 2
jmp :render

;objecttimer = open/close arms timer
;scripttimer = jumping timer

cmp npc.jump, 2
je :right_jump
add npc.X -jumplength
jmp :left_jump
add npc.X jumplength
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10       ;before arms closed
jge :Statejump4
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 5           ;closed arms
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15
jg :jumpfire
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 6
cmp npc.objecttimer, 20
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 28
jl :jump_vel_handler_Y
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :render
add npc.scripttimer, 15
cmp npc.scripttimer, A00
jg :vel_to_high
mov eax, npc.scripttimer
add eax, -jumpheight
add npc.Y, eax
jmp :render

add npc.Y, 600
cmp npc.scripttimer, A00
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 2        ;go to state lightning
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render

add npc.Y 5ff                 ;gravity
mov npc.framenum, 3
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer 40
je :lightning
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 3
jmp :render


push 140
push 0
push 0 
push 0
push 0
mov eax PlayerYPos
push eax
mov eax PlayerXPos
push eax
push 14D
call 46efd0
add esp,20
jmp :render


add npc.Y 5ff                 ;gravity
mov npc.framenum, 8
jmp :render


add npc.y 5FF                 ;gravity
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 30        ;breathe check
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 1
cmp npc.frametimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.frametimer,0

cmp npc.direction, 2         ;trasfer directon to our variable
je :direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 0
jmp :end_direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 1
xor eax, eax         ;mov eax L_framerect_distance                   
mov eax,npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, 20
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax,20                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   
mov eax, U_framerect_distance      
cmp npc.direction, 2                     
jne :render_left
add eax 28
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax,28                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :StateIdle         ;<ANP0000
print :StateFire
print :StateLightning
print :Statejump1
print :Statejump2
print :Statejump3        ;<ANP0005
print :Statejump4
print :statedead

I'll fix the errors later.

(this is more of a what do you think so far/is it aggressive enough thing)
Jan 21, 2014 at 7:30 PM
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Bombchu Link said:
As for the balrog, well, It would be a while, after I finished TP's requests I want to get back to work on my mod and finish the first part of my ASM hacking guide. Boss battles are one of the hardest things to build because I have to start from scratch.

I *could* just make the attack function though.
So...what exactly do you mean by making just the attack function? Do you mean just coding the attack pattern, then I just kind of put it in myself?

Oh, and thanks for the references, they are very helpful.
Feb 13, 2014 at 9:16 PM
The TideWalker
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I mean the attack function as in something that would work when implemented into a boss code but wouldn't work on it's own.

And to actually insert it would be really hard.

I would suggest that if you want some nice code to look over, look and Nox's and/or wait for me to release my NPC hacking guide.

Between the two, It should tell you everything you should need to know about NPC's.
Coffee said:
Okay well first of all

I don't think I need to point out which is weavile
OK, how many tiles/pixels close should misery the player be before it dashes?

And will it continue to pursue you after the first dash?
Or will it just dash left and right continually?
Or will it only dash once?
Feb 13, 2014 at 9:35 PM
Professional Whatever
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I'd say around 5 or so tiles would be good. Maybe.
It would probably be better and easier to make if it only dashed once.
Feb 17, 2014 at 6:36 AM
leader of the meme team feat. tom, snaf and polad
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Well since you told me to post it here, a simple request. Life Capsules effected by gravity?
Feb 20, 2014 at 3:16 PM
The TideWalker
Modding Community Discord Founder
"That dog!"
Join Date: Apr 5, 2013
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Well since you told me to post it here, a simple request. Life Capsules effected by gravity?

Here you go!

;to turn on gravity, set directon to "2"

offset NPC032


L_framerect_distance = 20
U_framerect_distance = 60


push ebp
mov ebp,esp

SUB ESP,10                         


inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 3
jl :gravity

mov npc.frametimer, 0
cmp npc.framenum, 1
jge :dec_framenum
inc npc.framenum
jmp :gravity

dec npc.framenum
jmp :gravity

cmp npc.direction, 2
jne :render

add npc.y 5FF


mov eax,npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, 10
add eax L_framerect_distance   
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax,10                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   

mov eax, U_framerect_distance      
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax,10                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

Just run this through the assembler.

To turn on gravity, set direction to '2'

in that case, could you just have them target one entity in paticular?

if not, I'll go for them just being stationary.



90 90 90 7D 0F 8B 55 08 8B 42 10 83 E8 10 8B 4D
08 89 41 10 8B 55 08 8B 45 08 8B 4A 20 3B 48 08
7E 0F 8B 55 08 8B 42 10 83 C0 10 8B 4D 08 89 41
10 8B 55 08 8B 45 08 8B 4A 24 90 90 90 7D 0F 8B
55 08 8B 42 14 83 E8 10 8B 4D 08 89 41 14 8B 55
08 8B 45 08 8B 4A 24 90 90 90 7E 0F 8B 55 08 90
90 90 83 C0 10 8B 4D 08 90 90 90 8B 55 08 90 90
90 90 90 90 90 7E 0A 8B 45 08 90 90 90 90 90 90
90 8B 4D 08 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 7D 0A 8B 55 08
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 8B 45 08 90 90 90 90 90 90
90 7E 0A 8B 4D 08 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 8B 55 08
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 7D 0A 8B 45 08 C7 40 14 00
FE FF FF 8B 4D 08 90 90 90 8B 45 08 90 90 90 8B
4D 08 90 90 90 8B 55 08 90 90 90 8B 4D 08 03 41
14 8B 55 08 90 90 90

That should do it.

and just run it through Boosters lab/some other hex patcher NOT the assembler.


Good timing for this. So, I'm wrapping up the work for the demo on the Mega Man mod I've been working on, and I've been thinking about boss NPCs. I was originally going to go without custom bosses, but if you're willing to do some edits, that'd be great. I'm not looking for anything spectacular, I really only want minor variations of previously-made bosses to make the battle more interesting. For the demo, I only have two bosses, Toroko+ and the Red Demon. Would you be willing to spice up their patterns for me?

OK, the Red Demon is ready.

;ANP 0001 = start attacking player
;ANP 0007 = dead

offset NPC276


npc.directionhandler = [ecx+18]

localvar1 = [EBP-14]
localvar2 = [EBP-18]
localvar3 = [EBP-1C]

TPcool = edit these to your likings

jumpheight = 500
jumplength = 300

L_framerect_distance = 0
U_framerect_distance = 40

push ebp                          ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp  
sub esp,14

mov dword [EBP-10],0     
mov dword [EBP-C],0      
mov dword [EBP-8],0      
mov dword [EBP-4],0 
cmp, 0
je :statedead

;direction check
mov eax, PlayerXpos
cmp npc.X, eax
jl :face_right
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :end_direction
mov npc.direction, 2
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

;-----FIRE (ground)-----

add npc.y 5FF   
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15
jge :fireproj
mov npc.framenum, 3
jmp :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 21
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 30
jl :render
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
inc npc.scripttimer
push 0
push 7
add esp, C
cmp npc.scripttimer, eax
jge :jump_prep
jmp :render

push 0
mov edx, npc.y
sub edx, playerypos
push edx
mov edx, npc.x
sub edx,playerxpos
push edx
call 004258e0                      ;detects player collision
add esp,8
mov localvar3,eax
mov edx,localvar3
push edx                             
call 004258b0                      ;sin table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar2,eax
mov eax, localvar3
push eax                             
call 004258c0                      ;cos table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar1,eax
push 100                                
push 0                                
push 0                                 
mov ecx, localvar2          
push ecx                             
mov edx, localvar1          
push edx                              
mov eax, npc.y           
push eax                                
mov edx, npc.x            
push edx
push 115
call 0046efd0                            
add esp,20
cmp npc.scriptstate, 1
je :Fired_proj_ground
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.scriptstate, 3
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render


:statejump1                  ;squat before jump
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10 
jg :statejump2
mov npc.framenum, 2
jmp :render

:Statejump2                  ;prep for jump (one frame)
mov npc.framenum 7
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 0
jmp :left_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 2
jmp :render

;objecttimer = open/close arms timer
;scripttimer = jumping timer

cmp npc.jump, 2
je :right_jump
add npc.X -jumplength
jmp :left_jump
add npc.X jumplength
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10       ;before arms closed
jge :Statejump4
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 5           ;closed arms
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15      
jg :jumpfire
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 6
cmp npc.objecttimer, 20       ;time between firing
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 28
jl :jump_vel_handler_Y
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :render
add npc.scripttimer, 15       ;script timer holds velocitys?
cmp npc.scripttimer, A00
jg :vel_to_high
mov eax, npc.scripttimer
add eax, -jumpheight
add npc.Y, eax
jmp :render

cmp npc.collision, 0          ;colliding with something? (need to test values)
jge :done_jump
cmp npc.collision, 20
jg :done_jump
mov eax, A00
add eax, -jumpheight
add npc.Y, eax
jmp :render

mov npc.scriptstate, 2        ;go to state lightning
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render

add npc.Y 5ff                 ;gravity
mov npc.framenum, 3
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer 30
je :lightning
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 3
jmp :render

push 140
push 0
push 0 
push 0
push 0
mov eax PlayerYPos
push eax
mov eax PlayerXPos
push eax
push 14D
call 46efd0
add esp,20
mov npc.scriptstate, 1
jmp :render

;inc npc.scriptstate

;push 0
;push 36
;call PlaySound
;add esp, 8


mov npc.framenum, 8
mov npc.flags, 200

mov npc.hitrectL, 0
mov npc.hitrectU, 0
mov npc.hitrectR, -8000
mov npc.hitrectD, -8000

jmp :render


add npc.y 5FF                 ;gravity
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 30        ;breathe check
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 1
cmp npc.frametimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.frametimer,0

cmp npc.direction, 2         ;trasfer directon to our variable
je :direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 0
jmp :end_direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 1
xor eax, eax                 ;mov eax L_framerect_distance                   
mov eax,npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, 20
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax,20                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   
mov eax, U_framerect_distance      
cmp npc.direction, 2                     
jne :render_left
add eax 28
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax,28                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :StateIdle         ;<ANP0000
print :StateFire
print :StateLightning
print :Statejump1
print :Statejump2
print :Statejump3        ;<ANP0005
print :Statejump4
print :statedead
print :statedead2

The only issue is the when it's killed, it doesn't fall to the ground.

If you want me to fix that then I *can* but it would take a while longer.

As for Toroko+, I will just speed her up, It's gonna be too much of a headache to re-write two bosses out.

Oh, and you will need to edit your npc.tbl file

Have "shootable" and "show damage" checked off only.

And you will have to have a script run on death and a <ANP0007 to make it die.


I have a request. You know Weaville in Brawl, how he dashes from side to side to attack? I'd like to have something like that, maybe it would activate once the player is detected in front of them?

Ok, it' done.

offset [something]


L_framerect_distance = 0
U_framerect_distance = 0

sprite heigth    = 10
sprite width     = 10

detect_area      = C000
time_before_dash = 20
dash_frames      = 35
dash_sound       = 20
dash_speed       = 400


push ebp
mov ebp,esp
SUB ESP,10                        


mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

mov npc.framenum, 0
mov eax PlayerXpos
add eax detect_area
cmp npc.X, eax
jg :render

mov eax PlayerXpos
add eax -detect_area
cmp npc.X, eax
jl :render

mov npc.scriptstate, 1
mov npc.framenum, 1
inc npc.scripttimer
cmp npc.scripttimer, time_before_dash
jg :StateDash1
jmp :render

push 1
push dash_sound
CALL PlaySound
add esp, 8
mov npc.scriptstate, 3

mov eax npc.X
cmp eax PlayerXpos
jl  :StateDash3_R

mov npc.scriptstate, 4
mov npc.framenum, 2
add npc.X -dash_speed
jmp :StateDash4

mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.framenum, 2
add npc.X dash_speed

inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, dash_frames
jg :StateDashEnd
jmp :render

mov npc.frametimer, 0
mov npc.framenum, 3
mov npc.scriptstate, 6
jmp :render

add npc.Y 5FF                   ;gravity, remove this line if you don't want it to be affected.
cmp npc.scriptstate, 4
je :end_direction_transfer
cmp npc.scriptstate, 5
je :end_direction_transfer
mov eax npc.X                   ;direction face check and handeler
cmp eax PlayerXPos
jg :directon_left
mov npc.direction, 2
jmp :end_direction_transfer 
mov npc.direction, 0
mov eax, npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, sprite width
add eax L_framerect_distance 
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax, sprite width                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   
mov eax, U_framerect_distance  
cmp npc.direction, 0
je :face_left
add eax, sprite heigth
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax, sprite heigth                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
print :StateIdle         ;<ANP0000
print :StatePreDash
print :StateDash1
print :StateDash2
print :StateDash3_L
print :StateDash3_R      ;<ANP0005
print :StateDashEnd

It has four sprites, and will turn to face you (unless it's dashing)

Idle, pre-dash, dash and after dash. It can face/dash both directions,

You will need to edit the npc.tbl file to get the full results

It also makes a sound right before it dashes.

To make it able to dash again set <ANP0000

Almost caught up now....

E: spoiler-ed my mega post

Oh wow 5 posts in a row.

Good timing for this. So, I'm wrapping up the work for the demo on the Mega Man mod I've been working on, and I've been thinking about boss NPCs. I was originally going to go without custom bosses, but if you're willing to do some edits, that'd be great. I'm not looking for anything spectacular, I really only want minor variations of previously-made bosses to make the battle more interesting. For the demo, I only have two bosses, Toroko+ and the Red Demon. Would you be willing to spice up their patterns for me?

I did Toroko +

That was really easy.

She is much more aggressive now.


55 8B EC 81 EC CC 01 00 00 C7 85 20 FF FF FF 00
00 00 00 C7 85 24 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 28
FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 2C FF FF FF 20 00 00
00 C7 85 30 FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 34 FF FF
FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 38 FF FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7
85 3C FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 40 FF FF FF 40
00 00 00 C7 85 44 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 48
FF FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 4C FF FF FF 20 00 00
00 C7 85 50 FF FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 54 FF FF
FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 58 FF FF FF 80 00 00 00 C7
85 5C FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 60 FF FF FF 80
00 00 00 C7 85 64 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 68
FF FF FF A0 00 00 00 C7 85 6C FF FF FF 20 00 00
00 C7 85 70 FF FF FF A0 00 00 00 C7 85 74 FF FF
FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 78 FF FF FF C0 00 00 00 C7
85 7C FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 45 80 C0 00 00 00
C7 45 84 00 00 00 00 C7 45 88 E0 00 00 00 C7 45
8C 20 00 00 00 C7 45 90 E0 00 00 00 C7 45 94 00
00 00 00 C7 45 98 00 01 00 00 C7 45 9C 20 00 00
00 C7 45 A0 00 00 00 00 C7 45 A4 40 00 00 00 C7
45 A8 20 00 00 00 C7 45 AC 60 00 00 00 C7 45 B0
20 00 00 00 C7 45 B4 40 00 00 00 C7 45 B8 40 00
00 00 C7 45 BC 60 00 00 00 C7 45 C0 40 00 00 00
C7 45 C4 40 00 00 00 C7 45 C8 60 00 00 00 C7 45
CC 60 00 00 00 C7 45 D0 60 00 00 00 C7 45 D4 40
00 00 00 C7 45 D8 80 00 00 00 C7 45 DC 60 00 00
00 C7 45 E0 80 00 00 00 C7 45 E4 40 00 00 00 C7
45 E8 A0 00 00 00 C7 45 EC 60 00 00 00 C7 45 F0
00 00 00 00 C7 45 F4 00 00 00 00 C7 45 F8 00 00
00 00 C7 45 FC 00 00 00 00 C7 85 38 FE FF FF 00
00 00 00 C7 85 3C FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 40
FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 44 FE FF FF 40 00 00
00 C7 85 48 FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 4C FE FF
FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 50 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7
85 54 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7 85 58 FE FF FF 40
00 00 00 C7 85 5C FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 60
FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 64 FE FF FF 40 00 00
00 C7 85 68 FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 6C FE FF
FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 70 FE FF FF 80 00 00 00 C7
85 74 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7 85 78 FE FF FF 80
00 00 00 C7 85 7C FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 80
FE FF FF A0 00 00 00 C7 85 84 FE FF FF 40 00 00
00 C7 85 88 FE FF FF A0 00 00 00 C7 85 8C FE FF
FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 90 FE FF FF C0 00 00 00 C7
85 94 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7 85 98 FE FF FF C0
00 00 00 C7 85 9C FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 A0
FE FF FF E0 00 00 00 C7 85 A4 FE FF FF 40 00 00
00 C7 85 A8 FE FF FF E0 00 00 00 C7 85 AC FE FF
FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 B0 FE FF FF 00 01 00 00 C7
85 B4 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7 85 B8 FE FF FF 00
00 00 00 C7 85 BC FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 C0
FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 C4 FE FF FF 80 00 00
00 C7 85 C8 FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 C7 85 CC FE FF
FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 D0 FE FF FF 40 00 00 00 C7
85 D4 FE FF FF 80 00 00 00 C7 85 D8 FE FF FF 40
00 00 00 C7 85 DC FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 E0
FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 E4 FE FF FF 80 00 00
00 C7 85 E8 FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 EC FE FF
FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 F0 FE FF FF 80 00 00 00 C7
85 F4 FE FF FF 80 00 00 00 C7 85 F8 FE FF FF 80
00 00 00 C7 85 FC FE FF FF 60 00 00 00 C7 85 00
FF FF FF A0 00 00 00 C7 85 04 FF FF FF 80 00 00
00 C7 85 08 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 0C FF FF
FF 00 00 00 00 C7 85 10 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 C7
85 14 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 8B 45 08 8B 48 74 89
8D 34 FE FF FF 81 BD 34 FE FF FF 8D 00 00 00 0F
87 69 08 00 00 8B 95 34 FE FF FF 0F B6 82 32 3A
44 00 FF 24 85 CA 39 44 00 8B 4D 08 C7 41 74 01
00 00 00 8B 55 08 C7 42 68 09 00 00 00 8B 45 08
C7 40 78 00 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 0F B7 51 50 81 E2
FF DF FF FF 8B 45 08 66 89 50 50 8B 4D 08 8B 51
78 83 C2 01 8B 45 08 89 50 78 8B 4D 08 83 79 78
15 7E 1E 8B 55 08 C7 42 74 02 00 00 00 8B 45 08
C7 40 78 00 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 C7 41 68 08 00 00
00 E9 E8 07 00 00 8B 55 08 8B 42 68 83 C0 01 8B
4D 08 89 41 68 8B 55 08 83 7A 68 0A 7E 0A 8B 45
08 C7 40 68 09 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 51 78 83 C2
01 8B 45 08 89 50 78 8B 4D 08 83 79 78 15 7E 1E
8B 55 08 C7 42 74 03 00 00 00 8B 45 08 C7 40 78
00 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 C7 41 68 00 00 00 00 E9 8B
07 00 00 8B 55 08 8B 42 78 83 C0 01 8B 4D 08 89
41 78 8B 55 08 83 7A 78 15 7E 1B 8B 45 08 C7 40
74 0A 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 0F B7 51 50 83 CA 20 8B
45 08 66 89 50 50 E9 53 07 00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 55
08 66 8B 42 50 66 89 41 50 8B 4D 08 C7 41 74 0B
00 00 00 8B 55 08 C7 42 68 00 00 00 00 8B 45 08
C7 40 64 00 00 00 00 6A 40 90 90 90 6A 03 E8 ED
C1 FC FF 83 C4 08 8B 4D 08 89 41 78 8B 55 08 C7
42 10 00 00 00 00 8B 45 08 8B 48 08 3B 0D 54 E6
49 00 7E 0C 8B 55 08 C7 42 4C 00 00 00 00 EB 0A
8B 45 08 C7 40 4C 02 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 51 64
83 C2 01 8B 45 08 89 50 64 8B 4D 08 83 79 64 04
7E 19 8B 55 08 C7 42 64 00 00 00 00 8B 45 08 8B
48 68 83 C1 01 8B 55 08 89 4A 68 8B 45 08 83 78
68 01 7E 0A 8B 4D 08 C7 41 68 00 00 00 00 6A 06
E8 5B 0A FC FF 83 C4 04 85 C0 75 0F 6A 03 E8 4D
0A FC FF 83 C4 04 83 F8 03 7E 0A 8B 55 08 C7 42
74 14 00 00 00 8B 45 08 83 78 78 00 74 11 8B 4D
08 8B 51 78 83 EA 01 8B 45 08 89 50 78 EB 32 6A
63 6A 00 E8 28 C1 FC FF 83 C4 08 25 01 00 00 80
79 05 48 83 C8 FE 40 85 C0 74 0C 8B 4D 08 C7 41
74 14 00 00 00 EB 0A 8B 55 08 C7 42 74 32 00 00
00 E9 28 06 00 00 8B 45 08 C7 40 74 15 00 00 00
8B 4D 08 C7 41 68 02 00 00 00 8B 55 08 C7 42 78
00 00 00 00 8B 45 08 8B 48 78 83 C1 01 8B 55 08
89 4A 78 8B 45 08 83 78 78 04

I'm freeeeeeeeeeee~
Feb 22, 2014 at 5:29 AM
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Hi again. You suggested I post this request here (again, heh) so I am.
Any way you could make very simple NPC's to act as light? Or to better explain what I mean, here's an example tileset I've been using for light.


The checkered black tiles at the top are my "lighting". They're placed around to emulate darkness, since more of the players and entities are obscured as they walk behind them (as they take up the foreground layer). Problem is, interactivity involving light is painful as hell to make.

An example at the code required to make some simple "lighting" changes...

//Facing: Right (Default)

//First Light Dissapears





//Floor Lighting Dissapears

//Second Light Appears







//Floor Light Appears



That code is also incomplete! So continuing to use tiles to emulate light will be far more painful then I'd like it to be.

So my request is this: Could I get some simple NPC's that are stationary, and always stay infront of other entities (although I think this is handled on the editor-level, but I'm not 100% certain if it's possible to force them infront or not). I...think it's a simple request.

Although, I'm actually not sure how it will work, since I would surely hit the entity limit very quickly if I used them as the primary method of lighting. I may have to alternate between them for partial lights and the thick black tile for the rest of the darkness...but that's better then nothing at all I suppose.

So to reiterate, stationary NPC's that serve no purpose other then to exist and be used as a cheap method of lighting, so I can easily modify them with <CNP commands. WOW Fuck this is a suprisingly big mouthful.
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Feb 22, 2014 at 7:48 AM
Its dark in here
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I know I've already asked for something but could you make the gaudi armors not turn into dead gaudis once they loose 15 hp and shoot 6 shurikens in air instead of 2?
Feb 23, 2014 at 2:32 AM
The TideWalker
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PolarStarGames said:
Hi again. You suggested I post this request here (again, heh) so I am.
Any way you could make very simple NPC's to act as light? Or to better explain what I mean, here's an example tileset I've been using for light.

The checkered black tiles at the top are my "lighting". They're placed around to emulate darkness, since more of the players and entities are obscured as they walk behind them (as they take up the foreground layer). Problem is, interactivity involving light is painful as hell to make.
An example at the code required to make some simple "lighting" changes...

-TSC code

That code is also incomplete! So continuing to use tiles to emulate light will be far more painful then I'd like it to be.
So my request is this: Could I get some simple NPC's that are stationary, and always stay infront of other entities (although I think this is handled on the editor-level, but I'm not 100% certain if it's possible to force them infront or not). I...think it's a simple request.
Although, I'm actually not sure how it will work, since I would surely hit the entity limit very quickly if I used them as the primary method of lighting. I may have to alternate between them for partial lights and the thick black tile for the rest of the darkness...but that's better then nothing at all I suppose.
So to reiterate, stationary NPC's that serve no purpose other then to exist and be used as a cheap method of lighting, so I can easily modify them with

I'll try to do *something* but it might take a while for me to wrap my brain around a way to make this work.

and some tileset changing may be in order along with a <MIM command hack.

I know I've already asked for something but could you make the gaudi armors not turn into dead gaudis once they loose 15 hp and shoot 6 shurikens in air instead of 2?

Ok, give me a little bit though, I have other things to do first...
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Feb 23, 2014 at 4:52 AM
Tommy Thunder
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OK, the Red Demon is ready.

;ANP 0001 = start attacking player
;ANP 0007 = dead

offset NPC276


npc.directionhandler = [ecx+18]

localvar1 = [EBP-14]
localvar2 = [EBP-18]
localvar3 = [EBP-1C]

TPcool = edit these to your likings

jumpheight = 500
jumplength = 300

L_framerect_distance = 0
U_framerect_distance = 40

push ebp                          ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp  
sub esp,14

mov dword [EBP-10],0     
mov dword [EBP-C],0      
mov dword [EBP-8],0      
mov dword [EBP-4],0 
cmp, 0
je :statedead

;direction check
mov eax, PlayerXpos
cmp npc.X, eax
jl :face_right
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :end_direction
mov npc.direction, 2
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

;-----FIRE (ground)-----

add npc.y 5FF   
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15
jge :fireproj
mov npc.framenum, 3
jmp :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 21
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 30
jl :render
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
inc npc.scripttimer
push 0
push 7
add esp, C
cmp npc.scripttimer, eax
jge :jump_prep
jmp :render

push 0
mov edx, npc.y
sub edx, playerypos
push edx
mov edx, npc.x
sub edx,playerxpos
push edx
call 004258e0                      ;detects player collision
add esp,8
mov localvar3,eax
mov edx,localvar3
push edx                             
call 004258b0                      ;sin table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar2,eax
mov eax, localvar3
push eax                             
call 004258c0                      ;cos table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar1,eax
push 100                                
push 0                                
push 0                                 
mov ecx, localvar2          
push ecx                             
mov edx, localvar1          
push edx                              
mov eax, npc.y           
push eax                                
mov edx, npc.x            
push edx
push 115
call 0046efd0                            
add esp,20
cmp npc.scriptstate, 1
je :Fired_proj_ground
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.scriptstate, 3
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render


:statejump1                  ;squat before jump
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10 
jg :statejump2
mov npc.framenum, 2
jmp :render

:Statejump2                  ;prep for jump (one frame)
mov npc.framenum 7
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 0
jmp :left_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 2
jmp :render

;objecttimer = open/close arms timer
;scripttimer = jumping timer

cmp npc.jump, 2
je :right_jump
add npc.X -jumplength
jmp :left_jump
add npc.X jumplength
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10       ;before arms closed
jge :Statejump4
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 5           ;closed arms
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15      
jg :jumpfire
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 6
cmp npc.objecttimer, 20       ;time between firing
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 28
jl :jump_vel_handler_Y
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :render
add npc.scripttimer, 15       ;script timer holds velocitys?
cmp npc.scripttimer, A00
jg :vel_to_high
mov eax, npc.scripttimer
add eax, -jumpheight
add npc.Y, eax
jmp :render

cmp npc.collision, 0          ;colliding with something? (need to test values)
jge :done_jump
cmp npc.collision, 20
jg :done_jump
mov eax, A00
add eax, -jumpheight
add npc.Y, eax
jmp :render

mov npc.scriptstate, 2        ;go to state lightning
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render

add npc.Y 5ff                 ;gravity
mov npc.framenum, 3
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer 30
je :lightning
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 3
jmp :render

push 140
push 0
push 0 
push 0
push 0
mov eax PlayerYPos
push eax
mov eax PlayerXPos
push eax
push 14D
call 46efd0
add esp,20
mov npc.scriptstate, 1
jmp :render

;inc npc.scriptstate

;push 0
;push 36
;call PlaySound
;add esp, 8


mov npc.framenum, 8
mov npc.flags, 200

mov npc.hitrectL, 0
mov npc.hitrectU, 0
mov npc.hitrectR, -8000
mov npc.hitrectD, -8000

jmp :render


add npc.y 5FF                 ;gravity
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 30        ;breathe check
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 1
cmp npc.frametimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.frametimer,0

cmp npc.direction, 2         ;trasfer directon to our variable
je :direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 0
jmp :end_direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 1
xor eax, eax                 ;mov eax L_framerect_distance                   
mov eax,npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, 20
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax,20                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   
mov eax, U_framerect_distance      
cmp npc.direction, 2                     
jne :render_left
add eax 28
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax,28                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :StateIdle         ;<ANP0000
print :StateFire
print :StateLightning
print :Statejump1
print :Statejump2
print :Statejump3        ;<ANP0005
print :Statejump4
print :statedead
print :statedead2
Hey um, the smoke is still really buggy. I'm thankful that I can at least kill the boss now, but the smoke is solid and shooting it makes it multiply. Do you think you can fix this? If it would make it easier for you, you can make it so that doesn't generate any smoke in the first place.
Feb 26, 2014 at 11:19 PM
The TideWalker
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oh, right right, I'll fix that ASAP.

and removing it would still not fix the issue with the other entitys that use smoke.

try editing the npc.tbl file and see if that works.


Tpcool said:
Hey um, the smoke is still really buggy. I'm thankful that I can at least kill the boss now, but the smoke is solid and shooting it makes it multiply. Do you think you can fix this? If it would make it easier for you, you can make it so that doesn't generate any smoke in the first place.
Oh wow, I finally get to it and it took me 2 seconds to fix.

Open up your favorite npc.tbl editor and change the hitbox for npc 4 to.....

"0" "0"

That's it!
Feb 27, 2014 at 12:42 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Bombchu Link said:
Oh wow, I finally get to it and it took me 2 seconds to fix.
Open up your favorite npc.tbl editor and change the hitbox for npc 4 to.....
"0" "0"
That's it!
Um, you sure? I tried that, and nothing changed. Smoke is still solid, and still multiplies when shot. I think the reason you thought it was fixed is because the smoke always functions normally until the boss fight. If you just opened up a game with the boss in it and tested the smoke without actually fighting the boss, it will still function normally.
Feb 27, 2014 at 1:28 AM
The TideWalker
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I tested it in the boss fight....

let me check...


it should look like.

change size to no smoke.
Feb 27, 2014 at 1:43 AM
Tommy Thunder
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They are the same, no? While this didn't fix the problem with the smoke still being solid, this did fix the problem with the smoke multiplying upon being shot. So that's something.
Feb 27, 2014 at 1:55 AM
The TideWalker
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I don't know what the issue is.

It seems that only when the projectile spawns when it does that...

the smoke generator npc spawns ones that are completely normal and aren't collide-able with.


Has anyone else had this issue before?
Feb 27, 2014 at 6:31 PM
In my body, in my head
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where in that code is it creating smoke
I don't see any spawn NPC 4
Mar 1, 2014 at 1:22 AM
The TideWalker
Modding Community Discord Founder
"That dog!"
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where in that code is it creating smoke
I don't see any spawn NPC 4

That's the thing, it never does.

It only creates the projectile and lightning.

Hey um, the smoke is still really buggy. I'm thankful that I can at least kill the boss now, but the smoke is solid and shooting it makes it multiply. Do you think you can fix this? If it would make it easier for you, you can make it so that doesn't generate any smoke in the first place.

I can make it not generate smoke.

anyway, here is the NEW red demon code.

it now works on non-flat ground

it also doesn't have that pesky error of sinking into the ground or floating in the air on death.

;ANP 0001 = start attacking player
;ANP 0007 = dead

offset NPC276



localvar1 = [EBP-14]
localvar2 = [EBP-18]
localvar3 = [EBP-1C]

jump_height  = 400
jump_gravity = 15
jump_length = 300

L_framerect_distance = 0
U_framerect_distance = 40

push ebp                          ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp  
sub esp,14

mov dword [EBP-10],0     
mov dword [EBP-C],0      
mov dword [EBP-8],0      
mov dword [EBP-4],0 
cmp, 0
je :statedead

;direction check
mov eax, PlayerXpos
cmp npc.X, eax
jl :face_right
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :end_direction
mov npc.direction, 2
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

;-----FIRE (ground)-----

add npc.y 5FF   
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15
jge :fireproj
mov npc.framenum, 3
jmp :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 21
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 30
jl :render
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
inc npc.scripttimer
push 7
push 0
add esp, C
cmp npc.scripttimer, eax
jge :jump_prep
jmp :render

push 0
mov edx, npc.y
sub edx, playerypos
push edx
mov edx, npc.x
sub edx,playerxpos
push edx
call 004258e0                      ;detects player collision
add esp,8
mov localvar3,eax
mov edx,localvar3
push edx                             
call 004258b0                      ;sin table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar2,eax
mov eax, localvar3
push eax                             
call 004258c0                      ;cos table
add esp,4
shl eax,2
mov localvar1,eax
push 100                                
push 0                                
push 0                                 
mov ecx, localvar2          
push ecx                             
mov edx, localvar1          
push edx                              
mov eax, npc.y           
push eax                                
mov edx, npc.x            
push edx
push 115
call 0046efd0                            
add esp,20
cmp npc.scriptstate, 1
je :Fired_proj_ground
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.scriptstate, 3
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render


:statejump1                  ;squat before jump
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10 
jg :statejump2
mov npc.framenum, 2
jmp :render

:Statejump2                  ;prep for jump (one frame)
mov npc.framenum 7
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 0
jmp :left_jump_prep
mov npc.jump, 2
jmp :render

;objecttimer = open/close arms timer
;scripttimer = jumping timer

cmp npc.jump, 2
je :right_jump
add npc.X -jump_length
jmp :left_jump
add npc.X jump_length
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer, 10       ;before arms closed
jge :Statejump4
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 5           ;closed arms
cmp npc.objecttimer, 15      
jg :jumpfire
jmp :jump_vel_handler_Y

mov npc.framenum, 6
cmp npc.objecttimer, 20       ;time between firing
je :create_object
cmp npc.objecttimer, 28
jl :jump_vel_handler_Y
mov npc.scriptstate, 5
mov npc.objecttimer, 0

add npc.Y -jump_height          ;jump heigth
add npc.movey, jump_gravity      ;gravity pull
mov eax npc.movey
add npc.y eax

mov edx, npc.collision
and edx, 8                   ;check if hi floor
jne :done_jump
jmp :render

mov npc.scriptstate, 2        ;go to state lightning
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
jmp :render


add npc.Y 5ff                 ;gravity
mov npc.framenum, 3
inc npc.objecttimer
cmp npc.objecttimer 30
je :lightning
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 4
cmp npc.objecttimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 3
jmp :render
push 140
push 0
push 0 
push 0
push 0
mov eax PlayerYPos
push eax
mov eax PlayerXPos
push eax
push 14D
call 46efd0
add esp,20
mov npc.scriptstate, 1
jmp :render

;inc npc.scriptstate

;push 0
;push 36
;call PlaySound
;add esp, 8

add npc.Y 300                ;gravity
mov edx, npc.collision
and edx, 8                   ;check if hit floor
jne :cont_die
add npc.Y 5ff
mov npc.framenum, 8
mov npc.flags, 200
mov npc.damage, 0
jmp :render


add npc.y 5FF                 ;gravity
mov npc.objecttimer, 0
mov npc.framenum, 0
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 30        ;breathe check
jl :render
mov npc.framenum, 1
cmp npc.frametimer, 60
jl :render
mov npc.frametimer,0

xor eax, eax                 ;mov eax L_framerect_distance                   
mov eax,npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, 20
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax,20                          
mov npc.displayR,eax   
mov eax, U_framerect_distance      
cmp npc.direction, 2                     
jne :render_left
add eax 28
mov npc.displayU,eax                   
add eax,28                           
mov npc.displayD,eax   

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :StateIdle         ;<ANP0000
print :StateFire
print :StateLightning
print :Statejump1
print :Statejump2
print :Statejump3        ;<ANP0005
print :Statejump4
print :statedead
print :statedead2

I'll post the other stuff a little later once I find where it generates smoke in the code to the other NPC's


proj of the boss:


25 FF 00 00 00 74 7D 68 00 01 00 00 6A 00 6A 00
6A 00 6A 00 8B 4D 08 8B 51 0C 52 8B 45 08 8B 48
08 51 6A 00

lightning thing:

huh, that's weird, it's not there...

Mar 2, 2014 at 11:38 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Bombchu Link said:
I'll post the other stuff a little later once I find where it generates smoke in the code to the other NPC's


proj of the boss:


25 FF 00 00 00 74 7D 68 00 01 00 00 6A 00 6A 00
6A 00 6A 00 8B 4D 08 8B 51 0C 52 8B 45 08 8B 48
08 51 6A 00

lightning thing:

huh, that's weird, it's not there...
oof man weird things happened when I applied this. Instead of the smoke being solid, it'll crash the game, inflict 200+ damage, or still be solid. I'm not sure if you know this already, but I just want to make sure what's happening on my end.