Get your Custom NPCs right here folks!

Jan 12, 2014 at 1:22 PM
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Could you make Balrog IV have two new attacks - lightning strike and flame blast?
Jan 12, 2014 at 4:40 PM
The TideWalker
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I'm going to say no.

1# The hardest/most time consuming this is to give bosses new attacks. I have to basically rebuild the entire boss from scratch. optimize it and throw a new attack in without taking any more space.

2# You are actually making a mod?

Cause what it looks like is I'm gonna do this for a mod that will have one or two releases and then die.


Modified Rule 7.

check the OP.
Jan 13, 2014 at 11:07 AM
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Make an Boo (from Super Mario Bros.3 and up) that stalks you, but is looks away when you look at it.
Jan 13, 2014 at 4:54 PM
The TideWalker
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Parkraft123 said:
Make an Boo (from Super Mario Bros.3 and up) that stalks you, but is looks away when you look at it.
Sure, that'll be easy.

It might be a while though because of other orders and stuff.
Jan 13, 2014 at 8:10 PM
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Might be helpful to start a queue in the OP
Jan 13, 2014 at 8:19 PM
The TideWalker
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Parkraft123 said:
Make an Boo (from Super Mario Bros.3 and up) that stalks you, but is looks away when you look at it.
here 'ya go.

offset NPC*something*


npc.directionhandler = [ecx+1C]

horiz_move_speed = 100
ver_move_speed = 100

framerect_distance_L = 0


push ebp ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp
sub esp,14

mov dword [EBP-10],0
mov dword [EBP-C],0
mov dword [EBP-8],0
mov dword [EBP-4],0

;check direction
mov eax, PlayerXpos
cmp npc.X, eax
jg :on_left

;on right
cmp DirectionFaced, 0
je :hide
mov npc.framenum, 1
add npc.X, horiz_move_speed
jmp :U/D_check

cmp DirectionFaced, 2
je :hide
mov npc.framenum, 1
add npc.X, -horiz_move_speed
jmp :U/D_check

mov npc.framenum, 0
jmp :render

mov eax, PlayerYpos
cmp npc.Y, eax
je :render
jg :move_up
jl :move_down

add npc.Y, -ver_move_speed
jmp :render

add npc.Y, ver_move_speed
jmp :render


cmp npc.direction, 2 ;trasfer directon to our variable
je :direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 0
jmp :end_direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 1


xor eax,eax
mov eax,npc.framenum
imul al, al, 10
add eax, framerect_distance_L
mov npc.DisplayL,eax
add eax,10
mov npc.displayR,eax
mov eax, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
jne :render_left
add eax 10
mov npc.displayU,eax
add eax,10
mov npc.displayD,eax

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

Check the defines if you want to change some stuff like the velocity and the framerect area.

Also change the offset to replace the desired NPC.

Thank you for your business.

I didn't forget about you, it's just that this only took 10 minutes, I've put a decent ammount of time into your NPC's.

MagicDoors said:
Might be helpful to start a queue in the OP
Though about it, but never got around to it.

I'll do it now.
Jan 13, 2014 at 8:46 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Bombchu Link said:
I didn't forget about you, it's just that this only took 10 minutes, I've put a decent ammount of time into your NPC's.

Though about it, but never got around to it.

I'll do it now.
No problem at all, man. I especially appreciate that you're putting a good deal of time into it! Thank you.
Jan 13, 2014 at 11:37 PM
Melon Lord
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Not sure if it's possible or something, but all I really want for the moment is for you to make the Muscle Doctor boss more 'Aggresive'. Nothing like new attacks, but I just mean making delays between his next move much shorter to make it simple, or heck if you want to go the extra mile, make some of his attacks go in sequence like some sort of combo.

I'm pretty much going to tell you that I want to be absolutely dead last in your que considering that particular boss in question won't be in my next demo of JJ, but it would be nice 'insurance' to have it ready by the time comes. Whenever it will be.

Course this is just a request, so your real choice on the matter.
Jan 13, 2014 at 11:46 PM
The TideWalker
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JonSpider said:
Not sure if it's possible or something, but all I really want for the moment is for you to make the Muscle Doctor boss more 'Aggresive'. Nothing like new attacks, but I just mean making delays between his next move much shorter to make it simple, or heck if you want to go the extra mile, make some of his attacks go in sequence like some sort of combo.

I'm pretty much going to tell you that I want to be absolutely dead last in your que considering that particular boss in question won't be in my next demo of JJ, but it would be nice 'insurance' to have it ready by the time comes. Whenever it will be.

Course this is just a request, so your real choice on the matter.

I could do it, I'm sure it would just require changing some numbers to have less delay.

It's nice to hear that JJ isn't dead. I was starting to think.....

I'll do something, but it might be a while
because of allthe other stuff piling up.
Jan 14, 2014 at 4:17 AM
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Make a cup of steaming hot coffee that hovers above the player, and then dumps it's contents on him.

Oh yeah, the cup is huge and big and stuffmongous.

. . .

On a more serious note, how hard would it be to make such a boss? Would it be a good basic idea?
Jan 14, 2014 at 5:00 AM
The TideWalker
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Sword legion said:
Make a cup of steaming hot coffee that hovers above the player, and then dumps it's contents on him.

Oh yeah, the cup is huge and big and stuffmongous.

. . .

On a more serious note, how hard would it be to make such a boss? Would it be a good basic idea?

Does the pot take damage?

And how would that contents act? Just spill randomly?

That would be quite easy, either way, I could whip up something in a few minutes....

It's most definitely a start.

Though I'm not exactly sure what for...

Jan 14, 2014 at 5:12 AM
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Could you make a Buzz Bomber from Sonic the Hedgehog?
Jan 15, 2014 at 2:37 AM
The TideWalker
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TLincoln said:
Could you make a Buzz Bomber from Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sure. (sound's easy)

I'll start on it soon.
TLincoln said:
Could you make a Buzz Bomber from Sonic the Hedgehog?
Me + three hours of nanynany cat + rebuilding the code twice = insanity

offset NPC042


localvar1 = [EBP-14]
localvar2 = [EBP-18]

npc.directionhandler = [ecx+1C]

framerect_distance_L = 0


push ebp ;This starts the code
mov ebp, esp
sub esp,14
mov dword [EBP-10],0
mov dword [EBP-C],0
mov dword [EBP-8],0
mov dword [EBP-4],0
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]

:StateActive ;(patrolling)

cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_patrol
add npc.X, -A00
add npc.X 500
;makes a box around player
mov eax, PlayerXpos
sub eax, npc.X ;eax holds distance between player and npc.
cmp eax, -5000 ;Is NPC inside the box?
jg :inside_L_wall
Jmp :no_box
cmp eax, 5000
jl :inside_box ;Is NPC inside the box?
jmp :no_box

mov npc.scriptstate, 1 ;set state fire
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
jmp :render

inc npc.scripttimer
cmp npc.scripttimer, A00 ;fly forward for 100 frames then turn around and repeat
jl :render
mov npc.scripttimer, 0 ;reset timer
cmp npc.direction, 0
je :right
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :render
mov npc.direction, 2
jmp :render

mov npc.framenum, 1
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 40
jl :render
je :create_object
cmp npc.frametimer, 80
jl :render
mov npc.frametimer, 0
mov npc.scriptstate, 2
jmp :render

mov npc.framenum, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :right_move
add npc.X, -A00
add npc.X 500
inc npc.scripttimer
cmp npc.scripttimer, 40
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 0
mov npc.scripttimer, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
je :resume_left
mov npc.direction, 2
jmp :render
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :render

push 0
push 5 ;parent, hijacks the variable of purple crit proj
push 0
push 400 ;yvar
xor eax eax
cmp npc.direction, 2 ;if right flys down to right
je :travel_right
mov eax, -800
add eax, 400
push eax ;xvar
mov eax, npc.Y
add eax, 3000
push eax

push npc.x
push 94
call 46efd0
add esp,20
jmp :render

cmp npc.direction, 2 ;trasfer directon to our variable
je :direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 0
jmp :end_direction_transfer
mov npc.directionhandler, 1
jmp :end_flap

;flaping wings handeler
;inc npc.objecttimer
;cmp npc.objecttimer, 5
;je :incframe
;jg :end_flap
;cmp npc.objecttimer, 10
;je :decframe
;jg :end_flap
;inc npc.framenum
;jmp :end_flap
;dec npc.framenum

mov eax,npc.framenum
imul al, al, 2D
add eax, framerect_distance_L
mov npc.DisplayL,eax
add eax,2D
mov npc.displayR,eax
mov eax, 0
cmp npc.direction, 2
jne :render_left
add eax 24
mov npc.displayU,eax
add eax,24
mov npc.displayD,eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :StateActive
print :StateFire
print :StateFireDone

I was going to implement an actual flapping of the wings, but I am so close to insanity right now.

And It shoots the purple critter proj.

You're welcome
Jan 15, 2014 at 3:11 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Thank you.

I'm having a problem with Doukutsu Assembler. It says that there's no equal sign in the defines.txt file.
Jan 15, 2014 at 3:17 AM
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my defines.txt is written for assembler v0.4
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:37 AM
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That's why. I've been using v1.31.
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:49 AM
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Oy. I've got a request if you don't mind. Doesn't really matter where on the list it is, because I'm making it myself, but I'm a beginner to ASM (but I've done plenty of programming, so I'm learning pretty quick). If you are a veteran to it, it would really help me understand good ASM methods, and also to see if you do a better job than me. Considering it's a request, I feel it would be only fair to give you a beta of the game as it is. I'll PM it to you later. My request: I want to replace Balrogs (First encounter) attack pattern with one where he runs around until he hits a solid object and then falls over and can't move for a few seconds (or long enough for you to attack him with a short range attack and do some damage.)
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:06 PM
The TideWalker
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Noxid said:
my defines.txt is written for assembler v0.4
TLincoln said:
That's why. I've been using v1.31.
I'm using version 1.31 and it assembles perfectly.


You are using the defines provided in the OP, right?

Ultrasyther said:
Oy. I've got a request if you don't mind. Doesn't really matter where on the list it is, because I'm making it myself, but I'm a beginner to ASM (but I've done plenty of programming, so I'm learning pretty quick). If you are a veteran to it, it would really help me understand good ASM methods, and also to see if you do a better job than me. Considering it's a request, I feel it would be only fair to give you a beta of the game as it is. I'll PM it to you later. My request: I want to replace Balrogs (First encounter) attack pattern with one where he runs around until he hits a solid object and then falls over and can't move for a few seconds (or long enough for you to attack him with a short range attack and do some damage.)
Well, If your learning ASM I recommend browsing through Open-source assembly hacks by Noxid It's got some good code for the assembler that really helped me to become a more efficient coder. (hint: CAM)

And don't, don't look at Pixels code, he probably had the worst compiler ever made, the code it inefficient and constantly wastes space.

As for the balrog, well, It would be a while, after I finished TP's requests I want to get back to work on my mod and finish the first part of my ASM hacking guide. Boss battles are one of the hardest things to build because I have to start from scratch.

I *could* just make the attack function though.
Jan 15, 2014 at 8:26 PM
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I have a request. You know Weaville in Brawl, how he dashes from side to side to attack? I'd like to have something like that, maybe it would activate once the player is detected in front of them?
Jan 15, 2014 at 8:38 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Bombchu Link said:

You are using the defines provided in the OP, right?
I was about to say. Last night I realised that when I right clicked and saved the defines link, all what came out is this weird HTML coding from dropbox, but when I opened the link, it took me to dropbox and got the correct defines. And now it worked for me.