Get your Custom NPCs right here folks!

Jan 11, 2014 at 11:08 PM
The TideWalker
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So yeah, I'm now offering to do your hacks for you.

Some rules before we begin.

1# Show some effort! I won't hand out NPCs if I see that you don't have a decent quality mod, haven't made quality mods in the past or show promising content in some form such as demos, screenshots, videos ect.

2# Don't ask for tile/save/graphic hacks. I don't do those, only NPCs, Weapons, HUD elements, and TSC in general. (you can ask for other things but depends on what is is of course)

3#Your hack can take up to two weeks months pending on how busy I get. I am only one man after all. and the more complicated the NPC, the longer it will take. (duh)

4# I write all my code using the A modified Version of the Doukutsu assembler to apply the code; or you can ask for a hex patch to stuff into BL because that's a lot easier for most of you anyway.:mahin:

5# I reserve the right to my code, (i.e I can distribute how I please) though I will usually respect anyone that doesn't want something shared before a mod release ect. if it's reasonable.:critter:

6# Credit me properly in your mod, If you don't, I will destroy you. :)

7# Remember that adding attack to existing bosses are REALLY hard/time consuming. I have to rebuild the boss from scratch making it identical and add new attacks without using any more space. Or sift through poorly written code (that nobody could ever make me do anyway. :muscledoc:) and find out how the NPC works and build from there and believe me; it sucks. I would rather that you ask for a new normal enemy, that's a lot easier for me. Unless you want me to find/change a hard value; like an enemies speed, the projectile it fires; how many projectiles it fires; or how long it waits around after an attack is finished.

8# There is a 2000% chance that if you offer me a orgs/art/ravebux/code/waifus/almost anything, your NPC will be done quicker and you can ask for more ambitious products.:momo:


10# Don't challenge me to make an NPC. (unless you're Noxid or GiR)

Also With this you now HAVE to provide some for of payment, either by turning in your brownie points I gave you, or offering me assets I want for my mods.
I usually want art, orgs and characters since I'm not good at any of that stuff yet.
Also I'm willing to trade for straight cash and for other misc things if you can strike the deal.

With my skill now higher than 2 years ago maybe this will go smoother and with less bugs.

To do:

Highest priority listed first:

None! :chin:


Parkraft123:             SMB3 boo

JohnSpider:              A beefed up Muscle Dr.:muscledoc:

TLinkon:                Buzz bomber (Sonic 1)

Polar:                   Life capsule (affected by gravity)

Goerge Bobicles:         Stationary flying Gaudi

Doors:                   Dashing NPC

TPcool:                  Red Demon+ Custom Boss

BrayConn:                Walking NPC
Last edited:
Jan 11, 2014 at 11:16 PM
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make an npc/boss that sonic homing attacks the player
Jan 11, 2014 at 11:34 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Good timing for this. So, I'm wrapping up the work for the demo on the Mega Man mod I've been working on, and I've been thinking about boss NPCs. I was originally going to go without custom bosses, but if you're willing to do some edits, that'd be great. I'm not looking for anything spectacular, I really only want minor variations of previously-made bosses to make the battle more interesting. For the demo, I only have two bosses, Toroko+ and the Red Demon. Would you be willing to spice up their patterns for me?
Jan 11, 2014 at 11:42 PM
The TideWalker
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Tpcool said:
Good timing for this. So, I'm wrapping up the work for the demo on the Mega Man mod I've been working on, and I've been thinking about boss NPCs. I was originally going to go without custom bosses, but if you're willing to do some edits, that'd be great. I'm not looking for anything spectacular, I really only want minor variations of previously-made bosses to make the battle more interesting. For the demo, I only have two bosses, Toroko+ and the Red Demon. Would you be willing to spice up their patterns for me?
Hmm, doesn't sound to bad.

It might take a while because I'm gonna have to optimize the code. (and that means re-writing it out)

Anything in particular you want? I'm gonna do the red Demon first. fyi

I can do lightning strikes, a string of purple critter projectiles, ect.
Jan 11, 2014 at 11:50 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Bombchu Link said:
Anything in particular you want? I'm gonna do the red Demon first. fyi
It's up to you, really. All I ask is for you to make it look natural (I don't see the purple critter's projectiles coming out of the Red Demon as looking too normal) and mostly as difficult as they were originally. I don't mind if you make them a touch easier or harder, just don't go overboard.
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:05 AM
In my body, in my head
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lunarsold didn't you make a thread like this one time
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:06 AM
The TideWalker
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Tpcool said:
It's up to you, really. All I ask is for you to make it look natural (I don't see the purple critter's projectiles coming out of the Red Demon as looking too normal) and mostly as difficult as they were originally. I don't mind if you make them a touch easier or harder, just don't go overboard.

but because It's going to be less painful on my end, I'm gonna write it out from scratch.
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:07 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
Lunar Gunsmith
I believe he issued a formal apology for the thread a couple of years after the fact
I think I was the one that made him apologize for that infact
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:21 AM
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there was a lot of ancilliary stuff going on in regards to the other one yeah
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:16 AM
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Just don't be as shitty as me and you'll be fine
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:30 AM
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do ya think you could make stationary gaudi fliers that target enemies?
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:59 AM
The TideWalker
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Goerge Bobicles said:
do ya think you could make stationary gaudi fliers that target enemies?
Sure, all that would require is NOP'ing out some code.

I'll take a look later...
Jan 12, 2014 at 2:14 AM
The TideWalker
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Dunc2403 said:
Bombchu I'm pretty sure you misread
He's asking for those to shoot at entities
That is far more complicated than what you thought he asked for
You're right.

I thought he was asking for them not to move while flying.

Goerge Bobicles said:
do ya think you could make stationary gaudi fliers that target enemies?
No, I can't do that.

I would have to re-code every single entity in the game that you want to be targeted to do that.

To much work, not enough reward.
Jan 12, 2014 at 2:43 AM
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in that case, could you just have them target one entity in paticular?
if not, I'll go for them just being stationary.
Jan 12, 2014 at 3:34 AM
The TideWalker
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Goerge Bobicles said:
in that case, could you just have them target one entity in paticular?
if not, I'll go for them just being stationary.

Yeah, I can make then stationary.

But that's about it.