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Funny April fools joke I played on unsuspecting Youtubers

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Mar 10, 2013 at 2:49 AM
Tommy Thunder
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I don't think HaydenStudios has anymore videos planned anyway. Even if he does plan on making another, I'm sure he'll stop mentioning it to everyone here because it's clearly bothersome to y'all. Who knows, those commentors are bugging me so much I might just update my video one day.
Mar 10, 2013 at 5:53 AM
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Noxid said:
I don't like this because it's a bad joke.
I can directly prove that at least four people disagree with you on that.

Noxid said:
It gets people's hopes up and then makes them upset.
If someone genuinely gets upset over this, then either they're a bit overly obsessed with the events that can transpire in a fictional universe, they're less than ten years old, or they can't take a good joke.

Noxid said:
Sure, jokes/hoaxes like this are fine once in a while but I think it should have an end. But here we are, a year later still producing new content to perpetuate this trick. Just let it die already, or live its natural life, whatever.
All hoaxes come to an end some day. And for this one, today is not that day. If the fact that the joke is still alive is a large part of what bothers you, then that's just silly. When this hoax dies is not for you to decide.

Noxid said:
All this is to me, is preying on the gullibility and naivete of people who don't know any better. I've sometimes been wry or snippy towards ignorant users and apparently that's gotten you upset with me to some degree. But is using their ignorance against them to make them waste their time and having a laugh about it any better?
I think there's a reason that I've received praise for these videos, even from people who were convinced.
FrozenFire said:
I ran across your first video on YouTube that was posted on April 1st. ... Long story short, I ended up playing through the original Cave Story 4 times as well as Cave Story+ 2 times up to the Sand Zone point, trying out different things. Finally I found on the Cave Story wiki where you said it was fake, and now I just saw this topic today and realized it could've saved me some trouble.

I was pretty mad for a while, but now I can say with much respect, WELL DONE. This is the most awesome videogame-related April fools I have ever seen, and the mod is genius. I seriously wish that it was part of the official game, because it's so good that it really should be. ...

Have a kitten ~ :debug:
vendrocci said:
BTW, your April 1 video was incredible. Fooled me. ^_^
Goldenblade said:
It's quite a pleasure to hear from you, and having NOT been the one who started the conversation, it's kind of a big deal for me. I played your 4th ending mod and enjoyed it so much that I decided I'd try my hand at making a mod of my own. I saw the video on youtube at first. One of the most convincing pranks I've ever seen in my life, I was actually about to pick up my system and start a new game. Very well done. Congrats.
Of course it does waste people's time, but if they're investigating the legitimacy of content in a video game, then usually it's implied that the person doing so has free time, since video game related stuff is under most circumstances best done during one's free time. It's that person's own fault if he or she does video game related stuff when he or she should be doing school work or whatever. No real harm has been done by my videos to my awareness, and the only people who went to the trouble to PM me had positive things to say.
One guy said:
Hey man,
I was wondering.. why did you put so much effort into making those videos about the "secret 4th ending"? They're made so damn well, I believed the whole thing was legit for a while! :) I especially liked the part where you described glitches in different ports, awesome :)

But still.. why? At first I thought it was to increase the publicity of the mod, but there is no link to it in the 1st video. Or was it an aprils fools joke? Who the hell makes jokes so elaborate? :)

Anyway, let me know and respect for the video and the mod!
Another guy said:
I have to give you props man, for keeping the Cave Story 4th ending alive for so long. I don't mind being trolled like that, I went and tried the ending a couple of times, and the Sand Zone trigger obviously didn't work. I have seen your forum post with the mod downloads. The Cave Story no requirements download i'm assuming is a copy with your mod installed? Anyway, good job, you had me convinced until I saw the forum post. It's been a while since I have seen a good troll. Good luck with keeping it alive further.

Noxid said:
None of us are perfect. And I think the fact that people care enough to raise the question of whether this really needs to go on, speaks for itself. Try to see this from another perspective, rather than just dismissing criticisms and telling people to not reply to your thread.
There are almost always two opposing views on things. I'm really sorry to stereotype people here, but the members who have expressed annoyance to this are users who have elsewhere handled newbiness and spammy threads with flaming and immaturity, most of whom I found very difficult to carry a decent conversation with in the early days of my membership. The people who have praised this, on the other hand (who, by the way, are more numerous than the ones wanting this to die), are people that have been very easy to get along with, are generally people I have a decent respect for, and most of whom handle new members a lot better than those who are tired of seeing this thread go on. The credibility of the different audiences is a large factor in why I shamelessly dismiss the critics of this thread. Seeing this situation from their perspective would require having views and opinions of a nature that took the bits of my review of Noxid's Story that slightly teased SEBTi and took them as personal insults, interpreted my bug reports and suggestions as "bitching", and turned a blind eye toward all of the praise that the review contained.
Mar 10, 2013 at 7:11 AM
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Hayden I am going to remind you of the last major time somebody said not to reply to their thread because they didn't like it
It was me, about The Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village
Do you really want to sound like I did
I don't think you do
Mar 10, 2013 at 7:21 AM
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You're right, I'm not sure why I bothered with this. I should have known coming in.


move along folks, and don't forget to smile on your way out.
Mar 10, 2013 at 8:18 AM
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HaydenStudios is a master hoodwinker because some people on YouTube said so. Please stop having wrong opinions on his genius video, guys.
Mar 10, 2013 at 6:57 PM
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HaydenStudios said:
Flashback: 1 Year ago

It seems like not much has changed...

(except that I'm not in the middle of this of course)
Mar 10, 2013 at 7:31 PM
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I agree. It's been fun, but the joke must finally take its last nap.

EDIT:super ninja'd.

I'm talking about that comment to let it die on April Fools 2013.
Mar 10, 2013 at 8:35 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
Hayden I am going to remind you of the last major time somebody said not to reply to their thread because they didn't like it
It was me, about The Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village
Do you really want to sound like I did
I don't think you do
Not going to lie Dunc, I kindof was on your side in spirit when you were saying that stuff, because there was an audience of people who posted in the thread for its intended purpose. Even if it was spammy, handling the situation the way that those members did was not the mature thing to do. It would have been better to diplomatically start the "Discourse on Games of a Spammy Nature" thread rather than just cause drama on said thread. I have held this belief ever since,
A moderator of a forum elsewhere said:
Haydenstudios or whatever your name is, please keep that sort of stuff to yourself. If you're unhappy about the contents someone's post, you take it up with me or one of the other mods. Flaming or trolling will not be tolerated on these forums.

All right guys, I'm sorry that I have delivered content that you guys got annoyed with. How about a mod or admin locks this thread because I don't see any more quality posts being made in here. That way we can keep our opinions on whether or not this should die already to ourselves. I don't have any immediate plans on stopping the joke, but it's become abundantly clear that the discussion of this hoax has overstayed its welcome as far as the CSTSF goes.
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