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FS_LF [Version 0.3C]

Dec 2, 2016 at 8:35 PM
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This is a mod that I've been working on since like the beginning of October. However I have abandon this project because I realized how bad it was. I decided though, that I might as well post it though just cause I might as well show it off. There may be some bugs I haven't seen in it, but there's no major ones that I am aware of.

Download here

Sorry can't do screenshots cause my schools computers are cool.

I will probably not be coming back to this mod anytime soon so don't ask.
Last edited:
Dec 2, 2016 at 9:24 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Wow, this mod really has shown a lot of progress over and over again, though I've been giving you a lot of feedback for half of the mod's production.

There are a couple error spots in the weapon route that you could get stuck at if you go the wrong way through the maze in Level 1-2.

There is no way to reset that block's position, meaning if you move it the wrong way, you will get stuck.

Here, I think you accidentally placed that block one unit too high, since you can reach that top platform from the Anti-bullshit block's elevation.
Now to try out the Booster route and see if there are any more errors in the mod...
Dec 2, 2016 at 9:39 PM
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Darn, sucks to hear that things didn't turn out well for you.

Abandoned or not, I might as well write a short bit of notes for it anyways.


what did he mean by this

The pause between the last line of the pre-title cutscene and the title screen is a little too long. Can't remember if there was a way to shorten the default length of the pre-title cutscene outside of ASM, though.

oh it's THIS mod
i remember playtesting an earlier build




it would have been nice to be told what the paths actually were aside from signs
a y/n prompt before opening the chest, too


layering death spikes like this looks a little odd, though i guess it's fine if it's just one pit






but why can't i take it?


i like that you put in a PC to reset the puzzle if you mess up, though it could have used a short message or some sort of feedback when interacting with it

cool block-pushing thing, by the way


there's no hole behind the door

cool camera moving thing, too


boy, i sure do love death pits with no foreshadowing that they're death pits


not sure why i have to collect these pink boxes, but collect them i shall


reminder to thoroughly playtest maps
(i fell down here and i can't jump back up)

wow, the forcefield doesn't actually damage me, so i'm softlocked


but i don't have boosters


rain's a nice touch you don't see too often


probably could have moved the walls a tile away from the waterfall so you could make them look less flat


ohhey a faulty slope

i completely managed to forget the waterfall existed over the course of 30 seconds
to be fair, it's really hard to see on a light grey background


willing to bet those spikes (along with the dragons' fire) would have done 10 damage to me


missing some punctuation here


*war flashbacks*

wooow this lava rises quickly
it gives you barely any margin for error


pro tip
do not force the player to make a bunch of twisty jumps like these under pressure
it's not great

>open the door just as the lava was about to touch it

well thanks for the life capsule not-curly


having the grasstown theme playing with the labyrinth tileset bothers me for whatever reason


see look even the mod thinks so


the what?

oh man, after testing my mod so often, i forgot how powerful the original blade was


not sure why, but this enemy occasionally glitches out when bobbing up and down
it may be because it's right next to a wall


it's a shame i didn't get to see that firsthand since i damage boosted to the switch this was needed for


aw man, it would have been neat if you made it so the two characters had separate health bars




u wot m8
(i missed the part where it emitted a poof of smoke, but i basically killed the door)



wow uh
if you do what i did and ignore the block that brings down the barrier blocking you off from the rest of the level as the girl, you end up softlocking yourself



The mod was a little rough around the edges, mostly due to the fact that you're abandoning it, but the gimmicks it had were pretty neat, like shooting blocks to create platforms and pushing other blocks like crates. Aside from aforementioned roughness, I think those gimmicks could have been fleshed out a bit more, like having a longer area dedicated to crate use.
Dec 2, 2016 at 10:25 PM
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Thanks for the feedback guys, now about the things you adressed...

I'll fix the block in 1-1 to be 1 lower, there actually is a way around to the upper right side of the level without using the block.

I'll change the enemy in 3-1 so you can't damage boost off of it, as that wasn't intended.

The reason I didn't use the moveable blocks that much was because I couldn't make them stack on top of each other, so I couldn't really do much with them.

I know I said I wouldn't come back to this mod, but I'll at least fix what I have done. (Especially the 1 tiles being too high in 1-1.)
Dec 3, 2016 at 2:48 AM
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The pause between the last line of the pre-title cutscene and the title screen is a little too long. Can't remember if there was a way to shorten the default length of the pre-title cutscene outside of ASM, though.
I'm going completely off of memory since I don't have my modding notes here at work, but Kenni if you want you could try using <FL+9018 to force the exe into thinking the Z/X button was pressed, making it auto-cancel the intro scene timer. If that doesn't work than just increase the number until it does, it should be right around there.

I'll add this to the list of mods to play.
Dec 3, 2016 at 4:17 PM
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why would you start off by stating "allegedly it's shit"
especially when no one said it was
Dec 3, 2016 at 7:19 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I don't think that means it's automatically a bad mod. As someone who's helped test this mod for Kenni multiple times, it really was becoming a good mod. However, Kenni had way too many ideas for a mod that was meant to be short, so I'm pretty sure why he stopped making it was because it was getting overwhelming for his own sake. It probably isn't all true, but that's just my two cents on it.
Dec 4, 2016 at 7:45 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Why? I don't see anything wrong with stating that according to somebody else the mod is "shit," or, "bad."
Just take this into consideration, that even if their mod is a masterpiece or not, that the uploader will always think there's something (or everything) bad about it.
Dec 4, 2016 at 7:52 AM
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Just take this into consideration, that even if their mod is a masterpiece or not, that the uploader will always think there's something (or everything) bad about it.
Still, there's wrong with him mentioning that he said it was bad.
Dec 4, 2016 at 7:54 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Still, there's wrong with him mentioning that he said it was bad.
It's better to not jump into conclusions, though.
Dec 4, 2016 at 8:00 AM
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It's better to not jump into conclusions, though.
No one was, though! He said after that "I'll see for myself" and later that it was a "nice mod". If anything, that's the opposite of jumping to conclusions! I think that's fine, since he was just saying what the creator said and disagreeing with it.
Dec 4, 2016 at 8:01 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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No one was, though! He said after that "I'll see for myself" and later that it was a "nice mod". If anything, that's the opposite of jumping to conclusions! I think that's fine, since he was just saying what the creator said and disagreeing with it.
I got the last part of him saying it was. I do see now that I have probably misread the whole time. I'm just used to him calling every new mod he sees "shit".