Nov 28, 2009 at 6:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 28, 2009
Location: The Purple Zone
Posts: 5998
Pronouns: he/him
Iunno if this is gonna get any traffic >.>
Anyways, Favourite title in the LoZ series and short explanation. For me:
It was, for the longest time, Link to the past. It's probably the game that got me hooked on gaming, so it holds a special spot in my heart. I might have been a bigger fan of LoZ 1, but it was hard to get into it cuz my NES broke all the time. However, lately my opinion has started to shift towards Majora's Mask. When I first got it, I didn't really like it that much. It felt too "Weird" to be a Zelda game. But, now that I'm older, looking back I think I can appreciate it's dark themes and unique style. It's probably the boldest step they've ever taken with the series. The masks provide great side quests that help you develop compassion for all of Termina's different inhabitants. Gameplay was great, with different forms adding variety and strategy (My favourite was the Goron, cus he SMASH!) The plot itself is really gripping, so much more than just "Saev prinsess to win gaem" Sometimes I would just swim out to the middle of the ocean to enjoy the Apocalypse and rock out on my fishbone guitar.
In short, Majora's Mask is a great and (I feel) oft negleted title in the Zelda series.
EDIT: HEY! Why can I change the title of a thread here and not elsewhere?
Anyways, Favourite title in the LoZ series and short explanation. For me:
It was, for the longest time, Link to the past. It's probably the game that got me hooked on gaming, so it holds a special spot in my heart. I might have been a bigger fan of LoZ 1, but it was hard to get into it cuz my NES broke all the time. However, lately my opinion has started to shift towards Majora's Mask. When I first got it, I didn't really like it that much. It felt too "Weird" to be a Zelda game. But, now that I'm older, looking back I think I can appreciate it's dark themes and unique style. It's probably the boldest step they've ever taken with the series. The masks provide great side quests that help you develop compassion for all of Termina's different inhabitants. Gameplay was great, with different forms adding variety and strategy (My favourite was the Goron, cus he SMASH!) The plot itself is really gripping, so much more than just "Saev prinsess to win gaem" Sometimes I would just swim out to the middle of the ocean to enjoy the Apocalypse and rock out on my fishbone guitar.
In short, Majora's Mask is a great and (I feel) oft negleted title in the Zelda series.
EDIT: HEY! Why can I change the title of a thread here and not elsewhere?