May 10, 2008 at 7:13 AM
Join Date: Dec 24, 2006
Posts: 1926
Age: 32
-.-freezit4 said:wtflolshealready..withquote?who'sherchild???
Mimiga children >_>
-.-freezit4 said:wtflolshealready..withquote?who'sherchild???
W/E.JacobX891 said:actully..............
that's a green onion, a weapon used commonly in Japanese anime/games when the one wielding it is either fooling around or poses no real threat.
Roonil Wazlib said:@ all
Curly can get nowhere near as hawt as Mizalie
Schokobecher said:Jenka..cause shes smexy ._.
S. P. Gardebiter said:Oh noez ;_;
I hate it when people love Curly <_<
*snipers down Curly* DIE!
*burns her corpse* BURN!
xristosx said:douses sue in petrol, lights her on fire and beats her with a heavy wooden mallet
DIE SUE, also chie caught on fire as well lol XD
Now this relates to the hair colour threadJacobX891 said:(witches not human...?)
Then u rly is homoes in taht mawd? jkBB said:My favorite female Cave Story character?
{Curly Brace}
Not to shameless plug or anything, but if you play through my mod, The BIG Switcharoo, you might see the reason why...