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Enthology: Lost Chapters (Complete)

Oct 7, 2017 at 9:02 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Dang, ya beat my time.
Oct 7, 2017 at 9:40 PM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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The RTA beats the TAS.

*proceeds to clap*
Mar 16, 2018 at 11:43 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Hi E1 when i played your game and selected E N J O Y Y O U R S E L F this happened:
Is this a bug or is it done on purpose
Mar 17, 2018 at 12:44 AM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Hi E1 when i played your game and selected E N J O Y Y O U R S E L F this happened:
Is this a bug or is it done on purpose
This is an unintentional feature, so yes, it's supposed to happen.

There's already an update in the works that customizes the error message to better reflect that it's intentional.

Congrats on beating the game and finding the bonus menu!
Mar 19, 2018 at 1:18 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Age: 21
i checked out what else it said in text in cave editor the text reminds me of the goldbergs and also very funny intro
Mar 7, 2020 at 12:46 AM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
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It's been 3 years now and I finally got around to updating this publically beyond v0.1.0.0. Funny thing is that in 2018 I actually had a somewhat critical bugfix version up on a private test server but never ended up making it public.... whoops.

It's now in v0.1.2.1. Bugfixes and typos fixed across the board, as well as many quality of life improvements. There's no new content though outside like a line of text here and there so if you've already played this mod there's no reason to replay it (unless you wanted to for another reason). Now is the perfect chance to try it out though! Just note the content was made 3 years ago and eventually I hate every single mod that I make.

Changelog (CONTAINS SPOILERS): (March 2020)
~ Files
- Some minor alterations in the Readme file along with a new FAQ question.
- Version Numbers Consistency
- Patched the events to not destroy invincibility frames.
- Made a 60FPS version of the executible.
~ International Intel Services
- Removed reference to "Moonman" because racist idiots tainting the name. He is now simply "Mac Tonight".
~ Asterisk
- "it's (getting) swarmed with drones." > removed that word because someone bothered me about it 2 years ago.
- Added entities in "Down The Wrong Path" that also hint at interacting in mid air, just like in ventilation. (Released only in Enlight Test Server in 2018)
~ Files
- Made the Save Dev NPC gives its "no saving" speech once across all 3 versions.
- NPC.tbl toroko attacking has an interactable flag when it shouldn't
- Edited the buffer overrun message.
- Decreased the text buffer, now faster text.
~ International Intel Services
- Made it so that skipflags were destroyed on a finished game.
~ Oside
- Made the elevators not affect bullets.
- Sideways presses are dumb.
~ Initialize & Testing Facility
- "fasion" > "fashion"
- Tightened the <FRE periods a little, and added a <MYD for the bottom Gerald part.
- Finger's crossed there are no more issues with Curly in this map.
~ Asterisk
- Bed typo: "and" > "an".
- Made the elevators not affect bullets.
- Fixed that goddamned double elevator secret. I am so done with bugfixing that. No more.
- Sideways presses are dumb.
- Made the "Ventilation Ducts == Hell B1" more obvious
~ Aerodynamic
- More Colorblind-friendly panels
~ Credits & Bonus Content
- Added PonStefon, X-Calibar, Shadowblade778, Dabaski, RareBeeph and Adam "mckgamer" to credits.

Download links in OP and my sig.
Mar 7, 2020 at 10:27 AM
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Join Date: Mar 25, 2019
Posts: 206
I have never played this mod before.
I'll give it a try, even though this statement
eventually I hate every single mod that I make.
makes me kind of afraid.
EDIT:OK, I played it, and I'm going as far as saying this is a hidden gem, I'm dead serious.
This mod was made using a lot of custom mechanics, weapons, and I believe even enemies. From what I can tell, this is the result of multiple scrapped mods, BUT it is more than that, trust me.
The story was pretty interesting overall(If you don't like it you can also skip cutscenes...I think? It didn't work for me.) and believe it or not the dialogue is not that bad, which is an achievement in itself a Cave Story mod(although, I did find some typos)
The levels are fun, even though the part towards the end was a little unforgiving for me since after I died I got back to a checkpoint that was far away.
I found the new weapon to be fun to use, however I do think that this is a good example where it would have been better if the weapon didn't have levels, but that's just a thing of mine.
Does it have anything else that is wrong with it? Well, of course it does, for example there was a part where you were supposed to guide Quote but he was moving at the same time, so I wasn't really controlling him...I'll admit that was pretty bad, but guess what, YOU CAN SKIP THAT, hell yeah.
So, would I recommend it?
Listen, I said this was a hidden gem, but we're still talking about a Cave Story mod, so my actual hint is: give it a try, and then you tell me if you thought the mechanics that allows you to open doors in midair were cool or not.
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Mar 9, 2020 at 9:53 AM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Yeah it's neat in some regards but overall just scraps I glued together. I have trouble finishing mods.
I'll give it a try, even though this statement makes me kind of afraid.
I'm probably my greatest critic. I'm just really hard on myself after bearing the weight of semi-popular mods such as Cavern Tale and Cave (No Story) being IMO my weakest and least interesting, amongst others. It's me being overly sensitive to the "legacy" (however perceived that may be) that I'm leaving.
If you don't like it you can also skip cutscenes...I think? It didn't work for me.
It works via holding down Shift or "W" while advancing the text with "X"/"Z", basically after each <NOD it checks if one of those keys is being held down. It's a rather strange way of doing it (using two keys to skip) but I didn't know ASM at the time of making this, so it is what it is and a record of using OOB flags to get around it.
there was a part where you were supposed to guide Quote but he was moving at the same time
The mod literally tells you multiple times NOT to touch the keyboard for that part. Quote will beat the level all by himself if you don't intervene (in other words the mod plays itself). Because of the strangeness of this concept I did have the optional skip though. Sorry for the confusion! Maybe I can put something in to better clarify this.
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Mar 9, 2020 at 10:17 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 25, 2019
Posts: 206
The mod literally tells you multiple times NOT to touch the keyboard for that part. Quote will beat the level all by himself if you don't intervene (in other words the mod plays itself). Because of the strangeness of this concept I did have the optional skip though. Sorry for the confusion! Maybe I can put something in to better clarify this.
Hahaha, oops. My bad. I really wanted to skip the text there. I'd say there's no need to change anything since you tell the player what to do, AND you also give them the option to skip it.
Also, I wouldn't be harsh on Cavern Tale. When I first played it, (a while back)I actually thought it was enjoyable...well, at least until the part where the game had an identity crisis.