-Really like what you've done with the 'talking' facepics! Makes them feel animated without needing any fancy hax.
-The doors in the first tileset have no outline on the right side. Also that moon on the title screen has been overcropped a bit.
-Really like the shared ammo idea too. I echo what the others have said about rebalancing the weapons though.
-I see the main character is also Stan's dad
-The first attempt at healing the cat takes a long time and nothing really happens. It looked more like the game had softlocked. Don't know if that's intentional, but either way it could do with some shortening and/or extra sound effects. Neat scene otherwise.
-There's no return event from the corridor, with door just sitting there it feels a bit odd.
-It's possible to make it down to the second boss door without the air bubble and get stuck there because the mapping leaves air pockets in the far corners of the path. The door doesn't animate open after beating the boss either. Doors why u gotta always be causin' problems for errybody