Sep 6, 2012 at 6:21 AM
Join Date: Aug 5, 2012
Location: Under The Sea
Posts: 317
Age: 33
Pronouns: she/her
1. What's your sleep schedule like? On the internet, you get all kinds. Usually night owls.
2. Who's someone that you've always wanted to be like? Maybe not always, but for a pretty long time.
3. What's something you were hoping no one would ask about in your well?
4. Favourite Disney movie?
5. What's the funniest YouTube video you can think of?
6. How violent are you? What sorts of things would make you so angry that you'll kick someone's shit in?
7. Did you ever try learning an instrument? Something related to this might have been covered already. Oh well!
8. If you could live at any time and place in the past, when and where would you live? Two seconds ago is a viable answer, I suppose, if you love the present.
9. What childhood toys did you have? Or if you were the outdoorsy type, what kind of stuff did you do out there?
10. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
(I apologize for the use of two officially old memes)
1. No real sleep sched, just sleep when I feel like it (in other words, if no one's online and I don't have schooly things to do). I sleep a lot. A lot.
2. No one really, actually... Maybe I wish I had the intelligence, strength and work ethic of the "high-powered" career-woman stereotype.
3. Literally the first thing that Lace asked. Christ.
4. Mulan.
5. Any upload of Xavier: Renegade Angel, which is my favorite show.
6. I'm more mellowed out now, but I have been moderately violent. When cultr1 asked before about pet peeves, I almost told a story but deleted it for posterity. Now that I'm actually being asked, I probably have to bring it up again. A delinquent borderline-alcoholic kid from my school cut in line in front of me an an elderly lady at the airport on a school trip. Something in me snapped and when he refused to apologize to the lady and move to the back of the line... Well, I don't know. I jumped him. And crushed his throat in my hands. And both of his male friends were failing miserably to pull me off, they were only stretching my clothes out. The kid looked absolutely fucking terrified. Bear in mind this is the same kid that dropped out of school because he had to go to juvie. I made that kid terrified. For being rude to an elderly person. I secretly have a bit of sick satisfaction from that. A teacher eventually pried me off and told me off for "manhandling".
I broke a kid's nose by punching him in the face when I was like 5 or 6 for disagreeing with me and I got into a lot of trouble.
I got into some fistfights growing up and I was good at holding my own, until eventually and inevitably, guys went through puberty and I couldn't out-muscle them anymore.
7. It wasn't asked. I play piano. I tried to get into acoustic guitar, but it wasn't for me.
8. America so I could experience the late 1970's - 1980's first hand. So, not that far in the past.
9. You had to ask me about toys.

When I was really really young, I had a lot of soft toys. I gave them each personalities and yes, I did have tea parties with them. My favorite toy at that time was a rat I named Basil. Basil was a brown rat with a tartan beret and a lolita-style, tartan, frilly dress. Looking back on it now, it's really weird how I thought Basil was a dude. Yes. I had a crossdressing rat as my favorite toy in my early life. I miss Basil. Kind of wish I didn't give him away. I used to chew on his tail because it tasted good. It was a bit salty.
A little older, I got into pokemon. My mom bought me one of those Pikachu beanies and I became attached to it. I brought it out on trips with me and to school as well. I still have him, even though he's lost his tail.
A bit older still, I started collecting seal toys after receiving a big grey seal named Mimi. I still might have Mimi because I couldn't give her away. Eventually, my uncle bought me a toy very similar but smaller. He actually reasonably looked like Mimi's kid, even though the two toys were manufactured by completely different toy lines. I named him Motzek, as per his suggestion. Then my grandma gave me Paris, a harbor seal, who was made with the most soft fake fur I've ever touched.
Then I started collecting horses. I had a palomino named Rain, after the spirit character. I had a shire pony named Epona because she had Epona's markings. I think I had a few more, but I don't remember them, so they mustn't have been as important to me. I now have a black horse called Ebony. He's wearing a big pair of elecoom headphones, so my fiance and I call him the DJ horse.
Right now, I'm attached to/fascinated with that black bunny doll I showed some of the forum already. She's sitting on my desk, but she doesn't have a name yet.
I've had billions of other toys, but the ones up there are the ones I was attached to in some meaningful way. I don't have most of them anymore because I felt like I wanted other kids to enjoy them. So, a lot of them were donated to toy drives for poor/underprivileged kids. Some were given to friends of family with young children. If I must be honest... I sort of want a few of them back, like Basil, lol.
10. derr