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Sep 4, 2012 at 6:36 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Explain your religious views and beliefs in detail for me. Explain why you chose your religion, if you have one, and list any beliefs you have that defer from the traditional views of your religion, again, if you have one. If you don't have one, explain why.

It's probably something I'll wrestle with until the day I die.

I was born and raised a Roman Catholic. I've been baptized, I've had communion, I plan to go for my confirmation (more on this later) and I plan to have a Roman Catholic wedding, even though I can't have it 100% because I'm not a virgin. So if I want to get married in the Roman Catholic church, I'm not allowed to wear white to my wedding and I have to go to confession first. I've also been attending Catholic schools from 3rd grade onward, but my first school was public.

I haven't decided how I feel about my faith. I think I believe in God, but my relationship with him/it is a little fractured. I think it's relatively normal for a rational, scientifically-minded person to have difficulty with faith, since faith flies directly in the face of logical process. But as a number of scientists and philosophers have said (Einstein and William of Ockham stick out in my mind as examples), merely faith is not diametrically opposed to science.

Additionally, I disagree with a number of the teachings of the church and a large part of the over-arching Christian body: abstinence, the roles of men/women, creationism, religious fanaticism, racism, outdated societal codes and so on rub me the wrong way. I do not care what people hold as their beliefs in their private domain. I don't care if you're horribly racist, if you wish gays would off themselves, if you think a woman's a shameless whore for showing a shoulder. I care when people vocalize their distastes and harm and oppress others, and expect others to live by their worldview with no appreciation for moral/ethical pluralism.

So, how do I go about being a sexually active Roman Catholic, for example? I approach aspects of my faith critically, assessing them against a background of history and context. The bible is not a direct transliteration of God's word from God to man, as many Christians claim. It was written by the hand of man and passed around, mistranslated and altered for centuries. It carries with it the attitudes, beliefs and social rules of years gone by, from cultures very different to our own. Every part is written in a specific, measured way deserving of it's own appraisal. And, many parts are not to be taken literally -- they are stories meant to convey a moral, attitude or lesson.

Okay so these questions are engineered to be uncomfortable, as per Dinny's request challenge:
Would you rather have sex with a goat and let no one know, or not have sex with a goat and have everyone think you did?
If you had to genocide an entire ethnicity, which one would you choose?
How many kittens' lives would you sacrifice for your fiancé's? Is your mother worth more or less kittens?
What would it take to get you to have sex with me?
I hope this post has no negative repercussions.

Not have sex with a goat and have everyone think I did. It would obviously be extremely uncomfortable, but I couldn't bring myself to actually act on bestiality, even if it meant being hated by everyone forever. And I guess other zoophiles would still be willing to talk to me, but eh.

The Sentinelese.

With no real "number" to go by, answering this practically is hard. Awful as it is, if it really boiled down to it, my fiance's life is worth more to me than a kitten, because humans always > animals if you have to choose. I don't get the rest of the question, haha.

Ironically, this one is the most difficult question. Seriously thinking about it... Hm. Your comfort level/willingness. Probably a bit more of getting to know you first. And making sure you didn't want to do anything I wouldn't want to do.
Sep 4, 2012 at 6:45 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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1) What the best song ever?

2) What's one of your guilty pleasures? Or maybe all of them, you know.

3) What is your ideal living situation? Like, in the absolute perfect world, how would you live?

4) You mentioned polyamorousness, does this apply only to concupiscent relationships?

5) How does it feel to have everyone sucking your dick all the time?

6) If you could trade lives with your partner for a day, what would you do?
Sep 4, 2012 at 7:00 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Hey dinny, why are you licking/flirting with me?

Because you're cute and I like flirting with you but I will totally stop if you ask.

1) What the best song ever?

2) What's one of your guilty pleasures? Or maybe all of them, you know.

3) What is your ideal living situation? Like, in the absolute perfect world, how would you live?

4) You mentioned polyamorousness, does this apply only to concupiscent relationships?

5) How does it feel to have everyone sucking your dick all the time?

6) If you could trade lives with your partner for a day, what would you do?

1) My favorite song at the moment is Spectrum. :D

2) Watching marathons of old cartoons and appreciating them more now that I'm older. Stupid, pointless girly slice-of-life anime like Lucky Star and K-On. Toys and dolls, of which I have plenty. Sleeping in almost every day.

3) Next to a bleach-white beach with crystal clear water and warm weather, where I could go swimming with my mermaid tail whenever I wanted to. But I would still want to be in traveling distance from a big city where I could go to work and play. I don't know if there's even a place like that.

4) Not necessarily, but I often consider it desirable.

5) Unusual. I appreciate it -- I'm not sure I've ever received this much positive attention -- but I know it will blow over in time. I'm sure I will be disappointed if I get too used to it, so, in short: it's flattering and I'm definitely not taking it for granted, but I understand it's likely to be fleeting, because that's how these things work.

6) Just lives, or like a body swap? Well.... I don't know.
Sep 4, 2012 at 6:22 PM
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What Cave Story Mods have you played, and which ones were your favorites?
Sep 4, 2012 at 6:31 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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What Cave Story Mods have you played, and which ones were your favorites?

Hm, I've played quite a few actually. Just off the top of my head...

- WTF Story
- King's Story
- Jenka's Nightmare Revived
- Fourth Ending
- Lost Item
- Nothing Story!11//

I... liked them all. I'm honestly hard-pressed to choose. I loved WTF/JNR for the challenge factor, even though I didn't play either one on the hardest mode. I loved King's Story because, well, King. And good writing so far.

What I'm mainly after are mods that aim to feel like legitimate prequels or sequels to the game and build from the canon story, essentially expanding on already existing characters or scenarios. After that, I like challenge mods.

I noticed that there are are quite a few "Cave Story" mods that aren't really Cave Story mods, as in, they have entirely unrelated plotlines and characters and occasionally even entirely different settings. None of those really interest me at the moment.

So... Based on all that, if you really made me choose at this point, I'd have to say King's Story from what I've seen so far.
Sep 4, 2012 at 8:30 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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I read your well last night, but I might repeat questions by mistake. It's hard to check at the moment for me.

Do you plan on starting a family some day?

Care to elaborate on your social life? Do you have a lot of friends in real life? Tell me about one and how you met.

When did you become interested in sexual things?

Fab asked earlier but it wasn't answered. How long have you been with your fiance?

What makes you feel beautiful?

Wat maks u cry everytim ;-; ? This can be anything. Books, movies, songs, memories. List all that apply.

Were you born in Stralya? How is it there? Would you spend the rest of your life there?

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise others.

What drew you to the forums?

Do you love yourself? I don't mean this in the narcassistic sense. I'm talking about confidence.
Sep 4, 2012 at 9:13 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Mornin', glad you decided to ask some things! And some of them (unintentionally, from the look of it) reach into some surprisingly personal areas.

Wild Desu said:
I read your well last night, but I might repeat questions by mistake. It's hard to check at the moment for me.

Do you plan on starting a family some day?

This isn't something I'm really set on, but my initial reaction is 'no'. I am open to that stance changing, but as things currently stand, I cannot envision myself as a mother. As I mentioned to you before, I'm just awful with children: I dislike them and I find communication next to impossible. It might be different with my own kids, but yeah. I'm not sure if I'll ever be willing to make the tradeoffs required to have kids, either.

Wild Desu said:
Care to elaborate on your social life? Do you have a lot of friends in real life? Tell me about one and how you met.

I don't have one at the moment, but I used to. I can't really... say much about my real life friends anymore, because I broke it off with the one remaining one earlier today. It's just me again. And my fiance I suppose.

In high school I had an enormous social circle. Easily 50> friends. And from 2006 - 2009 we seriously partied every few weeks in massive gatherings. When we graduated, it was kind of like I got left behind. A lot of people only kept in touch with their closest of close friends, which for me, wasn't really anyone. I had many superficial friends and no real/close friends.

I guess I'll tell you a bit about Cole, the friend I had to leave behind today. I met him last year through my fiance. I loved his sense of humor, his stubbornness, and his insanely acrimonious tongue. He was absolutely hilarious and he bore a striking resemblance to Fernando the Manwhore (didn't help that he knew Dance of the Manwhore by heart). We used to run around with my fiance causing havoc. They convinced the employees of a Mexican food outlet that they were actually Canadian gay lovers and that Cole's name was actually Bianca. Our favorite pastime was driving around town with the windows down and screaming rude things to passer-bys on the street.

He's been in a bad way recently, though. Had an awful breakup and had his dad, who is physically disabled, go back into hospital because of a spinal infection. Got bullied into oblivion by an overbearing mom so bad that he left home and camped out at the 24 hour study room at my university. So, naturally, my fiance and I went out of my way for him. We went to his lacrosse games to cheer him on even when we had work to do, took him out to eat, paid for internet cafe sessions, drove him around, spent a lot of time with him. We were convinced that he valued our friendship.

It kind of hurt to find out he didn't. He took so much money from us, which I wouldn't have minded if he seemed the least bit appreciative. He broke a mutual friend's expensive gaming laptop and refused to accept responsibility and pay up. He's been bullying my fiance and being a hypocrite. He turned up to his birthday three hours late, didn't wish him a happy birthday, took money from us for parking and legged it out of there. He said bad things about me.

All of this after he said he felt like I was his "best friend". I just can't. I had to tell him how I felt, and let him know that I couldn't deal with him anymore. Whether he's upset or whether he's going to spread STD rumors about me now remains to be seen.

Wild Desu said:
When did you become interested in sexual things?

Really, really early. As young as 8 or 9. I cybered someone at length when I was 8, pretending to be 18. I wonder where that guy is now.

Wild Desu said:
Fab asked earlier but it wasn't answered. How long have you been with your fiance?

I must have missed that. I met him in Jan of 2007, on a forum very similar to this. How long we've been together is actually debatable depending on how you look at it... It can be as early June 2008, or as late as May 2009. As much as I hate to say it, the former date was around the time I started balls-out cheating on my then-boyfriend with him. The latter date is after we broke up and fiance and I officiated our relationship, so to speak.

Wild Desu said:
What makes you feel beautiful?

Not a lot, actually. My expensive dresses and coats would come close, though. And classy perfume and well-done makeup.

Wild Desu said:
Tell me something about yourself that would surprise others.

Haha, that I held out on my virginity until I was 18!

Wild Desu said:
What drew you to the forums?

It was a crapshoot, honestly. At the time I signed up, I wasn't sure how active the forums were anymore and I wasn't expecting what I got. I've tried engaging in a few other communities before this one (and after that last forum), but I've never really fit in and found people I've resonated with.

Wild Desu said:
Do you love yourself? I don't mean this in the narcassistic sense. I'm talking about confidence.

I try to give the impression of being more confident than I necessarily am. I find that certain people or environments can affect my self-confidence heavily either for better or worse.

Generally speaking, I'm not too confident in myself. I was, once. I don't really know what happened between then and now, but I kind of wish I was still that person. This is the same partygoing, has-a-billion-friends Dinny I mentioned up there somewhere. There was a time that I was confident in my abilities, appearance and other aspects. I was happy. Somehow, that part of me just sort of up and died.

We can get to the skinny right away and say that the only time I really feel truly comfortable in my own skin is when I'm either flirting or having a heart-to-heart with someone.

EDIT: Wat maks u cry everytim ;-; ? This can be anything. Books, movies, songs, memories. List all that apply. <<< Think you added this after I responded, I'll try to reply as quickly as possible.

Thinking about how I've felt over the past year or so sometimes brings me to tears, in a bad way. And I always cry at the end of Phantom of the Opera. Always.
Sep 4, 2012 at 9:32 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Yeah I had no idea that you were replying, so I added some last minute questions that came to mind. My internet wasn't cooperating, so I guess I didn't edit it in time
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:02 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Do you have a favorite genre or genres of music? What is it/are they?

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

faith flies directly in the face of logical process.
Can you explain what you mean by this?

What strokes do you swim? Which ones are your favorite? Which events did you race?

Do you like chocolate? I know several people who don't, so I'm less and less surprised when I find out that someone else doesn't.

What is your ideal job/career path?

Do you know any languages other than English? Which ones and to what degree of proficiency? Do you have any favorites?
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:13 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Do you have a favorite genre or genres of music? What is it/are they?

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Can you explain what you mean by this?

What strokes do you swim? Which ones are your favorite? Which events did you race?

Do you like chocolate? I know several people who don't, so I'm less and less surprised when I find out that someone else doesn't.

What is your ideal job/career path?

Do you know any languages other than English? Which ones and to what degree of proficiency? Do you have any favorites?

I actually like just about anything. I have a particular preference for electroswingy type things, though, and I adore classical music.

Neapolitan. I get bored of just one flavor, so I like switching between the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. I like the interplay of the flavors.

That most people have a hard time believing what they can't see or prove.

My favorite stroke is... dolphin kicking. Because it's how you swim with a monofin/mermaid tail, and it's not only efficient, it looks extremely beautiful. I raced in freestyle and backstroke. My butterfly always sucked and I didn't like breaststroke, but I'm good at it now.

I could eat chocolate all day every day and I fucking love chocolate and anyone who doesn't like chocolate is lying!

Mermaid or professional sleeper.

I can speak Indonesian/Malay with semi fluency as long as it's text based so that I can look up anything if need be. I took it for five or six years and was fluent in relatively basic speech by the end, but I'm all rusty now.
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:47 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I actually like just about anything. I have a particular preference for electroswingy type things, though, and I adore classical music.

This sounds familiar. I might have learned this from one of the "Rate the Music..." threads, come to think of it. Oh well. Regarding classical music, do you have a favorite composer, style, and/or time period?

Also, since you are grounded in Bahasa Indonesia, are you also familiar with Indonesian or Malaysian musics? Do you dig gamelan? Have you spent time in Indonesia or Malaysia? Do you have any funny or memorable stories to tell from such a journey?
Sep 4, 2012 at 11:05 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Going along with Mosaic's last question, how many countries have you visited? Which was yur favorite? Least favorite? Aaaand, where else would you like to go?
Sep 5, 2012 at 1:22 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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1) Showers or baths?

2) What other online communities have you been a part of that you felt really immersed in?

3) Would you rather own a cat or a dog?

4) Why can't I think of any more questions?
Sep 5, 2012 at 3:36 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Regarding classical music, do you have a favorite composer, style, and/or time period?

Also, since you are grounded in Bahasa Indonesia, are you also familiar with Indonesian or Malaysian musics? Do you dig gamelan? Have you spent time in Indonesia or Malaysia? Do you have any funny or memorable stories to tell from such a journey?

My favorite composers would have to be Chopin and Tchaikovsky, with Grieg and Mendelssohn following immediately behind.

I'm not that familiar. I had to complete a small unit on modern Indonesian music, which involved me listening to, translating the lyrics of and discussing a certain band. I spoke about Peterpan, and I've linked the song I focused on underneath. Gamelan was cool, someone in my class showed me "modern" gamelan, lol. I've stayed in Jakarta for a few days, but I don't have any interesting stories about that.

Whaddya know, it's actually the very same video I had to watch... I kinda dig it.

And watch this! Because I spent literally 20 minutes looking for it, I dig it that hard. This was my favorite song we looked at during that segment of my study. Project Pop has a reputation for using elements of comedy in their songs. For those of you who don't get it from the video alone, a bunch of metalheads and pop enthusiasts clash. Hilarity ensues. Forget Japan in terms of weirndness, Indonesia's where it's at. And wow I can still sing this song.

Going along with Mosaic's last question, how many countries have you visited? Which was yur favorite? Least favorite? Aaaand, where else would you like to go?

Quite a lot... I probably enjoyed my stay in the US the most. There was a lot to see and do, no language barriers to worry about, cheap things to buy and the weather treated me well. I don't think I really have a least favorite although if I had to pick... Maybe Frankfurt, Germany. There wasn't very much to do there and I was bored out of my skull.

I'd like to visit the US again and maybe do a tour of Scandinavia.

1) Showers or baths?

2) What other online communities have you been a part of that you felt really immersed in?

3) Would you rather own a cat or a dog?

4) Why can't I think of any more questions?

1) Showers for practicality reasons, but if I have the time, I love to sit down for a bath.

2) Hm, probably the forum I met my fiance on and a certain chatroom.

3) Cat. I love dogs too, but I am very much a cat person.

4) Cause nigga u gay/
Sep 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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"a certain chatroom"


1) You can eliminate one YouTube Star from the tubes, they would never have been popular at all. Who gets nuked?

2) What's your favrorite type of video game? I know you dig Fallout but that's an awesome mix of genres.

3) Disco or Punk?

4) Favorite book? Favorite literary genre in general?

6) What's your ideal getaway car? I mean, you can't just get away in any old vehicle, it's gotta be stylish ofc.

7) Have any pet peeves?

5) If I stole your music collection from 5 years ago, what would I be listening to?
Sep 5, 2012 at 10:54 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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"a certain chatroom"

1) You can eliminate one YouTube Star from the tubes, they would never have been popular at all. Who gets nuked?

2) What's your favrorite type of video game? I know you dig Fallout but that's an awesome mix of genres.

3) Disco or Punk?

4) Favorite book? Favorite literary genre in general?

5) If I stole your music collection from 5 years ago, what would I be listening to?

6) What's your ideal getaway car? I mean, you can't just get away in any old vehicle, it's gotta be stylish ofc.

7) Have any pet peeves?

Fuck my life, man. I wrote a huge response and then my power went out. I have to retype everything now. Oh well!

1) Ray William Johnson. Fuck that guy. He's unfunny and doesn't deserve one ounce of his popularity.

2) Type as in gameplay? I have a preference for FPS style gameplay, but the story-heaviness of JRPGs. I guess why the recent Fallouts captured me is because they contain both of those elements. I would like to see more character-driven narratives with gameplay that's actually fun. A lot of JRPGs felt like I was just wheeling my characters from point A to B to watch them dialog or monologue. I really do not like turn-based combat.

3) Disco all the way. I could disco all day and night! Boogie fever!

4) Man, this answer's going to be big. Let's visit my favorite books, shall we?

The Portrait of Dorian Grey, and by extension pretty much anything by Oscar Wilde. It was beautifully written and the themes of youth and amorousness struck a personal chord with me.

Brave New World and 1984, so linked for their common themes. I love speculative dystopian literature.

Heart of Darkness, and you're a philistine if you don't love it.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, because.

Perfume, if for nothing else, for it's ending. The main character is a grotesque, almost blind man with a keen sense of smell. He discovers the tantalizing scent of pubescent virgin girls and aspires to distill the essense of the most perfect perfume from them. The ending is the icing on the cake. Spoilers: he's sent to death. On the day of his execution he wears a perfume comprised of the scent of various virgins, overwhelming the populace into a frenzy of carnal passion, and an orgy erupts and he's freed. He leaves for Paris and uses his perfume in attempt to win the adoration of the people there in the same way he escaped his execution, but instead, the people become so enamored with him that they literally want him. The mob butchers and consumes him raw, reporting an "overwhelming sense of happiness".

Kiss of the Spider Woman, which is regarded as the first published piece of gay literature. It's about two men who bond in prison. The way it's written is really fascinating. It's purely dialog, with nothing but a dash to indicate a change of speaker. It gives the impression of being an inmate eavesdropping on a conversation in the next cell over. There's a really odd, borderline incesty, but strangely important part where the "straight" man falls ill and suffers from diaherrea, and the other man cleans/wipes him. It's provided by the author in the footnotes that the gay man's actions were supposed to emulate those of a mother, and it relates to Freud's thoughts on homosexuality. Freud postulated that sexuality was caused by a phenomenon that could be likened to a bridge: in childhood, a boy stands with his mother on one side, and his father stands on the other. When the time comes, he crosses over the bridge into manhood. He believed that boys who became attached to their mothers/were mothered developed an attraction to men becaue they empathized with their mothers.

Like Water For Chocolate. I can only describe this novel as wonderfully fucked up. It's considered "magical realism", and it follows the life of a female protagonist who is destined to never marry the man she loves because of her duty to her family. Every chapter begins with an unusually characterized (in that their 'voice' has something of a personality) 3rd person narrator discussing a recipe in a manner similar to a cooking show host. Then they get derailed and begin to discuss the protagonist, with each recipe setting the tone for that chapter. For example, the first chapter begins with the recipe for an onion dish, and the narrator talks about how the protagonist was born when her mother cried after cutting onions, onto the kitchen floor, birth fluids mixing with the spices. And that the baby cried relentlessly, because it somehow sensed it was being born into a life of suffering. My favorite chapter has to be the one where the protagonist prepares a dish for her family with roses, feeling all lusty, but cuts herself on the thorns and allows her blood to drip into the meal. After ingesting her food, her sister strips stark naked and apparently attracts a man on horseback some half a mile away because of the "rose scent of her skin". He swings by, picks her up, and they ride off into the sunset, fucking on horseback.

But the ending has to be the best ending ever: the protagonist finally gets to be with the man she loves. So they make hot, firey love. Literally. At climax, their passions erupt with such force that they combust and their bodies and the house are swallowed up by flames. Best. Ending. Ever.

EDIT: Oh. Apparently I remembered slightly incorrectly. He does combust during orgasm, but she doesn't. She kills herself by eating a candle, and then the memory of him ignites that candle in her heart and then she combusts and burns the house down. Right.

5) Ohh, that's a pretty interesting question. Five years ago, huh? That's... like 2007. I was going through a Dragon phase at the time, so that's what sort of music you would have been hearing.

I have a record of their music. Like as in a vinyl. I used to play this song from it, super loud, and just belt it out. Baaaaby don't speak no evil! Baaaaby don't speak no eee-vil! mmmm, 1:23 onwards.

Okay, back. I just had to do it again. Back to answering questions.

6) Mm. Cars. Some sort of luxury vehicle obviously... Maybe a sexy Aston Martin. Or, barring that, a giant stretched hummer! Yeah, kill everything and everyone!

7) The big one: being rude and disrespectful. I would rather do just about anything else than to be rude to someone. I always hold doors open for people, give up my seat on public transport if I need to, help someone in a public situation if they need it, address my elders and superiors with the respect they deserve, etc. I am polite to a fault. There's something about rude people that breaks a part of my brain. When I see children backtalking their parents and not appreciating them, I seriously want to slap them. When I see people making fun of the disabled or being disgusted at the elderly, I want to punch them in the face.

Little ones (now with more venting!):

People who text/play on their phone during dinners and private parties and the like. Fuck off. Go home if you're so bored you'd rather interact with a piece of plastic than the real human beings around you.

Crying children, especially on planes. At the same time, I understand that it can't really be helped.

Untidiness. Clean your house/room, you filthy pig. And to you attractive girls who take mirror pictures but have mountains of trash on your floor in the background: fuck you, you disgusting, vile hunk of subhuman flesh.

Women's clothing. Seriously. Since you're mostly guys and you don't know about this, the clothing industry is milking us dry. Over the past 20 years, clothing has gotten much thinner and lighter. This is supposed to be to encourage "layering", which actually just means "buy more clothes". Also, clothes are being intentionally manufactured to last a shorter length of time. I realize this isn't really an issue with menswear, so sometimes I try to get away with buying male clothing where I can... Sigh. Oh yeah, and don't get me started on how everything is too small for me.

Messing up my shit, inclusive of everything from visiting my room to thumbing through my assignment papers or books. Mistreating my belongings in general. I will fucking end you if you break, stain etc anything of mine because of reckless disregard (not because it was an accident).

There's probably more, but, yeah.
Sep 5, 2012 at 11:36 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Posts: 1562
I'd let to get a bit more personal. I'm hoping you don't mind.

What I've always wondered about open relationships is: how do you become aroused enough to do sexual stuff, when you aren't with your partner? If you just met the person and don't really know them, I can't really understand how someone would become comfortable enough with that person to engage in any sort of sexual activity with them. Care to clarify?

What are your intentions when you flirt? Specifically, with the fine gents on the forum. I remember you saying that you like to make people feel good about themselves, but do you have any other motives?

I agree with you about RWJ. Blech. Do you have a favorite youtube star?

You aren't a very hateful person, but are there some things that you just can't tolerate in a person? What would drive you to the point of disliking someone? You mentioned a few up there but are there more?

What started your love of mermaids?

Can you be the Goddess of the Sea, and I can be the Goddess of the Night? That'd be pretty cool.

Are you part of any fandoms? Which ones can't you stand?

What are some things you are really passionate about?

What things make you squee/feel fuzzy/totally have a fangirl moment over?

Are there certain physical features in a male (or female?) that you have a soft spot for?

I hid this question back in my other post, and I don't think you noticed it because I thought it was a good idea to do it in the middle: Were you born and raised in Australia, do you enjoy living there, and would you consider spending the rest of your days there?

I'm so glad you aren't viewing this thread, because I can't stop adding questions
Sep 6, 2012 at 3:29 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 6, 2009
Location: somewhere new
Posts: 2135
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
Touhou fans are hecka gay, literally every single one.

1) Which do you prefer, relaxation or adventure?

2) Spaceships or Fractals?

3) What's something you wish you could change about yourself?

4) What do you pride yourself on?
Sep 6, 2012 at 5:26 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
Join Date: Aug 5, 2012
Location: Under The Sea
Posts: 317
Age: 33
Pronouns: she/her
I'd let to get a bit more personal. I'm hoping you don't mind.

Not at all, that's what the well is for!

What I've always wondered about open relationships is: how do you become aroused enough to do sexual stuff, when you aren't with your partner? If you just met the person and don't really know them, I can't really understand how someone would become comfortable enough with that person to engage in any sort of sexual activity with them. Care to clarify?

I don't think I can actually answer this for you, because I actually feel the same way you do. I can't (9 times out of 10 anyway) get aroused with someone I'm unfamiliar with, even if I may be attracted to them.

Most of the people I dote on are people I've actually known for a while. For example, two men I can think of that I actually sometimes go out on dates with, I've known for a long time. One is my childhood friend, the other I've known since about 2005. Heh. I didn't talk to them for a really long time, either. I will be seeing the former tomorrow for the first time in months and months.

To put it into perspective for you: I'm both physically and emotionally attracted to just about every member here. But if any of you came up to me right now and asked me to have sex with you, I would very much hesitate. I guess could be persuaded or eased into it if you played your cards right, but my point is, I wouldn't have zero inhibitions about it.

Get back to me on this question in a year or so and my answer will probably have moved into the "maybe-yes" end of the spectrum.

What are your intentions when you flirt? Specifically, with the fine gents on the forum. I remember you saying that you like to make people feel good about themselves, but do you have any other motives?

I can split this answer into two parts and give you a clearer picture on that.

Firstly, because it just makes me feel closer to people. And I may tend to overdo it online because I want to feel that closeness. In person, my old friends and I had a lot of physical contact. The sense of touch and all that is important for me to feel bonded with people, and I was with people who felt the same way. I miss the little things like how we used to all cuddle and sleep out on the grass under the summer's sun. Getting kissed on the cheek for good luck before going into tests/exams. Joking around and grabbing each other's butts. I'm an affectionate person and I tend to express it in an uninhibited, unabashed way.

Secondly, probably because, thinking about it, I've been doing it since forever. I've had a reputation as a flirt as young as eight years old. I clearly remember when I transferred schools during 3rd grade, at the end of the day I was introduced to the class, a boy from that class professed his love to me (while I was standing at the front with my parents, no less). A boy next to him was like, "Are ya gonna kiss him?", and as I was leaving I said, "Yeah, sure, it's not like I haven't kissed anyone before." My parents found it hella amusing. Sidenote: that same boy went on to become my first boyfriend some three years later.

While I'm thinking about it. I must have been no older than 6 when I had my first kiss. And it wasn't just a peck on the cheek or anything, it was full-on tongue, and it wasn't terrible. That boy actually physically stalked me for many years after and the childhood friend I mentioned before says that apparently he still brags about me, except he upscaled our ages significantly and swapped out "french kiss" with "sex". Come to think of it, I'm going to find him and kick him in the face.

I agree with you about RWJ. Blech. Do you have a favorite youtube star?

Jenna Marbles is great! I also watch everything that Angry Aussie produces. But my favorite YT star is TSC/TakeSomeCrime. They're an extremely talented dancer and I'd give just about anything to dance like that.

You aren't a very hateful person, but are there some things that you just can't tolerate in a person? What would drive you to the point of disliking someone? You mentioned a few up there but are there more?

Hmm... depends on whether you mean dislike or hate, because they're both pretty different. I'll cover both bases.

To be disliked is pretty much as easy as being a dull stick-in-the-mud type or virtually uncommunicative. If I can't connect with someone even by putting in effort, I tend to end up disliking them. It doesn't really have implications, I'll just stop trying to connect with them.

To be hated requires doing something despicable that reveals a corrupt character. I'd say I'd be willing to hate anyone who thinks that the world revolves around them, abuses animals, betrays the trust of others in some significant way, talks down to/thinks less of women/disabled/elderly/homosexuals/transgenders, does things that endanger the lives of others... stuff like that.

What started your love of mermaids?

Can I say I'm not actually sure? From memory, it was because I was a strong swimmer and I was always swimming. My swim team nicknamed me "Zora", as in, after the aquatic race from the Legend of Zelda series. I really liked that nickname because they were my favorite race from the Zelda universe and I liked the idea of being like one. That sort of love extends to pretty much all mythological sea-dwelling entities. Although I focus on mermaids, I like things like selkies, merrows, hippocampi etc as well. I think the focus on mermaids specifically is because I think fish are cute. As weird as it sounds, mermaids to me are like what nekomimi/nekos are like to cat lovers. Except with fish features instead of cats.

Can you be the Goddess of the Sea, and I can be the Goddess of the Night? That'd be pretty cool.

Yes! I think it fits perfectly.

Are you part of any fandoms? Which ones can't you stand?

I'm probably most well-known/active in the Baten Kaitos and Starry Sky fandoms. I'd say Cave Story to some degree, too, but I haven't spent as much time in/contributed as much to it. I end up in tiny fandoms where everyone is on a first-name basis with any other member. The kind where you could give me a username/handle and I'd be able to tell you what they're known for, who their favorite characters are, what fanfics/fanart they've done, etc.

My Little Pony is probably the fandom I have trouble dealing with because even though I understand it's only a minority, that minority of fans are bad. Hearing about people making rape jokes at Sweetie Belle's/Apple Bloom's (I forget) 12-year-old voice actress made me sick to my stomach. Hearing about how one fan was strangled because they said they didn't like fluttershy, and how another had a knife pulled on them for a similar petty reason... I don't know. "Bronies". Which is a shame because I like the show and the good stuff that comes out of that fandom.

What are some things you are really passionate about?

In terms of interests, at the moment, I'm pretty passionate about Cave Story and Baten Kaitos. I know I'm passionate about something when a lot of my creative endeavors tend toward something in particular, or something in particular inspires creativity in me. I'm passionate about writing and literature as well.

If you mean what I feel passionate about in a more real sense... it is a bit more difficult to say, I would have to give it more thought.

What things make you squee/feel fuzzy/totally have a fangirl moment over?

I have these moments embarrassingly often, I just have the sense to keep them to myself, lol. Generally, good quality fanart/fanfiction concerning either favorite characters or favorite pairings will have that effect. And Balrog/Misery! While we're on that topic, I was genuinely surprised to find it's really rare in this fandom.

Are there certain physical features in a male (or female?) that you have a soft spot for?

For men:
Long hair (minimum shoulder-length, but the longer the better)
Being either ludicrously tall or my height (the former makes me feel all tiny and protected, the latter I've never experienced, but... I think it would be nice to meet a guy I could actually look into the eyes of)
Light blonde hair
A more feminine facial structure -- big eyes with long eyelashes, a round or oval jaw instead of squared, dainty noses
Feminine hands and feet, my fiance has very dainty/pretty hands and feet

For women:
Tan or dark skin
For some reason, "plain"ish faces
Short hair, so that the neck and shoulders are accented
Unnaturally colored hair, especially pink and blue

I hid this question back in my other post, and I don't think you noticed it because I thought it was a good idea to do it in the middle: Were you born and raised in Australia, do you enjoy living there, and would you consider spending the rest of your days there?

I'm so glad you aren't viewing this thread, because I can't stop adding questions

Yeah, I definitely missed it. I was born and raised here and I have enjoyed it, but whether or not I want to stay here for good remains to be seen. I'd say that given my career path, it's highly likely I'll be limited to working here. My degree/expertise doesn't transfer over into other nations. However, I might consider moving to a different state. I've always dreamt of moving to Queenland which has a tropical climate and beautiful beaches, but my fiance would rather move to Melbourne, which is a very clean, educated city with a very vibrant arts scene (Melbourne's the city for artists!), but it's freezing half the year around.

Touhou fans are hecka gay, literally every single one.

1) Which do you prefer, relaxation or adventure?

2) Spaceships or Fractals?

3) What's something you wish you could change about yourself?

4) What do you pride yourself on?

1) Depends, I desire both. Who doesn't? Depends on my mood. I could go for an adventure right now though.

2) Spaceships.

3) My appearance or my fitness/endurance levels.

4) My academic record, and, at times, my writing ability. The actual extent of my ability doesn't manifest in each and every piece of work I do, but when it does, it feels pretty good. Oh, and my good character. I really like helping people where I can, I'm not effected by the bystander effect and I've been known to assist people who have severely wronged me, often to their complete and utter confusion/being nicer to me in the future.
Sep 6, 2012 at 5:51 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
1. What's your sleep schedule like? On the internet, you get all kinds. Usually night owls.

2. Who's someone that you've always wanted to be like? Maybe not always, but for a pretty long time.

3. What's something you were hoping no one would ask about in your well?

4. Favourite Disney movie?

5. What's the funniest YouTube video you can think of?

6. How violent are you? What sorts of things would make you so angry that you'll kick someone's shit in?

7. Did you ever try learning an instrument? Something related to this might have been covered already. Oh well!

8. If you could live at any time and place in the past, when and where would you live? Two seconds ago is a viable answer, I suppose, if you love the present.

9. What childhood toys did you have? Or if you were the outdoorsy type, what kind of stuff did you do out there?

10. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

(I apologize for the use of two officially old memes)
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