What yes I was, I even posted on that page you linqued

I don't post all the time on everything but I'm still on here every day.
I was referring to where you said "And you shouldn't keep this up especially since he isn't here to defend himself, and I know he can do it a lot better than me or andwhy."
He might have intended it to be constructive, I don't know, but I'm telling you it wasn't. It was still criticism but the language it uses and the lack of good points mentioned is clearly destructive. It makes mention of ONE good thing:
"The lightning effect for enemy appearances was kind of good, but it’s choppy and the enemies usually just end up appearing before the lightning even strikes, making it just plain worthless."
He himself states that the one good thing he mentioned doesn't even matter. '
Constructive criticism' isn't just a general term for any criticism, the 'constructive' part has meaning. "OMG this sucks" doesn't fall under any style of criticism because it's only a generalised statement (and also just stupid). I would have even been willing to support him if he'd been nicer since I agree with some of the things he said, but frankly agreeing with that post would have made me feel like shit.
It is more that he is the ONLY member I have a grudge against, as he is the ONLY member on these forums that I have ever disliked actively. As I said earlier there has been nobody else like him for as long as I've been here. I have no/very few personal issues with anybody else because they can usually manage to keep a civil enough tongue in their heads and make a point of being obvious/clear about whether they are being serious or not. Also I really cannot stand people when they are that obnoxious

(yes he wasn't all the time, but obnoxiousness isn't exactly something you can just 'stop doing' spontaneously.)