Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "The altered dialog for when Jenka retrieves Curly is better, but it might also make sense to have her face picture appear."
I considered it... but since Curly has her eyes closed and we haven't been properly introduced to Jenka yet, I decided to leave it that way.
Ok, I guess that makes sense.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "Although, I don't know why you removed the "-Anonymous" from the end of the letter. I think it should have stayed there."
I didn't see the point to it... I mean, who actually writes a letter like that and signs him/herself "anonymous"? It seems more plausible that the person writing just didn't care to add his/her name.
Notice also that I changed it so that the letter says he/she should be off the floating hell hole... so it could still be someone we've met in Cave Story *coughgunsmithhermitcough*
Ok, that makes sense as well. By the way, what's a coughgunsmithhermitcough? (hehe)
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "
"his is a good place to
hide things!" Perhaps an acceptable addition."
The reason I sy perhaps is that it seems a little contrived of her to say that. Meh, it's alright.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "
I like the changes you made to the dialog with the unconscious Quote. I might embelish a smidge on your embelishment in my continuation though, 
Haha, cool, I look forward to it!
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "The Dialog with the father before he dies is improved slightly as well. The extra range of face pictures really surprised me. Pretty nice to have a variety since now the whole game revolves around her. Mind if I use them in my continuation?"
Glad you liked those! And sure, go right ahead ^_^
Thank you!
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "However, I do think that you over use the smiling and mouth closed face picture. Really, it's hard to get her not to use the smiling and mouth open picture when she's having a normal conversation. I think it should mainly be used when she has an extra element of calmness in the situation, but is still happy."
The "wide open mouth smile" is the face that immediately comes to mind when I think Curly Brace, so that's why it's fairly prominent here. I like to imagine her as a generally hyper and cheery gal.
Precisely. And I'm saying that I think you used the mouth closed eyes open picture for her under circumstances that you should have used the smiling mouth open one.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "your "Surprised D:" face picture is pretty good, but I just feel like it's missing something. I don't know what, but just something that makes it look less believable. Maybe it's in the eyes, even though they're already improved. Anyway, nice job with those. But I feel, at times, that you over use it as well, in which cases the regular mouth open would fit better in my opinion."
The regular mouth open I consider to be her pensive look, not really showing startled surprise.
Well, I feel that she should only use the surprised look when it's in a more extreme situation than most of the places where she uses it. I think that the times where you used it when talking to the enraged father was okay, but it was a bit over the top when you're talking to Jenka and Arthur.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "The same thing applies to your sad face with eyes open in which cases I thought the eyes closed picture was more fitting."
I wanted to have two gradations of sadness... plus, there are situations (like when she realizes she has no choice but fight the enraged father) where closing her eyes would be kind of crazy (it'd leave her open to a sudden attack).
I think that the different levels of sadness is okay, but I just think that the face picture needs a little bit more work. As for talking with the enraged father, you've got me there.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "Moving on. I see you don't have the door anymore for the epilogue room, but you can still press the down arrow key where it used to be, and get to that room."
Yup, it's now an easter egg.
Hmm... while that would make more canonnical sense, it doesn't make much gameplay sense.
Duke Serkol said:
HaydenStudios Wrote: "And I couldn't help but notice that you changed that room's design. Oh, but there's some problem with the door the exit of Curly's house not opening. Both in cutscenes, and when you exit the room through that door."
You mean you are able to get out but the door sprite doesn't disappear?
Mh... is that something I caused? Or was that glitch already present and I missed it?
Did it happen in just one year or several? (as you know, Curly's home is actually a separate room for each year)
I'm not sure if it was already there, it might have been. Anyway, the glitch occurs in year two when Jenka asks you to check on the mimigas in the village, and when you use it. I'm not sure if this still happens in the other years since I've only gotten to grass hills in your release.
HaydenStudios: "
Also, I see you fixed the jerky camera glitch by adding the <FOM0016 command. That was a rather n00bish mistake that Kaeso never fixed, despite everyone notifying him/her on the original development thread. But I think you might have missed it at certain points earlier on."
Duke Serkol: If you don't mind making a list, I won't mind fixing that
I'm pretty sure that it was in most times throughout year one.
HaydenStudios: "
In the tunnel to the Mimiga village, the life capsule in the bottom right corner of the area with the first three basils is gone! D: I know you placed it elsewhere instead of deleted it, but it now makes those first three basils have less of a point. I woudn't be too bad to have a life capsue both in your new location on that map, AND where it was previously, since this mod is a harder one."
Duke Serkol: That was one of the first changes I made. The old placement was EVIL.
I realize that this leaves the harder passage where it originally was pointless... but I'm okay with that. If some players want to make their lives more difficult by going down there, they're free to do so, otherwise they can just ignore it.
HaydenStudios: "
The sprite for Atrhur is quite improved, but I beg to differ with the face picture."
Duke Serkol:Well, I like it

In fact, it's the sprite I'm still not completely happy with (he seems a tad too grouchy).
At any rate, I don't really take credit for the face pics, I just mixed up some that were posted early on in the original mod's thread (the eyes of one, the mouth of another...).
Yes, there is still room for improvment for his sprite, but nearly as much as before.
There was also something else that you changed and I liked... Can't remember what it was.