Dec 18, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Re: #CurlyBrace: An IRC Solution!
S.P. himself was never banned: Moldredbot and Moldredbot2 (alts for SP and Schoko) were banned (and still are, if no one has unbanned them) since they started spamming "X hit Y with a large trout". Then SP got butthurt and posted here.
[Edit]: It should been noted that explosive himself was banned before for spamming, but it didn't explode into a situation like this.
Ralren said:In short SP was banned temporarily on the IRC for spamming even though people like Explosive would spam in the IRC with unnecessary youtube videos and smiley faces.
S.P. himself was never banned: Moldredbot and Moldredbot2 (alts for SP and Schoko) were banned (and still are, if no one has unbanned them) since they started spamming "X hit Y with a large trout". Then SP got butthurt and posted here.
[Edit]: It should been noted that explosive himself was banned before for spamming, but it didn't explode into a situation like this.