Apr 26, 2017 at 3:51 PM
Join Date: Apr 5, 2013
Location: In my mind and of my body.
Posts: 1642
Age: 27
"You're putting words into my mouth big time here. Before this post I hadn't said anything like this before, and it is a serious misjudgement. I do believe that some people aren't able to make the things they want to because they aren't eccentric geniuses like Thomas Xin. And it may seem as if I do think that 'ASM is broken and unfair', but that's not really how I think of it at all.
I really wish you (this goes for everybody here) would stop trying to act as if you have the slightest clue how I think, what I think of things, and how I feel. I don't understand you, and I don't really want to. And you most certainly without a spec of doubt do not know a single thing about how I think, work, and behave internally, externally in person, or anything like that. You have no clue, so stop please acting as if you know everything; because if I had to chose between explaining and giving up because your vision is so hopelessly twisted... ... ... actually I'm not going to leave in my real answer to that. I did legitimately type an answer, and I bet my body, everything I own, and everyone whom I love that you will not within 10 years guess what my answer was."
[insert not harsh opener with flower or some shit I'm not good at not looking very demeanoring]
I think I know what I see, I thing everyone knows what they see. I was going to write out something but I think the intentions are pretty clear at this point of where we both stand.
I take modding from a gamedev perspective and you take it from a modding pserspective. You don't like it; can't learn ASM yourself and you made this contest I might be wrong, but it's a good look into what other people might think of you. You /do/ know that what other people think of you is very important (especially on these forums, I'm sure you're aware that we are fairly tightly knit).
I do think I made myself look like an egotistical person in my last post (and it was far from what I was aiming for) but yeah I did and I don't expect anyone else to think differently about it. I chose my words poorly and that's that. I'm stuck with making a fool out of myself and have to deal with it, intentional or not.
at least I made GiR laugh, that was a good thing that came out of it
The thing is, you keep forgetting that you have to keep a decent public image if you want people to not hate your guts out.
Yeah, I fucked up and I'm sorry for it. But you think you're perfect because it's "all in your head" and your "master plan" because you can think no evil and anyone who disagrees is an idiot.
Whether you /actually/ think you're a saint (or pretty close anyway) pisses people off because they don't want to deal with uncorrectable people that are just going to stick around and annoy the shit out of them (there's a reason there's a "don't be a dick" rule on the internet.)
How you refuse to be corrected in any form or fashion is juvenile and inconsiderate. Please consider what others think of you; you can certainly still be you but don't be so strung up in your own little world. (and maybe I'll start doing the same regardless).