... Demon
There is a legend of a terror
a monster that came to our world
enslaved our people
toyed with our souls
under its spell there was no hope
until the Titans appeared
steel giants that brought the world to ruin
but ended the demon's reign
Then they too disappeared
leaving the few survivors to start over
in a world that was unrecognizable
Still, we give thanks to those giants
for cleansing our world of evil
... Titan
Shattering the laws of our world
the giant raised a mighty hand
and the demon was split in two
a terrible cry
the demon would cause the land itself
to become a weapon for the demon
but nothing in this world can stop the giant
... Ark
Our world was a beautiful one. Death was meaningless. Love was eternal. We danced across the heavens in all forms.
Until the day we met Ark. The antithesis to our existence. It had absolute form. And it shaped everything into its needs. We were an unneeded virus to the cosmos. We infected worlds, and did not properly utilize the limited resources. Ark knew of the finite time and energy that exists in each universe. To accomplish its goals, we were bugs to be crushed.
But, we did not go down without a fight. In the end though, Ark was far too all-encompassing. And we are but individuals, with our own thoughts. So to counter Ark, we needed an escape. And we needed an all-encompassing deity capable of miracles, to defy Ark’s perfect cold world view.
Nyx was our last hope. A death cry of a race that had been driven to extinction. She carried the souls of the dead, and could evade the all-seeing Ark.
... Raven
The year is 200 AE, “After the End” as people like to think of it. The world we knew vanished in a war against gods and demons. Things we never would have imagined. Our very world shifted, and reality changed.
Nowadays, we’re back in the dark ages, still struggling to find our bearings. The very foundation of physics broke around us. Floating islands, mutated creatures, freak weather patterns… We can’t rely on the knowledge humanity had built. We were back to square one.
Still, we’ve survived in this new world, and doing pretty well. Built castles, and people are making new discoveries every day…
But, there is one major problem… Shadows. Remains of the demon, like ghosts, possess creatures and turn them against us. Some even can control people… It’s really a scary thing.
Our only defense is to stick together, and stay indoors at night.
There is one legend however, a warrior of light that goes around saving people, and slaying the demons. We’ve all heard the tales… Some don’t believe them. Some say he can fly. Some say he cannot die. Some say he’s a girl! There are no end to the fairytales. But, we all hope it’s true. At least someone is fighting these ghosts…
Who am I? My name is… Raven. Well. That’s not my real name, but it’s the name I’ve been given as a Black Knight of the King’s men.
We’ve been tasked with finding this legend who can fight Ghosts, as they’ve become a real problem. Our only lead is a floating kingdom, that is almost as mythical as our objective. Avalon. The kingdom in the sky. They are also a rebel kingdom that are a constant source of trouble. Unfortunately, finding this so-called floating kingdom, presents two challenges… Where is it currently? And how do we get up there?!
... Pandora
Chapter 1:
At the end of it all, the vision of Nyx, Queen of Darkness attacking one defiant shining light. A single girl fighting a hopeless darkness.
She fights, dies again and again... but keeps fighting on...
She is all, she is one...
And at the top... awaits Her. She who stands at the top, overlooking an endless swirling darkness pouring out, swallowing the light, and consuming everything in its path. She watches that insignificant struggling light coldly. Something changes, something is said, and she begins to turn around... and looks... right at... >me<
She wakes up... Drenched in sweat ...
“Princess?! Is everything alright?”
"Ugh... not that dream again..."
She shivers uncontrollably, but her black cat purrs and comforts her...
“I’m fine! Sorry, I just had… a bad dream.”
Mmmmm... thank you, thank you... I know it's just a dream...
What is wrong with me...
*nudge* aha...
She puts on her robe, and walks to the balcony of her castle, and asks to the sky...
It's just a dream...
<But… then why did it feel so vivid…>
In the early morning light, the sun rises, as light returns to the dark world. Birds scatter into the sky...
And High, high up... into the clouds... oh so far away... dawn turns to light
as the sun rises on
a brilliantly bright Chapter 1 :
... ???
I wished for this. I wished for you.
I hoped you would come.
If you're reading this... then...
Remember. Remember everything.
You are our Hope. I pray that we meet once again.
Because this time... this time...
Is our last chance.
... Mr. Robot?
The AI. Kind of a strange one. Ugh SERIOUSLY? Do you guys even know what year it is? Has the world really fallen into such dismal circumstances? Are you some kind of cave men?!
"I'm a girl!"
Anyway. BAck on topic, check this out:
THIS is what happened to our world.
No it wasn't the Demon. The titans destroyed everything. WAIT A MINUTE
There's no time. We need to get you out of here ASAP
Here this way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The big DEAL is that ARK is mastermind behind our world's demise!
The Hunter here works for ARK, and she has a connection to him.
So he KNOWS everything already.
"Can't you do something about it?!"
Maybe. But, not here. I'm detecting something approaching. And gods it's-

JOAS EXPLOSION>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"What about you!"
Don't worry about me! I'll find you! Just lie low for a while...
... Someone's following us...
I'll handle it.
Move and it's over.
(Stares at the robot)
"Sooooo, can you let me go now?"
"....Huh... that voice..."
"who is it?" "What the!?"
"What is that thing?!"
"How rude!"
"Sorry that I don't have a perfect body... -psh!"
"I had to make due with what I could scavenge!"
... Avalon?
What if The Princess lead the Hunter and Raven to believe her fantasy. What if she had the ability to manipulate minds as the Shadows do? If she wanted the Hunter and Raven to be friends...
What if Raven had come to kill or assassinate... but she instead changed his mind that he would save her... If Raven had sworn vengence and was ready to die. And the Hunter only lived to hunt Shadow...
What if she changed both of their hearts, by creating a story that they lived at that hill of memories.
Avalon... What if Avalon was a dream world that the Princess made? A dream kingdom that didn't exist anywhere else...
Would they hate her? When they found out... That everything was fake...
What if she was all alone, and just wanted to be free...
When they found out it was all fake,
Was Raven the enemy of the Hunter?
Bitterness returns, and the vengence between them?
"I'll deal with you next!" "Get out of my way!"
She slips... and falls...
"Hope...!!" "Hope!"
Did Night make the whole dream world happen? She catches Hope...
They find her at the bottom of the cliff holding Hope...
"Who...?" "Shadow!"
"..." She hands over Hope to the Hunter...
"You are the two most important people in Hope's life."
"If you turn on each other, then there is no Hope."
"... Who are you?" "..."
"Rhea named me Night..."
"...Rhea?" "Rhea... that name..."
"Princess Rhea?!"
This endless battle against the Shadow will never end, until all has been lost.
But, she might be able to change that.
She is the daughter of the enslaver.
The daughter of the one you call the Demon.
The Demon who controls all Shadow, turning them to monsters to do as he sees fit.
...What are you saying?
Shadow is not what you think... It is... Complicated...
Tell us! We must know!
...T.h...ere... is ... no .... tim.e....
...Please.... protec....
Night vanishes...
"Where did she..?"
"ouch... what... ! Don't fight!"
"It's okay Hope..."
"We're not... fighting any more..."
"Wha- Really? Honest??"
"I'm sorry... everything I've done.... I'm so sorry..."
Enemies look uneasily at each other at the ominous news they've been given. At each other, enemies... Always. But... now...
If it was true that the King of Demons was still alive... And if that was the reason Shadows are violent...
And if she really was the daughter of the Demon King...
Could that Shadow really be trusted? Certainly no... and yet...
... Night
They weren't demons... or shadows...
They were shades... because, the shade is cool and comforting...
She loved that. We'll make sure everyone will remember...
We'll tell her story so that no-one will ever forget...