Jul 20, 2011 at 9:58 PM
Join Date: Apr 9, 2011
Posts: 376
Age: 32
Well, what direction are we taking this game, then?
Well, what direction are we taking this game, then?
Tpcool said:I really hope you can all make this ;_;
Where is HyMyNameIsMatt?? He's the leader, right?
jed37 said:Alright, here. I improved the hair and changed the color of the pants to look more like the original pic.
Anything else anybody wants? Doesn't have to be a player sprite.
LunarSoul said:Yami-chan isn't actually for Deity Project.
Safusaka said:I could probably do it.
Cripplechair said:Anything I can draw? Seems the tilesets are taken, but I'm more of a character/item person anyhow.