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Classifying Furfags - The 5 Type System

Jun 10, 2011 at 6:34 AM
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During my recent foray into the all my furfagotty-tastic internet communities, I've been taking mental notes on all the different breeds of furries. I've tried to bring it down to a science, and I've whittled it down to five different classifications. Since deciding on these five, I've yet to come across a single subject that didn't fall into one of the five categories.
No offense intended to the owners of the example profiles, if they somehow manage to stumble upon this thread.

Type 1:
Someone who is interested in furry stuff/faps to it, but that is the extent of their interest. Type ones are rarely found in furry communities, and rarely seen with furry avatars elsewhere. One would not be able to tell these people are furries unless they go out and say so.

Type 2:
A fair balance. Type twos are typically in furry communities and make it noticable through their profiles, avatars, etc. but are not commonly outgoing or flamboyant about it, both in the communities and elsewhere. Twos are typically friendly and nice people, but not on an intense level like fours are. They are usually open to and accepting to all different breeds of the community.

Type 3:
Type threes have a similar level of involvement to Type 2, but with a much different mindset about it. Threes have a much more rough exterior, usually with a more "internet tough guy" attitude. They do not show much enjoyment in the whole thing, and instead come off as corrosive intead of friendly like a type 2 would. There isn't much to describe about these, but they're pretty common and very recognizable.

Type 4:
Type four is very similar to type five, with extreme infuences from type two. Fours are also very flamboyant and take their furriness everywhere they go, but instead of doing so through "furry pride meters" and such like a 5; they act excessively huggly to everyone everywhere they go, often to the point where it blurs their actual personality. Type fours are often seen forming short-lived relationships out of nowhere and talking as if they've been together for years, only to break up several days later. They are typically more into cute/feral artwork rather than anthropomorphic.

Type 5:
Your typical "furfag." Type fives shove their furriness in everyone's faces everywhere they go. They can be classified by joining copius amounts of furry groups, having furry pride signatures on forums, and shunning all types of furry art other than western drawn anthro. Type 5 is the extreme, and portrays the typical outside view of furries.

So, I challenge you to think of some random furfag you know and see if he/she fits nicely into one of these categories. If not please tell me, as I plan to keep refining the system.

I like to think I'm a 2, but I guess I'm not really in any place to say that.
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Jun 10, 2011 at 7:29 AM
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I don't know any other furries to accept your challenge with. I think that means I win?
Also, it would seem that type 3 is a dickhole type 2. Perhaps you should combine them or change the definition so that they're different on a more fundamental level. Other than that, it seems like a good classification system.
I am obviously a type one, but I mention it fairly often so that I can get away with making fun of all you crazy furries.
Craaaazy furries.
Jun 10, 2011 at 3:05 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I don't know any other furries to accept your challenge with.
Does that ragnaroq guy count?

Also Yakkers, you seem to have changed your delivery partway through the first sentence resulting in some odd word ordering. I do the same thing when I'm tired and end up being really incoherent without even realizing it.
Jun 10, 2011 at 3:36 PM
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6. Sick fucks who deserve to die.
Jun 10, 2011 at 3:46 PM
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I think rag would be a type 4 ish

yakkers you're defiantly a type two
you are probably the nicest guy I know
every time you post I just want to give you a big hug
Jun 10, 2011 at 8:54 PM
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sexplosive said:
yakkers you're defiantly a type two

Lolololol defiantly

@WR: Wooooah there buddy
Jun 10, 2011 at 9:24 PM
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1. Normal dude.
2. Normal dude with an interest.
3. Douchebag with an interest.
4. Dude who has let his interest replace his personality.
5. Insecure dude with an interest.
6. Rapist.
Jun 10, 2011 at 10:24 PM
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Jun 10, 2011 at 10:27 PM
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How would you classify people on the Bad-dragon forums that refer to their..erm..'toys', as an actual living thing?
Jun 10, 2011 at 10:27 PM
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that site has a forum?

dear GOD
Jun 10, 2011 at 10:36 PM
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Jun 10, 2011 at 11:02 PM
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Count me as Type 1. It's interesting, because most, or if not all of these types seem accurate enough. Good work Yakkers. :3

Bad Dragon is amazing, the "experiences" threads on their forums never fail to amuse and sicken me.
Jun 11, 2011 at 5:25 AM
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I LOVED roleplaying Tails growing up
I could be a Type 1... minus the faps part :mrgreen:

That reminds me :
Saw they translated a translated furry visual novel and thought it was pretty cool ... except forl the few fap parts ><

Also this furry 2d game is looking awesome (upcoming X360 arcade download, one person creator mostly [portraits in another video look typical furry]) :
Jun 11, 2011 at 6:53 AM
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I'm having trouble nailing where I'd fit into this. I've always liked the general concept, and do look at some of the art, but I have no interest in mingling with any of the communities. I do make a fair deal of pervy jokes amongst friends, but it's all in good fun and just for mostly for the laughs. I'm friendly about it (and friendly in general), so I don't really fit into Type 3. I show a little bit of Type 4, namely I do like the cuter stuff and am pretty open, but I'm not THAT overt, pushy, or prideful about it. (i.e. I'm more stable than a Type 4, I know where the lines lie.)

tl;dr I'm more than a Type 2, but less than a Type 4 and not enough of a dick to be a Type 3. Also chop off community involvement to make things more ambiguous.
Jun 11, 2011 at 7:51 AM
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Landonpeanut said:
Normal dudes have fetishes, sorry to disappoint.
WD said:
How would you classify people on the Bad-dragon forums that refer to their..erm..'toys', as an actual living thing?
Type 6, AKA "Back the fuck up there, cowboy."
Cripplechair said:
I'm having trouble nailing where I'd fit into this. I've always liked the general concept, and do look at some of the art, but I have no interest in mingling with any of the communities. I do make a fair deal of pervy jokes amongst friends, but it's all in good fun and just for mostly for the laughs. I'm friendly about it (and friendly in general), so I don't really fit into Type 3. I show a little bit of Type 4, namely I do like the cuter stuff and am pretty open, but I'm not THAT overt, pushy, or prideful about it. (i.e. I'm more stable than a Type 4, I know where the lines lie.)

This is the first I've heard of your... condition. So that makes you a type 1 for keeping it secret for so long (unless you told someone else).
And now you have to get on IRC so we can play everyone's favorite game, WTFOF. What does that stand for? Only one way to find out!
Jun 11, 2011 at 8:10 AM
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WD said:


Also, at one time I was a type 1. For like an hour. I have absolutely zero interest now. I really like how you classified the whole thing though. I've definitely known quite a few 3's. (That douche Fire was into this kind of stuff, but I can't really classify what level he was because he rarely spoke of it.)
Jun 11, 2011 at 8:12 AM
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Drunken Applesauce said:
(That douche Fire was into this kind of stuff, but I can't really classify what level he was because he rarely spoke of it.)
So he was a 1 who happened to be a douche.
Jun 11, 2011 at 8:15 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
So he was a 1 who happened to be a douche.

Well, see, that's the confusing part. The one time he mentioned it, he was looking at furry porn, and having a great time apparently, so idk where to classify him. :/
Jun 11, 2011 at 8:56 AM
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Other people have already said this but I don't think Type 3 has much direct connection to furriness

Type 4 sounds like it's mostly women :awesomeface:
Jun 11, 2011 at 9:13 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Other people have already said this but I don't think Type 3 has much direct connection to furriness

Type 4 sounds like it's mostly women :awesomeface:

Ohoho this guuuuuyyyyy