Jun 8, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Join Date: Apr 29, 2008
Posts: 2459
Age: 20
Pink > doom words anyday.
Ultra Bright Pink text + CS Lite skin = Aaaaghh! My eyes!!!!!!MetaSeraphim said:eh ultrajman is a pretty cool guy, beats games and doesn't afraid of anything.
Is it a great game? That boss seems annoying enough. And what's that 'trick' he's talking about?JacobX891 said:
freezit4 said:MetaS, if you're a girl, be my girl. btw you remind me of Knickers from the ss3 forums (www.andrewrussellstudios.com/ss3/forums/)
@andwhy serves you right for trying to avoid my doom words. Now we have an attack of red, cyan, and pink in colour. This is the first time I fancy pink this much, but only if it's from Naru-chan
Is it a great game? That boss seems annoying enough. And what's that 'trick' he's talking about?
Ecchi pornstar.jcys810 said:Naru fails.
Well, Naruto. Not that Naru in your avatar whoever the hell she is.
Just ecchistar. Or is pr0n a wide field itself that doesn't necessarily involve exhibiting of private parts?Roonil Wazlib said:Ecchi pornstar.
www.wtf.orgjcys810 said:Oh love Hina...
Is it my computer or is it that she has pink hair in your avatar? o_O