Jan 8, 2008 at 12:23 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum

"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Jan 1, 2008
Location: Elsewhere
Posts: 1973
From a technicalogical standpoint, all the weapons in CS are feasable, they just require parts with a greater effeciency than we are currently capable of.andwhyisit said:The energy could be stored as magic and then converted to other energy types when fired. There are any number of possible ways these weapons could work under a different yet similar set of physics, nevermind how advanced these guys are in technology, but the fireball explaination makes sense.
And, as stated in another thread (I think), magic may just be an undiscovered form of energy.
As for the missile launcher, it is the only weapon I don't see as feasible...
At least with regards to ammo.
I mean, each projectile is the height of Quote, and granted he can only carry and abosolute max of 100.
If you didn't get the missile launcher before hell, the chest gives 100 instead of 24.
Maybe they expand on a springloaded style thing?