Mar 8, 2022 at 10:29 PM
Join Date: Oct 15, 2017
Posts: 131
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
I will work on the fixes for Episode 5,In the first room that you teleport to with Curly and Misery, I can boost over the portal and go down the lower path to the left, and fall off the edge of the map, and there's no H/V trigger to take me to another room or tell me that I've fallen off the edge of the map.
When I go into that first room with the critters and bats, I can turn right back around to where I came from, and it doesn't transition me back to the previous map, instead I fall off the edge like in the other room and have to reset the game.
When I try to enter through the little cone-door that should lead back to where I came from when I'm standing outside the high school, the screen goes black, there's some text sounds, and then I'm softlocked again. This one was particularly annoying because I had to go through that bat and critter cave again when loading my last save point.
If I enter Yandere-Chan's dorm and enter the basement once again, that whole cutscene of the announcement and going to the bakery will play again. It would be good to have a flag there so that that whole sequence doesn't repeat.
When asked if Misery is my friend or my girlfriend, I told them "girlfriend," and then I got stuck at the person with a textbox but no text, and the text sound was continuing on. This softlocked me as well.
I would encourage you to playtest this thing all the way through yourself and try to patch things up at least a little bit.
I also couldn't figure out if I was supposed to trigger some special event with Basker, but the sequence in the Cafe was too broken for me to bother to try and figure it out.
Also it is possible to get the kidney soup and defeat Ma Pignon, you just have to solve the "puzzle"
You can go back to the Cave Story world by touching the portal where Bredbear and Quote's House is located,
Go to Bredbear's and use the cash money on Chako to get the kidney soup.
And as for the last ingredient for that foul pizza, there are supplies for defeating Ma Pignon in Quote's closet
Go to Bredbear's and use the cash money on Chako to get the kidney soup.
And as for the last ingredient for that foul pizza, there are supplies for defeating Ma Pignon in Quote's closet