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Cave Story - Rise of Ballos

What do you think of this mod, and why? Please tick only 1 of the first 5, and please don't troll.

  • 5/5, Really good

  • 4/5, Somewhat good

  • 3/5, Neither good nor bad

  • 2/5, Somewhat bad

  • 1/5, Really bad

  • ============= # This is just a space between choices, please do not tick this # =============

  • Needs better/more music

  • Needs better sprites

  • Needs more asm

  • Needs more levels

  • Needs to be easier

  • Needs to be harder

  • Needs clearer storyline

  • Needs more work on level design

  • Needs more dialogue/characters

  • Needs less bugs

Results are only viewable after voting.
Jun 19, 2016 at 1:18 AM
Catz R cool
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Alright I'm sick of this
If you don't stop being such a pushy little twat you're getting seriously infracted. Consider yourself lucky you haven't been already. You know damn well you wouldn't be abie to tolerate this type of criticism if you were the one in his position.

People are allowed to make what they want as long as they aren't breaking some rule. End of discussion. I literally don't think I've ever seen someone being demanded to outright stop modding before. We've dozens of hardmods in a similar vein to this one over time, there is literally zero reason this thread should be generating so much controversy. Particularly we're in the middle of a modcon that's supposed to be celebrating the community and fostering positivity. If you've made your point and still think his mod sucks then you can sit off in your little corner of the world and deal with it.
Finally someone who thinks this thing going on is getting out of hand
But then again, Seasons did provide at least some useful comments, I'll give him that.
I just don't like people constantly posting comments like 'Stop modding' or 'Your mod is still bullshit.' Seasons wasn't the only one doing it.
I see you like to assume things about random people telling you your shit game design is shit.
Every level is fucking awfully designed.
This is still shit design please don't.
no. a concept that sucks still sucks, no matter how long you were on the loo shitting it out.
Then either stop modding or stop releasing content until you teach yourself some level design skills.
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Jun 19, 2016 at 1:34 AM
Professional Whatever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Telling you to stop modding was rude yeah, I apologize. I do urge you to pay attention to all aspects of game design instead of dismissing certain aspects as tedious, but maybe you do plan on going back at some point to fix them, I don't know.
Jun 19, 2016 at 1:38 AM
Catz R cool
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Telling you to stop modding was rude yeah, I apologize. I do urge you to pay attention to all aspects of game design instead of dismissing certain aspects as tedious, but maybe you do plan on going back at some point to fix them, I don't know.
I never dismissed them, I just simply put them a bit further down as 'less fun to make.' I did fix most of it, but the part that Seasons was referring to I'd already removed entirely, and I planned to put it in a later part of the game. You probably misread it as a major part of the game I dismissed.
BTW when are you streaming this? I wanna watch you play the new level
Jun 19, 2016 at 1:42 AM
Professional Whatever
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Yeah I probably did, my bad.
Sorry but I will not be streaming today. Recovering from my surgery has been especially strenuous today.
Jun 19, 2016 at 1:43 AM
Catz R cool
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Yeah I probably did, my bad.
Sorry but I will not be streaming today. Recovering from my surgery has been especially strenuous today.
Surgery? I'm sorry to hear that. What for?
Jun 19, 2016 at 1:46 AM
Professional Whatever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Ingrowing toenail, and it was a rather severe procedure. Just took off the bandages today.
Jun 19, 2016 at 2:05 AM
Catz R cool
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Found a bug...
View attachment 3109
Also the mod lags like fuck for me.
Sorry for forgetting to reply to this, I don't know why it does that, it does it in other mods, like Cave Story Redesign as well. It's when you take damage while collecting XP, the XP goes towards the wrong level. Maybe it's because I enabled EXP to overflow through levels.
The mod shouldn't lag randomly, although I allowed a slight difference in the FPS.
The lag when you fire a fully charged Super Spur shot is intentional though
CPU Disasm
Address Command
0041F417 /XOR EAX,EAX
0041F419 |CMP EAX,2000000
0041F41E |JG SHORT 0041F423
0041F420 |INC EAX
0041F421 |JMP SHORT 0041F419
0041F426 |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+5C],7F
0041F42A |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+58],40
0041F42E \RETN
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Jun 19, 2016 at 2:29 AM
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I would also like to apologize about the whole "stop modding" thing. At the time, I wanted to convey the message as "please take a break and get everything in line" instead of "get the fuck out," but I fear that the overwhelming disbelief I felt upon reading that statement of yours warped my words.

Despite me being as apologetic as I am at the moment, don't think I'm going to take something like that lying down. I sent you a PM.
Jun 19, 2016 at 2:58 AM
Catz R cool
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I would also like to apologize about the whole "stop modding" thing. At the time, I wanted to convey the message as "please take a break and get everything in line" instead of "get the fuck out," but I fear that the overwhelming disbelief I felt upon reading that statement of yours warped my words.

Despite me being as apologetic as I am at the moment, don't think I'm going to take something like that lying down. I sent you a PM.
I understand that you don't want bad comments about your own replies, but then again I don't want that sort of thing on my posts either
Jun 19, 2016 at 3:06 AM
Professional Whatever
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Some things are just not suited for a public thread. Getting bad comments isn't the issue, and it's a little rude to insinuate that that was his goal.
Jun 19, 2016 at 3:10 AM
Catz R cool
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Some things are just not suited for a public thread. Getting bad comments isn't the issue, and it's a little rude to insinuate that that was his goal.
I agree that it should've been a PM instead, but I don't want bad reputation for myself either
Jun 19, 2016 at 3:11 AM
Professional Whatever
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Wait, what? It was a PM though. I'm confused, what are you talking about here?
Jun 19, 2016 at 3:14 AM
Catz R cool
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Wait, what? It was a PM though. I'm confused, what are you talking about here?
Eh, doesn't matter. Anyways, I don't want to continue this offtopic discussion any longer.
showing part of the newest level
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Jun 19, 2016 at 7:54 AM
Catz R cool
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OK, so I was having quite a hard time with this mod, I couldn't even get past the first area... but then I found a second save point. Oho! So, now I'm giving at another proper shot.
-Turns out the Blade is really good, it's actually only Lvl 1 that's complete crap.
-Oh noes, a white critter! ... nvm it had no health at all...
-An area that requires the Lvl 3 Machine Gun to get out of ... this is kinda annoying, but not *that* big of an issue.
-Do you want to re-die?! Honestly, no; I want to be revived... wait why'd you take me back to the title screen, you fuck!
-These points of no return are kinda ... off-putting. =\
-OML what are power critters doing in the pseudo-Sand Zone?!
-Jesus, an army of red critters! ... and they're dancing?
-The "path" in "Sandy path" should be capitalised.
-huh? How'd I just go down to 6 health?!
OK, I'm down for now.
There need to be more save points in the Sandy path, preferably before the bottomless pits.
Also, there's gotta be more warning for the bottomless pits than that skull sign, which I completely missed at first.
If it's still called 'Sandy Path,' you haven't got the latest version. It's called 'Sand Zone: Lowers' now. The bottom left corner of the map has a save point, a health refill and a 64 energy capsule inside shootable blocks and starblocks.
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Jun 19, 2016 at 8:30 AM
Catz R cool
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8.1.6 isn't the latest version?
Huh? I thought I'd renamed it already. Try redownloading it, because some of the files were synced incorrectly and I had to reupdate it. Try it now. Oh yeah, BTW if you've got the latest version, the level 1 Blade should have long range now.
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Jun 19, 2016 at 8:41 AM
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Alright I'm sick of this
If you don't stop being such a pushy little twat you're getting seriously infracted. Consider yourself lucky you haven't been already. You know damn well you wouldn't be abie to tolerate this type of criticism if you were the one in his position.

People are allowed to make what they want as long as they aren't breaking some rule. End of discussion. I literally don't think I've ever seen someone being demanded to outright stop modding before. We've dozens of hardmods in a similar vein to this one over time, there is literally zero reason this thread should be generating so much controversy. Particularly we're in the middle of a modcon that's supposed to be celebrating the community and fostering positivity. If you've made your point and still think his mod sucks then you can sit off in your little corner of the world and deal with it.
Thank you so much for this. Wasn't sure how to approach this situation, but you nailed it.

Esp. because Thomas is pretty civil about handling critism makes this thread more painful to read.
Jun 19, 2016 at 11:06 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Alright, here we go. I'm going to regret this.
The pre-title screen intro is very odd, the music has kind of ear-grating instruments, and it doesn't seem to end so I skipped it after the Doctor appeared.

The scene in the new home is confusing and flows poorly. Curly's dialogue is disjointed and the interaction with Balrog is as well. The movement is rather awkward as well. The art also looks a little off to me, I'm not sure what it is but it all seems faded or miscolored. Also, why is their house partially underwater?

The scene with Booster has awkward dialogue, and you consistently run dialogue for more than three lines without a <NOD, meaning it's possible to miss something a character is saying.

All of the dialogue so far flows poorly and sounds out of character. Most text starts out a line down from where it should. Punctuation is weird and out of place at times.

[Geez we haven't even gotten to gameplay yet.]

The game lags for me. Actually not sure whose fault that is. If anyone could explain that to me, I have a 60fps-refresh rate with the mod typically at 50fps.

Map design is poor so far. The camera is halting and jarring.

The music doesn't change until after the <FAI command, this is incorrect.

You know what I hate?
Jumps like these. They're very hard with how jolting the camera is. Also, once again, crappy map design. This is one of the most inconvenient and Frankenstein-tiled houses I have ever seen.


Quality map design.

I can't attack with the Whimsical Star equipped? Why?

Well I wandered around for a little while and still don't know how to get to Curly. I'm done now.

The map design (what I saw of it) was poor. The cut-scenes are awkward. The music is bad. And it's either not working or not very intuitive.


Wasn't done with this, whoops. Added more to the spoiler after the FPS thing.


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Jun 19, 2016 at 11:24 PM
Professional Whatever
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Buddy the path of blue blocks in the house isn't solid.