Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Jul 27, 2007 at 12:59 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
Where is the critter juice? I can't find it anywhere! :D

kill the great white critter! lol
seriously ;)
Jul 27, 2007 at 6:15 AM
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Where is the GREAT WHITE CRITTER? I can't find it anywhere! ;)
Jul 27, 2007 at 6:35 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
Where is the GREAT WHITE CRITTER? I can't find it anywhere! :o

have you gone through the loop area? it took me a while to figure that out

also if you could give you my save i could figure it out ;)

then tell you :D
cos i did it like 3-4 months ago
Jul 27, 2007 at 8:02 PM
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And apparently I don't have the fireball like I'm supposed to...
Jul 28, 2007 at 6:38 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
And apparently I don't have the fireball like I'm supposed to...

um never say never

never say impossible but i only did it with 2 things

the fireball
and 10 minutes of camping hitting them with it :D
Jul 29, 2007 at 8:35 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
Can't you read? Me no have fireball.

yes i can read.. see i have eyes O_O <==-- eyes
and i have a mouth just its not like that

ok back to being serious :D <-- except this face
just keep trying with what ever you got it will probably just take 3 times longer than i did.

um use the snake or polar star or what ever and keep booster across from the 2 platforms and shoot them downwards

or cheat if its really that bad

i was on the boss thats like iron head with out water and i had to cheat if was too horrible without the blade which people seem to have....
Jul 29, 2007 at 11:52 AM
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Jester Frog said:
And apparently I don't have the fireball like I'm supposed to...

I think you can go back to booster and get the fireball from the save point. If you can't, you're in for it. You DID take the life pot from misery, didn't you?
Jul 29, 2007 at 5:37 PM
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Hooray! I'm in for it! I have a life pot, but, ugh. See ya in a few hours.
Jul 29, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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its 6 hours later now have you done it yet?
Jul 30, 2007 at 2:09 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
No. :D Big bugs scare me.

lol keep at it

i hate spiders.... :p

Aug 8, 2007 at 3:51 AM
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Hello ^_^

After beating Cavestory to death and getting my speedrun good enough for King's theme I searched for something else cavestory to play... And I found this =D

Problem is... I'm stuck... I read through most of the topic, but didn't really find any help... So I made an account heh.

Anyway, so far, this has been REALLY good. Really fun, though a lot of health things I coudldn't manage to get... I'm at the labrynth with 23 so far. I missed the sword too... There was a hint? Really, I never saw ANything that could hint toward it... I didn't even know where it could be, or that I even had the chance to get it until I checked here. Bosses have been fun, though the lack of a spur being in here at all kind of saddened me... (I know it's a cheap weapon, but I love it...). Bubbler is fine though for the most part. I used it a lot in the original anyway heh. The only problem for it so far has been those stupid purple things that spit blobs at you. Haet them heh. The part I'm stuck at though is, I have NO idea what to do right now. I've been everwhere possible, and found nothing in the labrynth left to do. I tried to "skip creature X" like mentioned, but either it's been fixed or I'm doing it wrong... Also, there was something about a "loop" somewhere in here but the only place I could think of didn't do anything and I spent a long time going in circles for nothing. Are there hints at ALL in this? When did the first part and found sue, I couldn't figure out what to do and got rather far in the egg corridor until I got to a room where I was in water and while I COULD get air, I was stuck in there because I fell through the floor from the door and the walls were too high to get up on.

If someone could give me a point in the right dirrection for the labrynth, I'd really apreciate it (sorry for some of my bad spelling too...). I hate being stuck...
Aug 8, 2007 at 4:36 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Ledgem said:
Hello ^_^

After beating Cavestory to death and getting my speedrun good enough for King's theme I searched for something else cavestory to play... And I found this =D

Problem is... I'm stuck... I read through most of the topic, but didn't really find any help... So I made an account heh.

Anyway, so far, this has been REALLY good. Really fun, though a lot of health things I coudldn't manage to get... I'm at the labrynth with 23 so far. I missed the sword too... There was a hint? Really, I never saw ANything that could hint toward it... I didn't even know where it could be, or that I even had the chance to get it until I checked here. Bosses have been fun, though the lack of a spur being in here at all kind of saddened me... (I know it's a cheap weapon, but I love it...). Bubbler is fine though for the most part. I used it a lot in the original anyway heh. The only problem for it so far has been those stupid purple things that spit blobs at you. Haet them heh. The part I'm stuck at though is, I have NO idea what to do right now. I've been everwhere possible, and found nothing in the labrynth left to do. I tried to "skip creature X" like mentioned, but either it's been fixed or I'm doing it wrong... Also, there was something about a "loop" somewhere in here but the only place I could think of didn't do anything and I spent a long time going in circles for nothing. Are there hints at ALL in this? When did the first part and found sue, I couldn't figure out what to do and got rather far in the egg corridor until I got to a room where I was in water and while I COULD get air, I was stuck in there because I fell through the floor from the door and the walls were too high to get up on.

If someone could give me a point in the right dirrection for the labrynth, I'd really apreciate it (sorry for some of my bad spelling too...). I hate being stuck...


Has you got the critter juice?
Aug 8, 2007 at 6:21 AM
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No, I can't find it... I know I'm suposed to fight a boss for it (the white critter thing) but I can't find THAT. I'm not sure where to go, cause I've been everywhere in the labrynth unless the door is hidden REALLY well (I was at the point where I was checking every wall).
Aug 8, 2007 at 6:37 AM
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The door to the boss (or path leading to it) is in that "loop area." I would tell you what to do, but I found it by complete accident. :rolleyes:
Aug 8, 2007 at 9:10 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Well, I found it. Red marks were the hint I guess... I saw them before, but didn't really match them up with the door. Meh, I got past it... Right now, I'm at the big red gaudis... Why was there so much talk about them being easy? THEY'RE BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE!

Of course, that's an exageration, but I don't have the sword, and they're proving to be quite the pain... My arm is hurting from the moves I have to pull to survive and I STILL can't beat them...Bubbler is useless for the battle, missiles are meh and the fireball while good doesn't stop the THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF RED BOOMERANGS!!! I got 3 of them down ONCE. That time, it was me at one health with level 1 everything cept bubbler and no missiles left. Of course, I thought about switching to the bubbler since the room wasn't so hectic, but my booster spazzed out on me and I landed right on the thing and died... I've yet to get even TWO down since... SO hard... My weapons suck... Path to get to them each and every time is so annoying... I'm going to go ahead and guess this was changed to be a lot harder then when those posts I was reading were posted... Gah...
Aug 8, 2007 at 7:03 PM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Geez, first I hear I missed the fireball and now I missed the SWORD? Seriously, I'm restarting just to find these things. I'm sure it will make the Gauska-teers a bit more bearable.
Aug 8, 2007 at 11:43 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Jester Frog said:
The door to the boss (or path leading to it) is in that "loop area." I would tell you what to do, but I found it by complete accident. :D
lol i figured it had something to do with the loop but it took me hours to figure out which door i had to take each time to get past the loop
Aug 9, 2007 at 1:22 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Ok, seriously, the gaudskateers are IMPOSSIBLE! >8U I go in fully powered up but there is just NO way to beat them... There are FAR too many projectiles all around, and that alone makes it hard to beat them (especially with the lack of them droping items, though with the amount, there would be a lot of items...) those spinning things around the room frustrate things, but really, it's mostly the fact that my weapons are either the bubbler which isn't THAT good at stopping the boomerangs and loses any worth after one hit, the missiles which while usefull are VERY limmited, and the fireball, which is the only thing that even works at HARMING them properly, but leaves you completely open and can easily fail if a stray fireball gets loose. Theres just NO way to beat that boss safely, and it was a complete fluke I managed to get three of them down that one time (seeing as out of my 30 or more attempts have gotten one down if I was lucky). Either I'm doing something horribly wrong, missed something important (and the sword is an OPTIONAL item, and rather hard to find since I didn't know it existed) or this boss is just WAY too hard.