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Cave Story: Hardest Battle mod

Jun 13, 2011 at 6:06 PM
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Hi guys, I will show you the hardest and craziest battle I made in my mods.

Update:Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.4.

It includes:
Cave Story Hardest Battle Dark Misery
Cave Story Hardest Battle Dark Team Ma Pignon + Balrog
Cave Story Hardest Battle Pro
Cave Story Hardest Battle
Cave Story Strongest Boss The Doctor
Cave Story Strongest Boss Undead Core
Cave Story Hardest Battle against Triple Toroko
Cave Story Hardest Battle against Dual Red Demon

Other Downloads:

The Doctor Battle mod
Hardest Battle against Ma Pignon + Balrog
Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.1.fixed
Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.2.

If there are any bugs post it.:debug:

Please give Credits to Pixel and Persuit if used.
Jun 13, 2011 at 6:25 PM
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sorry, this wasnt hard this was actually more annoying and its hard to put your finger on it when making a mod.
and its also not that hard.. i finished it first try 1"35'08 with 109 HP.
you have to much HP and there are hearts everywhere..
its a no-brainer, you just gotta shoot.
is it your first mod? because if it is.. its really good.
Jun 13, 2011 at 8:12 PM
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Do you have any screenshots to show or gameplay videos? Those help the appeal.
Jun 14, 2011 at 9:59 AM
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i dont know how that happened but i finished the pro in 1'29"06 :mahin:
you need to make this harder, but if you do it will become just annoying.
theres no pattern to this battle that you can follow... maybe two form 3 balloses together could be cool.. this is just chaotic and.. not game-like.
Jun 15, 2011 at 8:02 PM
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Jun 15, 2011 at 8:22 PM
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I wonder what Ballos would be like in a small, no-scrolling room.

Or multiple form 2 Ballos' bouncing around... with rising and lowering water... with the real boss being uh Ironhead?

Or how about an invincible solid angel generator... one per second or two. You have to beat the boss before you are overwhelmed. Spikes on the sides of the room, if you get caught and pushed...

Or a heavy press battle, where presses move back and forth and then fall at random...

A level of multiple Red Demons would be a tough battle... [if they alternate attacks] Put impossible to kill drolls watching the battle, and of course if you miss and hit them...

... or lastly how about a Toroko boss battle, multiple Toroko+'s and one Toroko regular Mimiga boss that runs back and forth with a stick in the middle, while you are doding multiple Toroko+'s... [Maybe make it hard to get a clear shot on Toroko?] Like having a couple curly's on the ground for good measure; and bunches of Korons... lol...

Anyways good work!
Jun 15, 2011 at 9:22 PM
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I've only viewed the videos for these, but heres my opinion. The premise is definetly good, but you've gone a bit overboard.

You made the boss rooms harder, with multiple instances of bosses, fine. But the fact remains, if the difficulty is so high that you have to compensate by giving the player obscene HP, essentially making it a challenge to see if you can mash fire enough before you die from being constantly hit every second, theres a problem.

If anyone ever played mega old FPS game descent 2, you'll know it had obscenely difficult bosses. But it compensated on this by giving you cloakign devices and invurnerability. Basically tackling a ridiculous offensive with a ridiculous defensive, cancelling each other out. This is like that but much worse.

You should remember that a boss fight should be possible without being hit. As in, if you practiced enough, you could dodge everythign it threw at you. With this, your not going to survive with any less than ridiculous HP to soak up the hits you WILL inevitably take.

All that said, it looks nice enough. You just need to make it possible, without overcompensating with obscene HP.
Jun 16, 2011 at 2:07 PM
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X-Calibar said:
I wonder what Ballos would be like in a small, no-scrolling room.

Or multiple form 2 Ballos' bouncing around... with rising and lowering water... with the real boss being uh Ironhead?

Or how about an invincible solid angel generator... one per second or two. You have to beat the boss before you are overwhelmed. Spikes on the sides of the room, if you get caught and pushed...

Or a heavy press battle, where presses move back and forth and then fall at random...

A level of multiple Red Demons would be a tough battle... [if they alternate attacks] Put impossible to kill drolls watching the battle, and of course if you miss and hit them...

... or lastly how about a Toroko boss battle, multiple Toroko+'s and one Toroko regular Mimiga boss that runs back and forth with a stick in the middle, while you are doding multiple Toroko+'s... [Maybe make it hard to get a clear shot on Toroko?] Like having a couple curly's on the ground for good measure; and bunches of Korons... lol...

Anyways good work!

Thanks for your great ideas.:heart:

Miles_Valentine said:
I've only viewed the videos for these, but heres my opinion. The premise is definetly good, but you've gone a bit overboard.

You made the boss rooms harder, with multiple instances of bosses, fine. But the fact remains, if the difficulty is so high that you have to compensate by giving the player obscene HP, essentially making it a challenge to see if you can mash fire enough before you die from being constantly hit every second, theres a problem.

If anyone ever played mega old FPS game descent 2, you'll know it had obscenely difficult bosses. But it compensated on this by giving you cloakign devices and invurnerability. Basically tackling a ridiculous offensive with a ridiculous defensive, cancelling each other out. This is like that but much worse.

You should remember that a boss fight should be possible without being hit. As in, if you practiced enough, you could dodge everythign it threw at you. With this, your not going to survive with any less than ridiculous HP to soak up the hits you WILL inevitably take.

All that said, it looks nice enough. You just need to make it possible, without overcompensating with obscene HP.

Thanks for your comment.

So I gonna upload a Hardest Battle Pack.:muscledoc:

Here is it:
Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.

Hope you enjoy it.:debug:
Jun 16, 2011 at 9:37 PM
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Balrog + Ma Pignon - http://youtu.be/HDCczHn4d5M
Misery - http://youtu.be/RlQI3J8ksB8

I must have been really bored to have recorded these. The 2 new battle mods aren't as chaotic as the last 3, that's a plus.
I kinda enjoyed Balrog + Ma Pignon. Misery was just plain ol' misery, plus her undead core form and had a glitch in the end.

can i haz new weaponz?
Jun 17, 2011 at 11:06 AM
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You know what I'd like to see?

Modify the Core's standoff distance to be greater than your weapon range, and force the player to navigate an obstacle course to continually chase it and deal damage.
Jun 17, 2011 at 1:27 PM
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Reliz said:
Balrog + Ma Pignon - http://youtu.be/HDCczHn4d5M
Misery - http://youtu.be/RlQI3J8ksB8

I must have been really bored to have recorded these. The 2 new battle mods aren't as chaotic as the last 3, that's a plus.
I kinda enjoyed Balrog + Ma Pignon. Misery was just plain ol' misery, plus her undead core form and had a glitch in the end.

can i haz new weaponz?

Thanks for uploading it again.:D
Youre welcome.:mrgreen:

So I fixed the Misery Battle included in the Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.1:
Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.1.

I uploaded the V1.4.:
Cave Story Hard Battle Pack V1.4.