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Cave Story FanArt

Mar 23, 2010 at 5:31 AM
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Re: And now for something completely unexpected!

DoubleThink said:
You say that like anime people are capable of growing body hair in the first place >_>

No way! They can't do that.

[Edit]: Wait does facial hair count as body hair? Now I'm confused.

(This guy is totally pulling a metal gear solid. He's even in a cardboard box, sneaking around)
Mar 23, 2010 at 5:58 AM
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Re: And now for something completely unexpected!

This may be like my 8th post here but I'm pretty positive the pit hair thing was a joke bros OKAY SO I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE CAVE STORY LIGHT THING SHUT UP

Also, about the Nicalis blog fanart... man, that stuff's really awesome. I absolutely love all of it, except that hideously crappy "Baz Pringle" stuff from March 3rd they had all over the blog for the longest time... those noses are just so bad, so bad.

This has got to be my favorite of them all. That style is just off the wall. I love the Sand Zone one and the Melanie Herring/Purplekecleon stuff too (PK's awesome super-purple thing with the random mimiga/zangoose looking creature at the bottom was probably my favorite non-CS-related piece in all these entries). I wonder if there was any point to their 'CALLING ALL ARTISTS' other than just something to fill up the blog with leading up to release, though? I was hoping they'd have some sort of little booklet about Cave Story coming out with all the fanart in it or something, that'd be badass.
Mar 24, 2010 at 9:02 AM
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Lace said:
Holy shite risto you're getting waaaaaaaaay too good at this whole art business.
Not that you were ever bad, but man....

carrotlord said:
Awesome shading. I can't describe how great it is.

andwhyisit said:
I would have to admit that XristosX's colouring skills are amazing.

Wow that's sweet. Great job coloring.

Thanks every one ^_^

oh and @ andwhy
You asked on deviantArt how I coloured, I might as well just say it here since its probably easier then filling up a small box lol.
for anyone who wants to see how just click this, other wise just ignore it
first i usually just do some hardshading so i can get the basic shade area im gonna do.

Then i change my brushes ocpacity to 20% and hardness to 0% and just go at it and blend the colours until im satisfied with the result (sometimes i put the hardness up to 20-50% if i want to make a distinguishable difference between the shade and lighter area.


Sometimes i decide the shade isnt dark enough, or it needs a extra colour tone to really bring it out, so i blend that in as well.


Then to get the lighter colour that really makes things awesome, you make a new layer, fill it all black, then get a brush with 5-10% white colour and brush it a few times but this stuff is really strong, so you might want to get some black and go over some parts you didnt mean to lighten too much


and then finally i add a colour balance adjustment and it can change the overall colour scheme of the picture if you tweak it right, and yeah thats about what i did

Mar 25, 2010 at 2:55 PM
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Nice Guide xristosx



done this while stuDYING for my exams, Color it while at break.

whatever, err it has one fatal error, the orange thingy.. its either he's/she's wearing that(besides the accesories) or its part of him/her skin.

and yes that's The Cat who pilot the Monster X Machine.
Mar 25, 2010 at 3:07 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Fahrenheight said:
Nice Guide xristosx



done this while stuDYING for my exams, Color it while at break.

whatever, err it has one fatal error, the orange thingy.. its either he's/she's wearing that(besides the accesories) or its part of him/her skin.

and yes that's The Cat who pilot the Monster X Machine.

that cat is epicly awesome, why couldnt that cat be the final boss D:
Mar 25, 2010 at 11:52 PM
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Fahrenheight said:
Nice Guide xristosx



done this while stuDYING for my exams, Color it while at break.

whatever, err it has one fatal error, the orange thingy.. its either he's/she's wearing that(besides the accesories) or its part of him/her skin.

and yes that's The Cat who pilot the Monster X Machine.

WOW this is just fucking awesome!
Mar 26, 2010 at 12:19 AM
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God, no one ever draws Monster X. I know he's only onscreen for a second but it's still long enough to see that he's badass. And that's one awesome picture of him, I totally adore it.
Mar 26, 2010 at 2:31 AM
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Im Happy!

eee, I don't know what came over me when I draw that... maybe massive studying.

Mar 28, 2010 at 5:38 PM
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A sexy CB pic is completed.
But due to the forum policy, I can't post it.
However, if you want to check it out, you may send me a pm and I'll reply you with the link of the pic. (Yeah my DA didn't update because my laptop was broken)
Mar 29, 2010 at 4:37 AM
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Newest update to Nicalis's blorg contains some epic fan art. It is probably the best depiction of the post-Core scene ever. In the history of man. Sorry, X-Calibar's avatar.
Mar 29, 2010 at 5:46 AM
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So we see the air tank is more advanced than previously thought.

And yes, the art is awesomely epic.
Mar 29, 2010 at 6:05 AM
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Dead robot drawing skills, indeed.
Haha quote uses the tow rope to bind curly's hands:D
Mar 29, 2010 at 6:47 AM
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Hm, looks like quote uses a few ropes, one for her hands, and one from her back to his bellah, heh heh...

And yea, that picture is quite wicked. Some of the ones on the blog are really good, while a few others look kinda odd (to me, at least...)
Mar 29, 2010 at 7:21 AM
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good artist

not my work (not like I have any). Belongs to a fellow by the name of Sam Miller. Feat artist on nicalis blog, yay for teh sand zonez and all that.
Mar 29, 2010 at 7:39 AM
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Fahrenheight said:
Nice Guide xristosx



done this while stuDYING for my exams, Color it while at break.

whatever, err it has one fatal error, the orange thingy.. its either he's/she's wearing that(besides the accesories) or its part of him/her skin.

and yes that's The Cat who pilot the Monster X Machine.

I completely forgot to speak on this one, Master F, Excellent work. I want this for my wallpaper on my desktop. I noticed that the orange thing looks more like a shirt than anything. X just looks like he's about to say/just said, "So you blasted my mech to pieces. So what, I got plenty more where that came from!"

@Onlineworms: Awesome pic.
Mar 29, 2010 at 5:09 PM
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onlineworms: your pics always have too much clothing in them.

Apr 7, 2010 at 8:51 PM
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When I looked back in those earlier posts in this thread, some old images were replaced with "Upload and Earn $! Subscribe to premium.xs.to" advertising image. Why? Every now and then, they are replaced with that for 24 hours before it can revert to the originally uploaded image.

Next time, when you upload images, please do NOT upload it to http://xs.to.

Here is one of the earlier posts, containing what it was a Cave Story Fan Art before xs.to image hosting site replaced with this. (For today. If it is an original image, you have to wait until tomorrow or a few days later for that ad)
Apr 7, 2010 at 9:10 PM
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photobucket is awesome

they still have crap i uploaded there in like 2004
Apr 8, 2010 at 12:21 AM
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Yeah. To this day I still have no idea why people use services like imageshack. The internet is littered with broken imageshack links.